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OOC: Flywolf
Other Chars: Nash, Ally, (Archer-ish), Jessamy, Monatalia
Stats: Same

Kalysta liked the wind. It brought her all kinds of sounds and smells and sensations. Sometimes it was warm, mostly it was cold, but it still felt like <i>feeling</i>, felt like new experiences she could have right where she was laying – comfortable and safe. The safe part she didn’t particularly care about, but her dad did and she would tolerate indulging him for now.
Especially when the wind was blowing.
She lifted her nose and sniffed the air, picking out her favorite scents and identifying new ones. Kalysta liked to challenge herself and see if she could identify at least one new thing and track it down. She was starting to get good at figuring out how far away something was based on its strength, but how strong the wind was at a given moment skewed her results. She was still experimenting. It was fun, though; a little game just for her.
Tonight there were only the familiar scents of home, and a touch of petrichor; rain was on the way. She thought about staying out and letting it wash over her, but she didn’t want her mom worrying about her catching a cold this late in the season. Huffing a sigh, Kalysta stood and stretched, and made her way confidently toward the pack den.