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Why God? Why? — Lost Lake 
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Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
As soon as Namara laid eyes upon who she assumed to be the leader by her tall proud stance she recalled first her conversation with Shade Slayer, and how he had told her the pack leader, Athena had met his sister and recived the same "Slayer, kick of justice" she had from their looney uncle, Jet. As soon as she realized this she paced back a few more steps and lowered her head to one side exposing her neck to the Poison Path Leader. Namara knew she would have to divuldge the reason she had come here in search of Kamota, and that, that made her ears flick uncomfortably.With that notion she took a breath.

<b>"I traveled here, to find my brother Kamota, I had wronged him in the past and wish to rectify it. I want to join your pack, If you'll have me, I want to be a wolf who is depended upon, not feared and hated as I have been. Most of all I want to be here for my brother, and all of those who are smaller and weaker than I so that they may never have to endure the things I put him through."</b>

There was truth, love, and pain thick on her voice she would throw hwerself to the mercy of these wolves and just hope that they may hear the truth in her voice, and see the truth laid thick in her eyes. Namara the horrible tourturer, the angry fighter, wanted to change, wanted to be a true pack wolf, not a bully as she understood, Tenzin to still be. She further lowered her head and waited for the word of the Poison Path leadr, hope flying high deep within her chest.
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
As soon as Athena arrived his dipped his head and made sure his tail was a lower then it had been when Ash was here. Athena being leader, she deserved more respect. Then Namara spoke her business and he felt a pang of worry. She would not be depended on, that was bad wording. "Athena, if I may, I can vouch for my sister's hunting skills and dependable guarding." He said, trying to vouch as much as he could for his sister, but he only wanted her in the pack to earn his trust back. No emotional attachment to her as of yet, maybe there would be some if she earned his trust. He knew Namara could beat him every day of the week and twice on Sunday at hunting.

He glanced at Ash to see how the man would react to this and he agreed that his sister should back more away from the border. This would be crucial to her joining and then his sister did something unexpected. She let her neck become exposed to the leader. The alpha surely would be pleased, but he was newer here and was not sure of Athena's personality. He couldn't help but notice that the alpha and his sister shared the same type of scar. Something to be asked about later. For now he looked at them with a bit of confusion and waited to hear his alpha's response to his vouch and his sister's words. He knew in his heart that something was bound to happen.
(255 Words total)
[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

His large muscles were already tense enough as it was and the fact that this loner was here didn’t make it any better. He hadn’t wanted to call for Athena…but if he hadn’t kept Poison Path’s member’s at ease, he didn’t know what could have happened. He certainly didn’t want any more incidents happening to worry their alpha, especially since Naira had left them, again. He would now make sure, that any sight of Naira would hopefully be his last. The bitch just didn’t deserve to live, and he knew that the lose of Treena, Ava, and now Naira was going to hurt Athena dearly. When she arrived, he stole a quick glance to her hind leg before meeting her eyes and dipping his head, before he respectfully licked her cheek in greeting. Kamota’s submission did not go unnoticed by him and he was glad that the newest member had enough sense to submit.

His green eyes soon reverted back to Namara as he heard Athena’s voice speak next time him. With his eyes trained on the loner, he was on high alert for any sudden movements for the other. When she answered, a short grunt erupted from Ash’s throat. Poison Path did not need to depend on her. They could very well satisfy their own needs for the time being…though it wouldn’t hurt to have a huntress, they didn’t absolutely need her. He wasn’t sure what it was…if it was the lose of everyone around him or what…but it just made him all the more tense. His mood was already dark, so when Namara made the slightest movement(even though it was away from the borders) Ash darted in front of Athena, a dark bark erupting from his muzzle. His position was stiff and obviously on guard and it was perfectly obvious that Ash had reacted immediately after he saw movement of Namara. Shaking his head, he stepped back, letting Athena take lead much more.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
As soon as her presence was made, the woman before her logically lowered her stature and she even went as far as exposing her neck. The loner’s submission pleased her to an extend far higher than the recent loners that have showed up at her doorstep. This woman seemed to have some brains in her grey cranium. However, as she began to speak about her business here, it would seem that she didn’t exactly know how Poison Path operated. They don’t depend on just one wolf. No, they had learned their lesson when they had done that. Poisoned wolves work together and when one wolf disappears than the remaining members would even harder.

