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Hey there Pretty Lady... — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

He didn’t often come here. It was a bit too far from the Rise for his liking. But still, wander he would. Why he had come this way, he had little reason. No ties, no responsibilities. But eventually, perhaps on his way back, he would need to stop in amongst the Cedar trees he had called his home for a time and he would call for Jayse, and hope that she would come. Then he might pass back down by the Willows to see if the little tawny one was still intent on running away, maybe even make the journey up the mountain to see how his mountain princess faired...

It was easy to get turned about in a place like this. He was sure more than one wolf had become lost here. It was peaceful, in its own way. But he was a wolf who liked to see the sky, and the stars, and feel the sun on his fur. All these trees were a little oppressive for such a free creature as he.

In fact, it was so closed in he wasn’t entirely sure where the sun sat in the sky... If it were in the sky at all... His pondering was interrupted by a most enticing scent. A female had passed by here recently... Giving himself a shake to loosen any twigs or leaves in his fur he put his nose down to seek her out. Perhaps this journey wouldn’t be a waste of time after all...

code by bryony
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Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
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Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Ashanti had wandered far an wide across the place. Her <span class='word'>thetic</span> attitude that she had about traveling showing through. She was arrogant, but she also wasn't. Arrogance killed, time was the best teacher, but unfortunately, time killed all it's students. Therefore, the time of arrogance was not right, not unless arrogance revealed itself to her. If then, she would show arrogance what medicine it gave to her. But that was all fine.

She came across the scent of a wolf, a male by the smell of it. No smell of a pack, a pack smelled different then a loner. She'd learned that in the small amount of time she'd traveled. She looked for him, trying to search him out. the thicket was too big to track down a wolf. but she was curious, this Thicket was full of secrets. She came face to face to the wolf, nearly running into him. <b>"H-hi, I'm Ashanti."</b>

He stunning light blue eyes examined the wolf in front of her. He was large, fully grown, he appeared to be stronger then her, but she believed she always had more strategy then her opponents. This she cold not be sure, the wolves here were more cunning then in previous places. The other places they all had a common goal, get the food. But here, they cared for each other, it was almost sickening. His yellow orbs staring. His grey and white fur at a stand still. The characteristics of a Mackenzie Valley wolf. She waited for him to introduce himself.
(This post was last modified: Sep 30, 2012, 06:46 PM by Ashanti.)
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

The white girl nearly plowed right into him and a smirk crossed his face. Her eyes were a brilliant blue, and he took a small step backwards to take her in more fully. She was young, that much was clear, a yearling to be exact. She was tall, yes, although she still had some growing to go. She stammered as she introduced himself and a smile danced across his features. The young ones were easier than the older, although it would take some time... he was patient when he needed to be.

He took a moment. The girl seemed disoriented, and she probably didn’t realise how close she was to stumbling on to one of the beautiful little hidden pockets in this dense and gnarled thicket. “Valiant.” He responded, his deep voice smooth as he stepped forward, and past the young girl, so close that their coats almost mingled, but not quiet. He sniffed deeply, finding the soft, floral scent he had been following before he caught hers. He looked over his shoulder and his soulful honey eyes met her brilliant blues and he nodded. Indicating she should follow him.

He pushed through the banches, careful to make sure they didn’t swing back and hit the young girl in the snout. There was a patch of light just ahead, and he made room for her to join him. Laid out before them was a small glade of flowers, still blooming in the last of the warmth. Soon they would be covered with snow. “Is this what you were looking for?” He questioned, watching the girls face closely for her reaction.

code by bryony
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Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
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Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Ashanti's stare to his question had that 'oh no you didn't look' to it. She simply had an emotionless stare. <b>"Is it really your concern there Valiant? It is none of your concern what I am looking for of rude one."</b> Her words normally stung males, but she wasn't so sure about this one. Valiant seemed like he'd put up with faes and shit like this his entire life. So this was more of a trial and error margin, she had room for error, she always did. Look what she did with Rais, she messed with his mind, used his anger to her game for an advantage.

Her light blue eyes looking at him, examining him again in a way. He was a fully grown large male. Interesting, Mackenzie Valley by the looks of him, but his yellow eyes were standing out the most with his grey and white fur. Something more arrogant about him, almost as if he collected every girl he found. If this was the case, she was a steel wall. Emotions served her no purpose in life. She had an arrogant smile about her. Time to mess with him.

<b>"So what are you doing here. Don't you know this place is for kaniving thieves and they're counterparts. For the loneliest loners to fight for the last scrap of food, you wouldn't last a minute out here. Your too soft."</b> She said, her eyes not giving off any sign of a joke. Hopefully this bastard wasn't sexist like that Rais was with the whole sweet peach princess crap.
[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

An arrogant smirk crossed the silvery males face as he processed her words then stepped forwards, allowing the branches he had been so politely holding back to swing out on a course straight for her face. It would be a miracle if the stinging branches did not find their mark.

