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Sad Lark — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
Mk, I'll have him spill the beans here, than run away leaving Datass to stew? Feel free to make a wrap up post? And we're done! Phew. x__x;

Ha. Oh yeah, he was going to be surprised all right. The nonce before him was going to think he had a brother. Adonis hoped he would run home to his family in tears, claiming lies and scandle were all around him. He wished he was there to see it, but instantly felt a little bit guilty. He was forever battling within the good and evil with him for the goodness in his was very good, very pure, but the darkness that lived within his blood was perhaps the most chilling to have set foot in these lands. The poor pup would forever be pulled between the two, until a victor emerged.

He cleared his mind and his internal struggle as the other pup spoke up. He had a sister aye? Well, wasn't that a little pang of jealously in his gut. He'd love a sister. Someone like his mother to care for instead ofbeing cared for. He thought he had one, maybe two, but his mothers dreams were always all over the place, it was sometimes hard to keep track. All he knew for sure was that his father was gone, his brother reminded her of the uncle who tried to kill him and injured his vision and there was a mention of girls in there two, but so many names. Ava, Athena, Corinna, Bella, Lilly and the list went on and on and on. Really, he had no clue who any of them were. He asked his mother from time to time, but she looked at him with a sad smile and said she would tell him everything soon... but soon was taking far too long. He was pretty impatient, despite how patient he had been so far.

Athena. Wait, Athena?! Had he heard that right? Could it be, the wolf his mother spoke of so fondly in her dreams? He was sure they were family, friends... something to tie them together.
His heart hammered against his chest. They were close. They were so close to home, the scent of a salt lake filled the air and this pup would not have come from further away... and when the golden child revealed the pack name he felt himself smiling from ear to ear. His mother had said the name so many times, it was drilled into him. His home was by a lake, hidden by deadly plants he must never touch or eat... he would meet his family there and everything would end happily ever after. Could he really be so close? He had no time to waste, he jumped up, clearly excited by the information the golden boy had given him. Unable to keep still, he had to find his mother and tell her about his find. They were here, they were right here!

He turned, almost forgetting the golden boy was still waiting for a secret. He owed him a secret of course, but he didn't really think about what spilt from his mouth. He had to find his mother. "Okay, here is your secret- Your mother... is not your mother." he spouted, but he was no longer interested in how the other felt about the lie. He had to find his own mother and take them home at last. Still, he wasn't one to break his word, so he would finished the secret he had to tell. "They're lying to you, everyone is lying to you and your sister. You do have a brother and one day, he will find you.. and kick your ass because you're a bit of a bone head." he added with a curled lip of a smirk. Funny how he might have changed the very world the golden boy lived within and he didn't even care- a selfish streak was not usual for him, but they had been travelling for so long, he was so tired and alone, that the news was music to his ears, drowning out all logical thought and the words that this pup was from his home and the very strong possibility that he was the brother who would kick his ass. No, the young pup didn't have time to digest what he said... he just had to go. Now.

He didn't wait around for a reaction, a beating, anything the other might throw at him. As soon as the words left him he was off- running down a worn path as fast as his legs would carry him. He had to find his mother... it was time to come home.

Datura & Adonis
(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2013, 04:56 PM by Adonis.)
Played by Sarah who has 159 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Datura Aquila
  • yaaay we're done!

Something about the boy changed at the mention of Athena. It was if he had finally stumbled across this last piece to some great big puzzle. Datura had deep misgivings about what he had just done. What was this puzzle? What did Athena have to do with this lost boy who had no manners? A little worried frown creased his features and his brow came together, and he could only guess at what he had done, what Adonis wanted with Athena and Poison Path. For some reason it didn't feel like it could be anything good.

The black boy turned away now, as if he no longer cared for their agreement. Like he had managed to wrest the information from Datura and now he had milked him for all he was worth. A snarl was beginning to contort his face, and he was about to throw himself at this impudent boy for thinking he could just leave when suddenly... Oh, suddenly he turned around. In an instant, the snarl was washed away from his face. It had suddenly never existed. His golden eyes widened as the boy remembered the secret.

"Your mother... is not your mother."

And suddenly his world came crashing down all around him. "What?", the words burst from his lips, booming and incredulous. What. What was this stupid boy saying. Thoughts ricocheted off the walls of his skull. He closed his eyes. Athena was his... Ava was his... But. His head was beginning to hurt. And Datura didn't know who his mother was. There had never really been anyone there for him... Ava had left... Athena cared only about Bella. Did this mean he didn't have a mother? But. He had to have come from somewhere. From somebody.

When he looked up, though. The boy was gone.

And Datura was lost.

Datura & Adonis
(This post was last modified: Feb 04, 2013, 02:09 AM by Datura.)