Before the leader could answer however, Namara made a slight movement and her loyal second reacted immediately. Her vision was blocked by the burly Ash momentarily and her ears were soon filled with his angry snarl towards the woman. Pride swelled in her chest and a smile formed at the corners of her ebony lips. He was such a great man. As soon as he moved from her view, she nudged the side of his shoulder in thanks and affection. She turned her fiery eyes back towards Namara once again to begin her verdict.

“First off, Poison Path does not depend on just one wolf. Poison Path works as a family and a team to survive. However, it seems that both you and your brother want to be here together.” She said, glancing over at Kamota and directed her attention towards him momentarily. ”If you vouch her hunting and guarding skills, I will put you in charge of her. If she makes a mistake, you will be blamed as well until I gain her trust.” Her fiery eyes held his for a few lasting seconds making sure she was clear. Athena began to make her way towards the female, grasping her muzzle with her own finalizing the acceptance process. “Welcome to Poison Path.” Glancing at Kamota one last time, her eyes clear – she makes a mistake, you suffer the consequences as well. Then she was gone as quickly as she showed.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
(Sorry if my spelling is a little off I have no spell check at the moment.)

As the other wolf rushed to block his leader and barked at Namara, she blinked stifling a growl. She wouldn't be accepted into any pack if she were to fight whom seemed to be a highly ranked member of the pack. She knew she must keep her head calm and cool or else her journey would have been for nothing, she could very well have wasted a portion of her life. She stood holding her breath until Athena spoke. “First off, Poison Path does not depend on just one wolf. Poison Path works as a family and a team to survive. However, it seems that both you and your brother want to be here together.” Namara knew imediatley her wording had been bad, she had meant she wanted to be Itrusted however she knew trying to revise it now would get her nowhere. So again she held her breath. ”If you vouch her hunting and guarding skills, I will put you in charge of her. If she makes a mistake, you will be blamed as well until I gain her trust.” Her heart gave a little flutter, it was looking good, so far it was an odd feeling to have actually done something good, Now for the final verdict. “Welcome to Poison Path.” She had made it, she could change, Namara knew that the battle between good an evil, right and wrong would still rage within her but now she suddenly felt as though maybe she could win it. A respectful dip of her head to Ash, as Athena turned to leave she could only breathe "Thank you" The she wolf would not waste words on her knew leader she knew she would have to prove herself worthy.

Finally Namara turned back to Kamota "So", she said in an almost brisk tone "Feels good to restart." she hoped he understood what she meant, she wanted the past to remain the past and to build a freindship upon the ruins of what she had done. However happy the moment she was genuinley afraid, it was a new life now, one with true responsibility. The Grey hued wolf did not know it but her past ferocity would turn to serve very well to her. Gazing at Kamota she said quietly, "I'm glad I finally did right" In truth she was, she was prepared to set all of her wrongs right where Kamota was concerned and she was also ready to start proving herself to the pack.
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
Kamota looked at his sister as Athena spoke, he knew his sister was backing away and so he didn't leap at it. Instead he kept his ground. As Athena left he gave a dip of his head, still in submission. Namara spoke and it seemed as if she didn't care anymore about what had just been said. "Be warned Namara, you screw up, I get in trouble. You screw up, I'll make sure you pay for it." He warned, his eyes full of anger. He'd accept Namara as his responsibility, but if she screwed up, he'd ask her to leave before she could say prey. "We may as well go hunting and do something productive in stead of standing here. I've changed Namara, I expect you to fit in here if you are willing to change." He let a small growl, him as his sister were the same ranking, he had no higher dominance to her. but he had the right to force her to obey pack rules.

He wasn't going to put up with any of her games. If there was some underlying cause for him not to trust her, he'd report it t Ash and Athena immediately. He wasn't going to let his guard down, not this time. He'd put up with her shit before. If she ran back to Tenzin, then she'd never be his sister, she'd never be family. she'd be his public enemy. She'd be the bain of his existence, and exiled from his life. "If you cause trouble here, you'd better have a good reason or I will make sure your out of my life for good." He growled, glancing at Ash for the okay to walk away from this situation. He would not leave until dismissed.
[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
"Be warned Namara, you screw up, I get in trouble. You screw up, I'll make sure you pay for it." Namara could have almost laughed aloud, of course she would be the most un-trusted thing in the pack, it was always wonderful to know she would never make a good impression on anyone. It was clear even to Namara that she would never truly be able to not be a headstrong and almost arrogant wolf. It was as she had thought before she would have to prove her worth before that could be accepted. "We may as well go hunting and do something productive in stead of standing here. I've changed Namara, I expect you to fit in here if you are willing to change." Yes that did sound, productive at least if the pack leader were to come across her again, she would be helping, instead of mixing up her words. "Kamota, I have, I won't tell you anymore however you will just have to see for yourself."

