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Broken Crown — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn

And so from shaky beginnings a new alliance was formed. Gale A tempestuous name for a wolf who was choosing to follow quite the stormy leader. She smiled.

It was with great formality that the former leader stepped forwards then, her quick if gentle grasp of the muzzle a mere symbol of acceptance at this point in time. They still had others to gather yet, before their new family would be 'official' as such.

He was swift to swear his allegiance, but she would not question it. If they were to travel together she was certain that by the end of it, she would know whether to honour her acceptance or send him on his way. She doubted she would need to back on her word.

Warmer now, her golden eyes turned further west. It was to the ghastly woods they would travel next, back to her first den, to the last place she had met the toad's more tolerable brother, the one who had made her heart skip a beat. She felt torn in all directions at once, but there was hardly a chance to contemplate it now. The winds of change were blowing and fortune shone down on her for now. She was not so stupid as to let the good omens and luck run dry before she had finished the task at hand.

It was time to rouse the troops.

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