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On a Mission... — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
The over-sized russet male awoke for the forth time that night, still hours away from dawn. The pack had come together and had accepted him, despite his not being Nina's mate and his freely given admission that he would one day venture out on his own. He had assured them that until that time, he would defend them all with his life and he'd meant it. He had not been raised to do things half-heartedly and they and Nina deserved the best. He was doing them no good here, but he knew of a pressing need that he might as well work on tending to.

With a soft murmur to Nina not to worry, that he'd be back soon, he moved away from her and the sleeping forms of his pack mates with uncanny silence for a wolf so large. He planned to go out solo to try and quickly locate some large game for the pack to bring down together. This would serve two very important purposes. One, it would cement their bonds as a pack and just as importantly, it would fill their bare food cache. He was now responsible for the safety and well being of seven other wolves and finding enough food in the dead of winter would certainly be a challenge. But not one that they couldn't overcome together.

He weaved between a couple pack mates before one caught his attention. It was young Hollow. He seemed to be dreaming and by the looks of it, it was not a good one. Quickly making a decision Sloane moved over to the boy's side and gently nudged him awake, away from whatever it was that was tormenting the lad. In a low voice Sloane whispered only for the yearling's ears, "Hollow. Wake up, you are just having a bad dream..."

Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
It was the very same dream Hollow had before, his faceless pack, murdered and torn in their own den by the black wolf with dead white eyes. Again he saw the blood flowing freely from their wounds, only this time they had voice, "Help us" they all cried in unison even with their throats torn from them. "Not again, no, no, No!" Hollow cried to them. The young wolf felt sick. "Why do you have to take them too? Stop please!" But the huge dark wolf would not hear him, merely snarled as his paw raised. Even in his terrified dream he wanted to wake from so badly had hidden his leader waking until Sloane spoke "Hollow wake up, you are just having a bad dream." He woke with a start to see his leader standing above him, eyes wide and terrified still in the grip of the nightmare the only hushed words that came from his mouth were, "Sloane they killed my parents, tore their throats out why did they do that Sloane?" Hollow was whimpering softly like a lost pup. As the dream faded he felt hot beneath his fur, embarrassed with himself. Why am I so weak? he thought bitterly.

He took a moment to gather himself and let Sloane speak as well, he imagined he would tell him to put it out of his mind, and do something useful instead of whining about a bad dream. He rose silently to his paws and hoped the nightmare would fade, it only did so much. The only thing on his mind was why? He assumed the first time it was just a bad piece of meat he had eaten, but since then he had felt fine,{I}"What can it be? Why do I keep having this dream?"[/] Instead of voicing this as well he decided it would be better if he just waited on Sloane's orders or advice, afterwards he would go and find something useful to do for his pack.
(This post was last modified: Jan 17, 2013, 06:20 AM by Hollow.)
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane felt for the boy, for whatever he was dreaming about had him terrified it seemed. With his nudge and words Hollow awoke with a start, eyes wide with terror at the unseen memory. Then in barely a whisper he implored, "Sloane they killed my parents, tore their throats out why did they do that Sloane?" The whimper tore at his heart and brought a flash of his own nightmare to life where he came upon the shredded carcass of his own father, ambushed by four rogue wolves that had proceeded to decimate his own pack one by one. He understood Hollow's pain and confusion more than the lad could know.

He had lived for nothing but revenge for almost a year, as he'd barely been a yearling when the takeover had occurred. He got his revenge, but it had been a hollow victory, taking down the rogue leader as if he were nothing but a nuisance without his gang to back him up. It was the darkest moment in his existence. Perhaps if he'd not had to run off on his own and had the advice of someone wiser than a scared and angry pup he would have moved on sooner. Sloane quickly realized that he was now that adviser for Hollow and perhaps even a friend for him to lean on, as well as his leader. This was the strength of being a part of a pack, of something bigger than yourself.

Hollow seemed embarrassed by his quiet outburst, but Sloane did not want him to be. A leader needed to be approachable and the russet male tried to form the words that might offer some sort of reassurance if not comfort. "I don't know why there are wolves that would do such a thing... be evil and vicious for no good reason, but they are out there. Fortunately, there are far more good wolves in the world than bad." He paused for a moment to let his own emotion taper back down, so he could be strong for his new young pack mate. "I don't think that you ever get completely past such a tragic thing as your parents being murdered, but it does get easier with time. And having friends around to listen and help you through it is and amazing gift. Just be glad of that for now and the rest will get easier with time."

This talk had brought his own memories back to the surface and his amber eyes darkened several shades in the darkness. His father had been executed and his mother surely murdered as well, for he knew that she would never submit to the rogue band of killers. With an internal shake, he turned loose the old painful memories and took a small cleansing breath. He'd intended to scout alone, but it didn't seem as if Hollow would get back to sleep now that he'd woken to such painful memories. "Hollow, come with me." With that, the leader turned and led the way through the rest of the fledgling pack, not wanting to wake any others with their talk. Hollow could scout with him and they could talk more if the young man felt the need.

Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow listened silently as his leader sympathized and from the sound of it the older male had been through something similar if not the same and had advice to what he could do about it. He was glad that Sloane had reassuring words, and said nothing about the weakness that Hollow had felt at not being able to control his emotions. Hollow had let slip the one thing he had tried so hard to keep covered up. His past was a haunting thing, and now the young wolf was sure he would have that nightmare with him forever. However much he might try to shake it it would always be there.

The way Sloane had spoken however, had woken another thought in the young males head, If he has gone through the same thing, maybe I could put it behind me one day, and be as wise as this russet wolf here before me. It could have been the soft words Sloane had spoken or it could have been the comforting way,he seemed to know exactly what Hollow was feeling. Seeing his leaders eyes darken with memories the way Hollow's had so many times, just drove the respect he already had for the large male that much deeper.