The she-wolf knew that trust would be hard to capture, due to her headstrong ways she would be looked down upon more than she wished. However she made a silent vow to herself to be peaceful with her packmates yet vicious at the border as Ash had been to her. She realized she would like to make him a friend one day, for someone as vicious as that at the boarder would surley mesh well with Namara's equal protective instincts. Kamota's voice broke into her thoughts, "If you cause trouble here, you'd better have a good reason or I will make sure your out of my life for good." Camly keeping the growl and arrogance out of her voice she looked at Kamota and said, "Any trouble I cause, will be at the borders, with outsiders. and Tenzin." Her eyes flashed as her blood boiled at his name, it had taken a long time for her to gain a hatred of Tenzin. He never could have done this, shown compassion, attempt to right his wrongs. She looked up at Ash and waited for either him or Kamota to speak, or dismiss them both.
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

The loyal second stood by his leader’s side, silently observing the loner in front of them. Her words were not his favorite, but he didn’t make any comments on them none the less. That was Athena’s job, and she definitely went out of her way to make many things clear to the immature girl in front of them. He final words caused Ash’s ears to flick towards her…she had been accepted? Green eyes flashed towards the alpha, dipping his head at her word. Whatever she said…though he secretly thought that she even knew that she would get bad reports from him if anything was found out. It was one of the reasons he was always up and about and he thought that somehow, she knew that.

Upon her departure, his mossy green eyes turned back towards the two siblings, cold and emotionless. He was not going to play any games with them. They owed the whole respect loyalty and honesty and none of it had certainly been earned yet. There bickering towards each other only caused his temper to rise…he didn’t explode on them though, just silently staring at them until they were quiet, “I will be keeping my eyes…on both of you. Watch yourselves.” With one flick of his tail, he dismissed them, going back towards the den area…he needed rest, and truthfully, he was starting to long for his sister…only time could tell what would happen in Poison Path next.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
Kamota gave a curt nod to the second as he was dismissed. "Come Namara, we're going to finish my patrol then we can go hunting." He said, he said it out loud so Ash knew what he was doing to. With a last bow of respect he started once again around the borders. He was expecting his sister to follow, for nothing less would make him regret ever bringing her to face Ash and Athena. If she so much as disrespected a superior or did something wrong once, Kamota was to blame. He knew he had to do what's right, he wanted to trust his sister again. I'm mature enough to forgive you, I'm not dumb enough to trust you again. He thought to himself.

He walked forward, his head watching the borders vigilantly as he continued forward, marking places swiftly so no loner could say 'I didn't smell it.' If he was to confront them. Not to mention the sooner he was to get his runs done, he could hunt with Namara and they could bring decent prey back for the caches . The stars were not the only ones to know they would need it this winter. The mountain winters were harsh, but Namara and Kamota had both survived with plentiful amounts of prey, he was not worried about the well being of Poison Path for that reason. The Laylani siblings were strong and they could do the work of 4 hunters when they put their minds to it.
(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2013, 06:35 PM by Kamota.)
[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Ash dismissed them and as he did so she had to fight herself, and common sense won over luckily, her head dipped in respect to the male. Evan if Ash was going to be nasty and disrespectful to her did not mean she would return the favor, as much as she wanted to. The large grayish wolf held her tongue and turned at the sound of Kamota's voice. In a flash she nearly snapped at him to not give her orders but again, her common sense won over.

She obediently followed her younger sibling into the trees and along the border, she did notice he may not stand straight in front of his superiors. Nor did he seem too sure of himself and Namara wanted to fix that, being strong and proud did not mean you had to act dominant. Merely he seemed less sure of his actions than she would be. But a prickle of guilt told her that was her fault. Namara said nothing only followed silently and let him work, eyes surveying the territory to soak it all in, and know every inch of what she would protect. The other lingering question in her mind was.... exactly who were her pack mates?