"As if I could stop you." His cheeks felt warm as she laid one last compliment on him.
And then she said something he, on some level, had expected yet still caught him off guard. "Do you believe your Hollow has room for help?" The expected part stemmed from the fact that he knew after this night he wouldn't allow her from his sight, respectively. Not again. However, it had been a long time since he'd relived the fantasy that had played in his mind's eye. Bringing her home, and her acceptance into the pack; living day in and day out with her at his side, without sacrificing his position or his attachment to his home and family. In truth, he'd made up his mind that he would depart from Grizzly Hollow one day. That he would find her on the lakes shore as he always had, and there they would fabricate a life as one pair instead of two separates.
Furthermore, there was actually nothing he wanted less than to bring her anywhere near the death and shadow that wicked into Cedarwood Forest. As unsure of its nature and purpose - if there even was one - as he was, there was no doubt in his mind that the sickness plus Ava did not equal acceptable. Not in his book. To the same end, who knew where else the strange disease had spread to. Who was to say that anywhere would be safe, safe enough for her. What if all of Relic Lore had been tainted? He knew deep in his heart that the only safe place for Ava was at his side, and that leaving Grizzly Hollow and his pack mates behind now was not an option.
His eyes grazed over innocent, angelic face thoughtfully, as if the angles of her cheeks would help him articulate an answer. He smiled reassuringly, holding her golden stare with his opposite silver one. "Of course." The words were velvety soft and simply stated. "It is right where you belong."
Pulling in closer he wrapped his body around hers, reaching past her delicate face, his cheek softly grazing the side of her neck as he nestled down. Tomorrow they would set off for the great cedar forest, but tonight they would nurture this new found union. His eyes rose to face the bright moon, questions and concern of his and her future - of everyone's future - culminating in the liquid silver pools that exposed his soul. As splintered as the world seemed to be, his faith was fierce. Their time had only just begun to blossom. The question was not whether, united, they would overcome these darkest of times...but if the world would survive.