The delicate flowers moved around his paws gently. It was such a shame that soon they would vanish beneath a heavy blanket of snow. Already, some spots were showing damage caused by the early frosts. His nose lowered to sniff at the intoxicating scents while the bitch behind him ranted on. There would be life lessons for this one. Hard ones at that.

The silvery wolf seemed to have a strange fascination with flowers. They never really bloomed where he was born, not like they did here, in rolling expanses that stretched almost as far as the eye could see... Her disregard for the breathtaking sight only reinforced that the girl was well and truly already on the path to craziness that he seemed to be a magnet for. Best to get this over with quickly.

A dangerous glint entered his eyes as her nagging words fell on deaf ears. A slightly sinister smile passed his face and every inch of his being turned predator, and danger rolled off his silvery coat. He was far from a small wolf, and in far better shape than she. His large head swung in her direction. He could break her with a few well placed bites, but he would give her a moment to rethink her next moves carefully before he stained the glade with her blood.

code by bryony
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Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
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Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
A bit of termonalogy, just to make it clear:
faggots- wood bundles (I've been reading Johnny Tremain)
I used a few words just to express her anger...
Ashanti grinned, battle tactics, she was plotting out every move, her eyes looking for strong points to avoid and weak points to hit. But all this was harder then it seemed. The branches flew towards her, she tried to duck, but it hit her forehead as she went down. She let out a growl. "You fucking bastard, whats wrong with you?" She asked, her eyes narrowed in anger at her opponent. It was these actions that were the final decision mark. She officially hated the male. She would mess with him, as she had every other male, but now... now it was personally. She'd make sure he never would forget her name, that it would drive him mad, possibly so made to die. She wanted his guts spewed on the fields of hatred and mistrust.

She was about ready to leap, her tail raised in dominance to the lowly scum she saw in front of her, her ears raised high and proud. She was fierce, she wanted him gone or dead, whichever came last. She wanted to make this painful, but she couldn't do it. The glade was not a place for her to spill blood or cause blood to spill. This was her special place, if they had met in a different place, under different terms... Then maybe, just maybe she would kill him. But not now. Now just how to word it. "Now listen to me and listen good. Time is the greatest teacher, but when we grow nearly too powerful for time, it hands us to death willingly. Here is not the place to fight, maybe in a different place, under different circumstances. But now here. I swear if you attack me here I will cause you a most painful death. I'll slit your throat with my claws and let you burn over a fire of faggots. So don't you ever go showing your face around me after today or... or your gonna get it." She said, her piercing blue eyes nearly glowing with anger.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

He wasn’t a smart wolf, no. Really he was about as thick as two short planks, but it seemed to work in his favour most of the time. Unable to comprehend what had the girl so riled, he parroted back at her in a high pitched sing-song voice, an ugly sneer painted on his lips “Time is the greatest tee-cher.” She could try all she wished to rile the man, but time was on his side. He had seen all the tricks and knew them inside out. This little bitch was all his to torment, to work her into a rage. It was his name she would be cursing until she died.

He pushed then, not a hint of anger in his blood, but the simple need to assert himself as her senior. Raising himself to his full height, his tail whipped high in challenge. He wasn’t above handing a girl her arse when she deserved it and boy was this little bitch well overdue for a spanking. He stepped forwards, into her space, pushing and testing... Provoking her, trying to get her to lash out at him, so then he would be justified in retaliation.

He was sick to fucking death of loony bitches, perhaps he’d been going about it the wrong way all along? Maybe they needed to be put out of their misery...

code by bryony
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Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
(259 WORDS)

The healer in Ashi made her growl, but not lash out as any provoking things were done. She had a great knowledge of healing and patience. But sexist bastards were where she drew the line. She would not lash out unless it was retaliation to an attacks Valiant caused. "Go fuck yourself." She growled, her eyes challenging, but again, she did not leap. She would refused to leap. No, leaping and killing would make everything she did for the rest of her life worse. She smelled black nightshade near by. If it got so bad as to kill him, then she would damage him, and try to heal him, but instead feed him the poisonous substance.

When his tail rose, she rose it higher then the filth's had. They were about the same size, she was smaller due to her being a yearling. but when she was fully grown, she'd be as large as her parents. As Isen and Jet. As anyone she was related too. she'd be bigger then him maybe even. Her tail curled a bit in major dominance. She was his superior, it was the opposite of what he thought. "Dumbass, I will never be your little squash. I could kill you with my vast knowledge of herbs, or with me claws. So asshole, what will it be? Die or flee or back down? She challenged the stupid wolf once more.

One last thought hit her mind. This wolf was too stupid to be her superior. She was like a god compared to him.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]