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Timshel — Lost Lake 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
This is a one off post, long overdue and backdated to the night Naira rejoined Poison Path. A lot of people seem to be struggling to comprehend what has made her change so drastically. While I can't really go telling what happened to her on the other side of the mountain (she is very tight lipped about that), I can help to fill some of the holes since she has come back. Hopefully, this will fill at least one small gap and help both of us to take a step forward.

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/NairaBabel.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #36424a;">

Cold is the water
It freezes your already cold mind
Already cold, cold mind
And death is at your doorstep
And it will steal your innocence
But it will not steal your substance

The news had rocked the tawny woman, rocked her to her core. Not so much in the words that were used, but in the absence of them. Nature had claimed her daughter, as it was want to do, but in the process it had also torn her love from her. Thrown him into a pit of anguish and torment to a place where he did not know her name, or recognise her face.

The pain...

The pain.

She could not even bring herself to throw her head back to howl at the moon and so she had come, to a place where she so often had found peace. She had come to the lake to mourn.

The icy water lapped about her paws. She did not wander deep, but she sat. The soothing mud on this particular dip engulfing her paws. Embracing her in her darkest hour. All they had seen on the other side. All the struggles they had surpassed were nothing. Nothing compared to the gaping hole in her heart. The ragged edges bleeding and raw. A mother should never have to bury a child. But even that small gesture had been taken from her.

But you are not alone in this
And you are not alone in this
As brothers we will stand and we'll hold your hand
Hold your hand

She knew, soon... she would need to go back to her son. The only being that anchored her in place. He was there, always. A silent little shadow, ready to offer a smile of encouragement to boost her along. To remind her that she still had a purpose. That somebody needed her. But even now, she didn't know it was enough. She was still treated as a stranger here. Even in the arms of family, she felt shunned. Forgotten, a nuisance. The looks they had given her, her words having fallen on deaf ears.

Why did they bother coming here? There was nothing here for them.

But she had only been back a day, although it had felt as though a life had passed and she had aged a decade. Even Adonis was ragged and wary of strangers. Perhaps this was not best for him. Perhaps they should just slink off in the night...

Slinking off in the night was what had started this mess.

And you are the mother
The mother of your baby child
The one to whom you gave life
And you have your choices
And these are what make man great
His ladder to the stars

Her golden eyes fell back to the surface of the lake. A fish somewhere splashed, disrupting the surface of the water so the silver streak of the moon turned into a blur, a small, white wolf shaped blur and the pain started all over again. There was no escaping it. No escaping the twisting pain in her chest as she refused to cry out for her lost child. She had sung her song already. It wouldn't do to go calling her back now.

But you are not alone in this
And you are not alone in this
As brothers we will stand and we'll hold your hand
Hold your hand

She had been raised to believe that each wolf was allowed one song for the lost. One simple message to carry on the winds to their lost love one. To call out more than once would cause the soul confusion. They could get turned around on their way to wherever it was that souls went, and instead become stuck, a wraith caught between two worlds. She would not have that for her tiny princess, no. And so she forced her anguish down. Deep down. She couldn't help her baby now.

She hadn't been there when she was needed most.

But I will tell the night
And Whisper, "Lose your sight"
But I can't move the mountains for you

There was simply nothing she could do. She had to let her daughter go.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]