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Introducing myself to the family.. — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Abbie who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rosealia Slayer
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It was sunny, clear, and peaceful outside of the cavern, close to the Infirmary where herbs and sweet-smelling flowers flowed under Gabrielle's nose. Murmurs of wolves erupted from all over, no showing their particular hiding places among the cave and other areas. Too much of it. She decided to stay put, because sooner or later, someone would come out to see the sunshine and converse out in the fresher air. Tail popping as her vivid yellow eyes chased a swallowtail butterfly, the brown-hued lady waited.

She had just gotten to the pack yesterday as a storm was blowing through. Although she didn't really like the storm like she did the first minutes of constant rain, she still went to the water and sipped for a long time before heading back home. She had fallen asleep in the corner of the cave and shadowed herself from all others. Today, she had gotten right up and sat right outside of the cavern after exploring it for several minutes and evaluating a few wolves. But she didn't get very far without their names and gave up. Her ear flicked with a gnat buzzing by. She wanted to hunt, but she wasn't going to do it all alone.

She shrugged and groomed her fur, starting with her chest and moving down her underbelly, and then to the other side, last her tail. She felt refreshed, but felt herself going stir-crazy after a few minutes. She liked moving alot. When she didn't move, she wasn't pleased. Eyes glowing, she got up and moved inside the cave, right by the entrance to still look outside. She was too shy, but she wasn't just doing nothing. Thinking was something, especially if she was thinking of hunting places or who to do so with."speech"

Table by Abbie, for Abbie
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