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What's life without a little challenge in it? — Lost Lake 
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Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KamotaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:325px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
31 Degrees F.

Kamota was settled down for a nice hunt. A vole, or a few voles, mice, whatever he could get his paws on in these winter months. His jaws parted slightly as he scented around for food, the snow of the ground crunching the slightest bit and he padded forward slowly. His eyes on the prize as a vole scurried across the ground. He almost licked his muzzle right then from the juice. He stalked forward carefully, making sure not to move too fast and that he was downwind.

Kamota was half out of it has he raced forward and leapt onto the vole. The vole would barely feed one of the pups. He growled at himself. "I'm useless. I can't even catch enough food to feed the pups. Maybe I am a Laylani. No, I'm no longer Kamota Laylani. But who am I?" He had been at it all morning, only catching two voles and a mouse. He was half out of it, his thoughts lost to the bet he made with Tenzin, to the possibility that Namara could had followed Tenzin here. The possibility that Tenzin could regroup with Namara and they could kill him. That he was thinking of a new last name. Kamota Laylani was no more. But who was he now?

He was now near the perch that he and Ash had been at. Back when they overlooked the territory, a moment where Ash had accepted him into the pack. The moment that Ash gave him his trust. He then remembered Ash wanted him to patrol once or twice a day. If Rhysis was seen, he was to report it to Athena, Tlarx or Ash.

[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">The white woman’s strides ate up the land as she raced through her kingdom, kicking up snow as she flew by. She didn’t know why she was running; she just let her legs take her where they wanted to go. Her journey had started at the den area where she had ended up after descending from the mountains earlier than usual. Now, she was in the surrounding forest of the lake, running further and further away from the borders. She would need to get back soon, before twilight descended upon them and even worse, the cruel cold of the winter air. Turning on her paws, she quickly turned herself around and headed back towards the place she called home.

As her fiery eyes spotted the crystal clear lake ahead of her, she also spotted the figure of another alongside the shore on the boulders that Rhysis and she had shared once. Her pace slowed down to a trot as she came upon the newly accepted man, her body taking up a dominant, but friendly posture. She was in a good mood today. “Hello, Kamota. How are you fairing among with the others?” She asked, a smile forming on her ebony lips.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
He likes to use the terms 'Lady' and 'Sir'
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KamotaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:325px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
Kamota was continuing to scent as he picked up wolf. Athena, he knew her scent by name, as well as Tlarx's and Ash's. He'd hung around them long enough to know them, He took up a submissive, but friendly lose, his tail practically stuck to his belly. "I'm fairing well. Ash seems to trust me, but I haven't really seen much of the others. How are you Lady Athena?" He asked, a smile, it was always great to see a packmate. Although the first part of him telling Ash about Rhysis practically scared the shit out of him.

He gave her the vole he'd just caught. "Though it doesn't surprise me, the prey seems to be hiding this cold winter day." He said, he was embarrassed by the lack of prey he'd caught. He'd bee hunting from noon to sunset with little more then a mouse and two voles to take to the cache. It seemed to him like he wasn't doing his job correctly. But also it made him feel like he didn't earn a place in the pack. Everyone had they're jobs. Ash's and Steel's were to patrol. His and Ava's were to hunt, Chantille's was to heal. Athena's and Tlarx's were to keep the pack together and lead. But with his troubled mind, it was getting harder and harder to hunt correctly.

He looked at Athena to await an answer, and couldn't help but notice her scar. Where had she gotten a scar like that. Who was low enough to go for a face shot like that? He had no idea these answers, but if he had been there, he might have been able to prevent it. though he'd only just recently gained the courage to talk to wolves, let alone fight them.

[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
She noticed his submissive behavior, which she appreciated. Her own posture relaxed, her tail wagging in a friendly manner. ”Well I’m glad to hear that,” she said a smile forming her lips. ”I’m doing well, thank you.” Her fiery eyes looked out across the lake once again, admiring its beauty. She’ll never get over how beautiful her home was. From the mountain to the lake, everything was beautiful.

Kamota offered her the vole at his feet, her smile widened. “Thank you. Snowy days, everything likes to hid away.” She said, her eyes twinkling. She had always loved the precious snow; however, it was had to live in. Athena had years of experience within the mountains, so it came easier than others, but life was always harsh to the naïve.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KamotaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:325px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
Kamota nodded as he listened to his leader speak, she seemed to be much more relaxed then at the meeting or at his joining. "Yes, snowy days are beautiful, yet they can be deadly to the untrained eye. I'm use to the snow, I know the snow like the back of my hand. I was raised in the mountains." He said, but his thoughts lingered back, they always lingered back. Why did they always linger back? He had the faintest sense of hollowness in his eyes. But he managed to stay focused. Why he could be thinking about? the thing he'd been worrying about since that one day on the mountain. Tenzin. He was also worried about the prey amounts with the winter season in the snow. It had been a year and a half since his last winter on the mountains. but the knowledge on how to survive was ever so present.

