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On the Maw of Challengers — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/GuinessTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
The thought of even a spar tickled the back of Guiness’s mind, and now…even he wished to have some sort of physical exert as he silently observed the two. Both of them seemed to be pretty close in size, though he could very much oversize both of them. Just thinking about crushing them underneath his paws brought a wave of doubt over the large, yet kind male. He didn’t like hurting others unless it was the right thing to do…and in this case, he honestly didn’t think it was the right thing to do. In silence, he watched as others arrived, taking not of their presence. When Lady Elettra arrived, he silently dipped his head, not noticing if she took note of his presence or not, his eyes were on the two males before him.

When Shade finally announced what they were here for he started to surround the other male, of which Gui assumed to be Reed. His tail flicked behind him, silently waiting to criticize their methods in his head. In his eyes they were pretty evenly matched, Reed maybe having a bit more weight on Shade…though Guiness could not be sure, he only knew Shade personally, he had never really heard or known about Reed. Was he a guardian as well? Sitting down the silent man awaited for the show to start.
Pillar of Strength
Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KodaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Elettra joined him and he spied a gleam in her silvery eyes. Despite his love of peace, this was what made and broke packs. The rise and fall and ever changing hierarchy of the pack. This ensured that the best were at the helm and the rest respected their positions and fell in line. Often, a mere show would be enough, but other times a true battle would ensue. Not to the death, as that would surely be detrimental to the pack, but potentially bloody. Although he was a hunter by trade, Reed was currently Second and would surely attempt to hold his position. Shade was strong and filled with drive, so the match was anyone's guess.

With another glance at Elettra, Koda gave a nearly imperceptible nod. The witnesses were here, the challenge had been given and Reed would either accept it or not with words or actions. Now all gathered here awaited the confrontation. Would the internal mechanisms of Willow Ridge shift here today? Time would tell. As he waited with the others for the ensuing action, Koda felt his own body tense with excitement and curiosity. Who would be the victor? Reed... or Shade?

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
Just going to get right to it. Sorry for my absence <3.

On your mark, get set....

Reed felt his paws heat up. His eyes narrowed as he gazed at his opponent only a few lengths away. Feeling his heart begin to race, the rustic man looked to Elettra and Koda. Now they could rumble. Sucking in a deep breath, the fisherman straightened his tail before swooping toward the right.


Releasing his breath, his fur began to rise upon his neck. It felt as if he was moving in slow motion toward shade; the seconds felt like several minutes. Golden eyes kept focus as he neared, flesh on gums rising to bear pearly fangs. An intense snarl rose from his throat, rumbling through his neck as it expelled itself into the cool air. Paws carried him toward the wolf's side before Reed opened his mouth. He aimed for the flank- a reasonable first move. It would not leave Shade injured, but the impact of a sharp bite and shove would be quite a shock. He hoped he would succeed, but if not, there were other tricks up his sleeve.
(This post was last modified: Dec 13, 2012, 07:51 PM by Reed.)
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Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
Completely fine! <3 We love you.

<blockquote><font style='margin-left:20px;'>He growled as Reed raced towards him, his eyes narrowed as he moved to the side, he moved in such as fashion as if floating over the ground. Side to side, left to right, back to front, front to back. Attempting to make the fisherman dizzy. Inconstant and random movements, nipping just enough frce to hurt. but his plans quickly interrupted with a surprise from Reed. A slight bit of shock as he slammed into Shade's side with force. As a guardian, he was trained to recover quickly and this was no change in case. He shook it off and knew it was his moment to strike. No rage in his heart, he would not make the same mistake twice.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>His pearly whites shown in a flash as he raced at Reed once more. No more dizzy dances. No more, it was time for real action. He went for an upright lock, which was to target your opponent's extremities-the legs, tail, scruff or ears- and sink in your teeth and hold. This move is similar to the leap-and-hold except your claws remain free to fight. He aimed fr Reed's back leg. He had fighting moves of all sorts up his sleeve.</font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>He would not back down, his eyes now held a bit of spark to them, his eyes flashed the dance of eternal fires as he narrowed his eyes. His tail erect to Reed. He would win this fight, he would win. He had to, he felt it was for the best of the pack.</font>

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy

The challenger moved with swiftness; he was but a blur to Reed. The rustic man felt teeth nip at his flesh here and there- it was like an annoying deer fly. In a moment timed perfectly, Reed collided into Shade. What was a small victory for the red pelted one turned into a victory for Shade. The other wolf had successfully snapped onto his hind limb. Feeling an intense pain rush up his spine, Reed's brows furrowed as he whipped his head around.

