31 Degrees F.
Kamota was settled down for a nice hunt. A vole, or a few voles, mice, whatever he could get his paws on in these winter months. His jaws parted slightly as he scented around for food, the snow of the ground crunching the slightest bit and he padded forward slowly. His eyes on the prize as a vole scurried across the ground. He almost licked his muzzle right then from the juice. He stalked forward carefully, making sure not to move too fast and that he was downwind.
Kamota was half out of it has he raced forward and leapt onto the vole. The vole would barely feed one of the pups. He growled at himself. "I'm useless. I can't even catch enough food to feed the pups. Maybe I am a Laylani. No, I'm no longer Kamota Laylani. But who am I?" He had been at it all morning, only catching two voles and a mouse. He was half out of it, his thoughts lost to the bet he made with Tenzin, to the possibility that Namara could had followed Tenzin here. The possibility that Tenzin could regroup with Namara and they could kill him. That he was thinking of a new last name. Kamota Laylani was no more. But who was he now?
He was now near the perch that he and Ash had been at. Back when they overlooked the territory, a moment where Ash had accepted him into the pack. The moment that Ash gave him his trust. He then remembered Ash wanted him to patrol once or twice a day. If Rhysis was seen, he was to report it to Athena, Tlarx or Ash.
![[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-wQOrPpysDjU/URw5zMFFDOI/AAAAAAAADWA/xozfInzWJO8/s0/Kamota-sig01.png)
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.