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God's Gift — Lost Lake 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
Was going to mark this as joining but thought better of it.

After Naira has spilled her guts.

Either/or, just thought it was time he dragged his fluffy butt up there.

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

He had made the climb before, it wasn’t any easier here and now than it had been before. By the time he managed to sniff out the lake he was admittedly a little short on breath. A large wolf he was, a brawler, clear in his stance and his frame, but he was not an agile beast, and his weight only really slowed him down on climbs like this. If he hoped to make this place his home, he was going to have to work on his mountain climbing that was for sure.

Tentatively, he sniffed at the borders. So it was Athena now? He knew she had it in her, he had considered her himself, once. But it was never meant to be. He certainly wasn’t Leader material. He wasn’t even really pack wolf material... but the winter was coming.

The thought crossed his mind then... Winter, on the mountain? Was this really a smart move? Yes he had a ridiculously thick coat, but it would be a long trek down to find company... and again he wondered if he should have gone by the Hollow first... and there was that pretty little thing near the willows...

As the wind changed direction, he picked up on the last scent he expected to find here. With a snort his mind was set. Loopy bitch was here, he was going back down. But it couldn’t hurt to catch up. The howl was short and to the point. He waited.

code by bryony
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
I'll have this set before Athena knows about Naira's return if that's fine with you.(:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Today seemed like a good day for a trip around her domain, so she set in the morning leaving the two pups in Tlarx’s care for today. One trip around the Lake, then she was off towards her favorite place, the mountain.

Nothing seemed to change. There were a few new scents here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. However, she was only at the foothills. The climbing was welcome by her agile body as she made her way upwards, but the howl stopped her dead in her tracks.

That voice. She knew it. But, it took her a minute to realize exactly who it was. Valiant.

So, Valiant decided to return to the mountain, huh? She answered his call with a short, melodious howl herself, before searching around in the area his came from. Her fiery eyes soon spotted the off-white beast, her legs moving once again towards him.

”So, you’ve decided to come back?” She yelled out to him once he was in ear-shot. The Leader stopped, waiting for him to come closer. It was about time.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

His silvery tail waved behind him like a banner as the smaller woman approached. Her shiny white coat certainly was a sight for sore eyes. He trotted towards her happily as she yelled out to him, his answering bark of laughter sending a flock of small birds from a nearby tree into the air. It truly had been far too long.

He gave Athena a nudge to the cheek in greeting, as he took a moment to look around. This place was something different alright... the atmosphere had changed with the absence of Naira and Rhysis. He still couldn’t decide if it was for the better. He did miss the crazy black bastard at times.

“Well, there’s not much challenge in sheep and dogs just can’t hold a conversation like you can...” he quipped back at the new leader on the mountain with a teasing glint in his eye. She smelled strongly of another male and although that had never stopped him before, he would keep this one at the level of playful banter.

He had needed to get away from it all for a while, and the dart to the arse and waking up back in the woods had been enough to convince him it was time to go home. “So come on, spill...” he started with a smile. “Was it you that ate Hawke? Because I couldn’t find her anywhere... he finished with a chuckle. He knew she would not weep over the news, but he did have some other catching up to do.

Turning serious, he met the lady’s fiery eyes. “But seriously, how long has there been a pack in the Willows? I go on vacation and everything falls apart behind me hmm?” He had more to mention about the pack in the Willows but he didn’t want to weigh her down all at once with his mindless banter. It was polite to take some time to listen as well.

code by bryony
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
As he came towards her, her tail swayed back in forth in delight. It had been so long since she’d last seen the fluff-ball that she calls a dear friend. She nudged his silver cheek, breathing in his scent once again. His scent was different, but it still held that similar muskiness that it had usually detained. It really had been too long. Joyful laughter escaped her maw, her fiery eyes shining at his joking behavior. He mentioned Hawke, she never had liked that woman, but she was thankful she was finally gone. ”I had someone to take care of her for me,” she joked, a smile forming on her lips. Oh, how she wished she had. That would have been a sight.

He went on mentioning the new Willow Ridge pack, the one that she had just recently learned about. ”It hasn’t been there long as far as I know. However, I haven’t had to chance to go check them out. Too busy here.” She said, a smile forming once again at the last part. It was true, however. Many things had been happening here and she couldn’t take the time to go explore outside of her lands. She had her duties and she couldn’t abandon them now. Especially not now.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||