Being highly skilled in fishing, the man could not care for his hind legs. It was his muzzle- his neck, teeth, jaws- he was most concerned about. If these were injured, he would not be able to capture prey as efficiently for his pack. With ferocity building within him, the wolf kept his head turned toward Shade. He could feel the wolf lock jaws into his flesh.

With a snarl, Reed snapped at the back of Shade's neck, hoping he would successfully make contact. As Shade locked onto his leg, Reed began to attempt working himself into a crescent shape, as to be capable of biting Shade's available upper half.

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Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
<blockquote><font style='margin-left:20px;'>Shade grinned at his small victory, he clamped a hold of the wolf's back leg in hopes that he could keep a hold of it, maybe make Reed tap out, he doubted it. the fisherman was a tough player, he could prove he was tougher. He tried to turn to protect his vitals and his belly. But with that Reed managed to grab a hold of a small bit of skin on Shade's neck. Shade let out a fierce snarl in anger and pain as it hit, it was one of his more sensitive spots. He saw Reed turning into a crescent shape and tried to get an attack of his belly in with his back claws. He didn't want to hurt Reed too badly. He just wanted him to submit. </font>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Shade looked around briefly, no one was allowed to get involved. This was between him and Reed only and he would keep it that way. He could try a push up with his back legs to hit part of his body? No, it seemed too weak for him to do, it would leave him exposed. He hoped dearly Reed wouldn't hold a grudge on him after the fight. He went for the kick and tried to adjust to protect his belly. Reed still having that grip on Shade's neck made him cautious and careful. His eyes blazed with anger to have to fight this good man. Reed was powerful, but he was no fighter Shade felt. He was the fighter.</font>
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
Reed felt the claws of the opposing wolf hit his stomach. Wincing, the man snapped again at Shade, hoping to reach his flesh. He wasn't concerned about the fighting, no... it what was mentally going on with him. Reed was a hunter... a fisherman, more specifically. Shade was a guardian. Would it not make more sense for a guardian to be in the position of second? A hunter is a hunter. A guardian has a more specific duty.

With his eyes narrowing, Reed jerked his head back, releasing a growl. "You can have the second position." The words left his mouth in a cool manner; there was no haste behind the words. He peered downward now, eyes to connect with Shade's. The man knew what was right... he wasn't going to pointlessly fight. Lowering his hackles, Reed would take a step or two back from Shade. His tail would lower after his hackles had done so.

(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2013, 04:22 AM by Reed.)
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Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
Shade smiled as Reed backed down, he was now the Second of Willow Ridge. Just under Koda and Elettra themselves. That was all there was to it. He gave a respectful not to the one he challenged. "Thank you." He said, since he was in the prescence of Koda and Elettra, he kept his tail lower then theirs but raised it higher then Reed's. He'd won, was it that simple? he'd stay at this position as long as he could. Perhaps he could lead some day, but that was hopefully not in his criteria just yet. He wanted to lead beside one wolf. But he knew he could never.

He glanced at Koda and Elettra for they're words, or perhaps them confirming it. Something to say that this, well practically, meeting was over. That the challengers and such could now disperse. This was the question. He need some kind of confirmation. He was a Guardian, with Remy's disappearance, did that make him the head guardian? He had no idea anymore. But on thing was certain, all was said, all was done. He had much more responsibilities in this position then he did as third. He had more to prove.

He glanced at those gathered. Then he locked eyes with Reed, as if passing an invisible message to say thank you. He would not let Elettra, Koda nor no one else down. He let himself pant a bit, but clearly to release sweat. That was the only reason. He'd ran border patrols longer then this. He was victorious. He was second of Willow Ridge.

[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
Waned golden eyes stayed on Shade as the man seemed to pass on a silent thank you through their gaze. The hunter smiled softly; he would make a better second than himself. It seemed Reed wasn't cut out for the job- sure, he could uphold it, but it really wasn't within his heart to obtain such a position. He lived for hunting, to supply his family with the food they need to remain strong and healthy. That was his job.

He stood now, a bit sore, but fine. Eyes lingered over to the leads of their pack and the red wolf awaited their voices. It was all over. There would be the official words of the leaders, then they would likely disperse. Reed needed some rest before he'd go out fishing later.

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