Kamota looked up at her with a warm smile, he followed her gaze to the majestic lake. His tail wagging from side to side slightly over and over and over again. He imagined how it would be once the spring came, the lake was frozen over now, but in the spring he wanted to see it. It's beauty in the seasons, through warm and cold. It reminded him much of his own, his old home. The home that was no longer home. One last a haunting thought made his body freeze up, The only things happening were his mind flowing with thought, his tail wagging slightly and him breathing. Nothing else. He was thinking hard, he wanted to denounce the name Laylani and take up a new name. But he couldn't figure out a name.

[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
She smiled at his next words,he was like her, born in the mightly mountains. “As was I,” she said looking back out towards the Lake and the mountain that loomed over it. It was such an honor to be in the presence of such a powerful structure. To know that the mountain allowed them to live off its lands and prey that live within it as well. She never took the mountain for granted; she had almost died from it if it wasn’t for her pack mates saving her from the landslide she encountered once. It was dangerous living by the mountain, but the mountain gave them advantages other packs could only dream off. Athena was grateful for her mountain and she’ll never give it up.

Her fiery eyes glanced back at Kamota, a questioning look on her face. “What mountains were you raised in, do you know?” She asked her ears pricked forward in anticipation of his answer. Was he raised in the Rockies, like her? Not many were raised in the same mountains that she was, but she liked to know that there were others that shared the same love that she had for the Rockies.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
Kamota looked at his leader, he had somewhat expected her to be a mountain fae. Her structure was surely good enough for it, his tail swiped gently against the snow. "I was raised in the Canadian Rockies Ma'am." He responded proudly, he loved the rockies, though who he had lived with in the Rockies was a completely different story. He did not hate his parents or his siblings, he just extremely disliked them. Tenzin, the son of a bitch especially. His strong muscles had gone weak since he left, but slowly they were coming back, his pads were hardening to the mountain's rocks once more and he was ready to proclaim his mountain songs.

He took pride in his work, his ears perked in the chance of prey came along, he made sure his nose scented every once in a while. It was his duty to make sure the pack had food to eat this winter and it would stay that way. Challenges this mountain made the wolves face made these wolves the strongest and most powerful in the lands. "The Canadian Rockies personally trained me to survive. What about you Ma'am. If you don't mind my asking, where were you raised? Which mountains?" He posed the question, highly doubting that it was the rockies she was raised in.

One thought had come into his head which made his paradise nearly collapse on him, Tenzin was here and he wouldn't stop until Kamota died. For Tenzin himself had promised such and he knew his brother was more then capable of it. It made his eyes cloud with troubles, but he had promised Ash that he could
(297 Words)
[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
One more post from you, then we can archive this

she nourishes the poison in her veins

The mention of the Rockies brought back past memories, both good and bad. She loved it in the mountains where she grew up in, but she would never go back to where she came from. It was forever tainted by her father’s poisonous presence. However, she nodded and agreed with him. “I too was raised in the Rockies; however, I will never go back to where I’ve come from. Too many painful memories.” She said, her fiery eyes dulling in sadness and pain. Her father was a horrible, sick man. Nothing about him brought back any joyful memories. He tainted her homeland, but thankfully he could no longer taint her new home. She had taken the sick man out when she was able to. She never regretted murdering her own father. He thought he had murdered his own daughter, but he was sadly mistaken by the shocked look on his face when she showed up in his den.

Coming back towards reality, she looked back at Kamota, a smile gracing her features to try to hide what he could have seen on her face before. “Well, I should get going, Kamota. It’s my turn for a border run.” She said, her fiery eyes gazing into his bright amber ones, waiting for his response.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora

Kamota gave a nod as she too have memories of the Rockies. "My brother and my sister made my life miserable for me, my parents allowed them to. It's rough being born as a runt I guess though." He said before she stated that she had to go, he nodded sadly, he enjoyed Athena's company. But everything ended sometimes. Athena seemed nicer then Ash at least. He guessed he had to get on patrols, hunting patrols of course. "Then later I shall see you Lady Athena." He stated with a bow and a small lick on the chin. he took that as his Que to leave as well. He started scenting the air as he walked off, there was prey to hunt was there not?

Kamota realized that he was right back where he started, surrounded by huge wolves that would if they wanted to, easily skin him and burn him over the fiery depths of hell. Who was left to trust, he could trust his alpha, and his packmates, but no one else. He could trust none of the devils that haunted the mountains, there was one packmate in particular that he had no trust of. Naira. The bitch was rude and it sickened him. As he scented, he thought he caught something funny, like a lone wolf, but it couldn't have been. No, he was imagining things. He scented vole and mouse. The hunt was beginning. It was small prey, it was the best he could do unless he was allowed to call a full pack hunt.

[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.