Sloane took a deep breath as if shaking his own memories and then told the young black wolf, "Hollow, come with me." He lead the way out of the sleeping forms of their pack-mates and Hollow followed suit, being sure not to step on anyone's tail, and moving silently. Once they were away he caught up to Sloane keeping his head lower than Sloane's he said, "Thank you, Sloane." those were the only words that he could come up with to show his gratitude, though his eyes now glowed with a contentedness and a fire he had not often known. Now he felt his excitement rising, it was time to help his new pack.
(This post was last modified: Jan 17, 2013, 06:03 PM by Hollow.)
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
The feeling of being in charge and responsible for others was a strange one, yet it felt comfortable too. Almost as if he'd just been waiting to take up the mantle. Had tragedy not struck his pack, he may have one day taken on leadership of his birth pack. He and all of the males in the Thorben line were groomed to be leaders from a young age, for if they did not rise in their own pack, they would be prepared for the task in a new one. It also made them very strong betas, having honor. loyalty and responsibility spoon fed them from infancy. His training had been cut short at barely a year old, but the foundation was still there and it felt right to lead and help others. He'd even done so as a loner.

When he heard the light footfalls of Hollow following his soft command without question, it pleased the over-sized male. After clearing the slumbering forms of the newly birthed pack the young black male caught up to him and gave him a simple 'thank you'. Despite the fact that the much smaller male would have had to stretch to lift his head higher than Sloane's, he kept his crown low and the russet male gave him a smile and a nod as they broke into a slow ground-eating jog away from the thickets that they now called home.

He was not normally an overly talkative wolf, although both Nina and Narime' seemed to bypass that natural trait easily. However, he felt that he ought to give Hollow a few thoughts on what they were up to, at least. "Now that we are finally a formal pack, all of us must work together to feed and protect each other." This, he assumed that the boy would already know, but it seemed right to reiterate such a vital fact about pack life.

Then he continued, his deep voice rumbling in the pre-dawn silence. "We have no caches and that is a bad place to be in the fulness of winter, when game is scarce. So, you and I shall scout out some big game, if we are lucky and then we will hunt in the unity of the entire pack to bring it down. Something large, along the lines of deer or even better, Elk or Caribou is our goal. Unfortunately, such a prize is not likely to be in the confines of our Thickets."

Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
"We have no caches and that is a bad place to be in the fullness of winter, when game is scarce. So, you and I shall scout out some big game, if we are lucky and then we will hunt in the unity of the entire pack to bring it down. Something large, along the lines of deer or even better, Elk or Caribou is our goal. Unfortunately, such a prize is not likely to be in the confines of our Thickets." Hollow listened attentivley to his leaders words, and letting them sink in, of course they would need to feed the whole pack, in the grips of winter it would be difficult to do but he was sure it could be done especially if he wanted it to be done. He and Sloane would make sure the pack was fed, of that he felt sure.

At this Hollow began to think rapidly where could they find big game? Of course the thickets would be no good in the winter, even if they were to find deer which sheltered in thick woods when it was cold would all be bedded down and would not be moving until the sun touched the sky. Something as large as an Elk or Caribou was usually found somewhere out in the open and that left few options. The only two places Hollow could think of that were open enough were the wild cherry orchards, and the blackberry fields, the fields had withered earlier in the winter but the snow would have saved some, for large game to forage for. That settled it in The young wolfs mind, the best place had to be the fields, but Wisdom outweighs youth.

"The Blackberry Fields?" Hollow asked Sloane, he decided it would be his place to ask rather than assume. The young wolf attentively followed Sloane awaiting an answer weather spoken or silent his senses were more alert than they had been a few moments ago, instinct was beginning to kick in and he would be aware of a slight movement or soft word from Sloane even if it were to be carried away in the wind. Hollow was for all intents and purposes completely prepared to stalk his prey.
(This post was last modified: Jan 18, 2013, 07:53 PM by Hollow.)
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Hollow seemed to take in his words with great seriousness and after a few moments thought, offered up the suggestion of Blackberry Fields. Sloane had only ever been there once, other than passing through when he and Nina had a chat and she confessed to him that Koda was indeed her mate. She had worried about what he would think when he was just happy that she had some measure of happiness in her life. Even then, he'd known that she was the type to put others before herself far too much. She deserved happiness more than anyone else that he knew and now she would have it, with her new pack and her mate to be by her side in the near future. Although he was an equal to her, he still thought of the pack as hers. It was her baby and he was just helping her take care of it for the time being.

He had, in fact, been thinking of the very same place for a hunt and it pleased him that the youngster had come to the same conclusion. Without a word, he nodded his agreement and approval to the dark male. The pair continued at their slow trot for a bit, but when they were a bit deeper into the fields, Sloane slowed to a walk, knowing that Hollow quickly follow suit. The over-sized russet male began scenting the area with more determination and scanning with keen amber eyes. He gave Hollow a look to indicate that he do the same and he crouched low to minimize his form in the dried grasses and bushes of the blackberry fields that were blanketed in snow. He hoped that the yearling would catch on and do the same. They were not here to hunt, merely locate prey. If they did manage to locate caribou or elk it would take the entire pack to take one down.

Knight of Honor
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow followed the large russet male with haste keeping his head and tail low knowing they would soon be looking for food, and they needed sorely not to spook anything. Sloane gave Hollow a nod at his suggestion and he felt warmed at the leaders agreement. The frozen air no longer penetrated his winter thick coat for inside he was warmed by fire to find food for his pack, and his leaders praise. As they silently moved along through the snows Hollow scanned and caught a few stray scents of loners and small game, nothing large enough to feed his pack.

Sloane slowed his pace and slid into the dried and dead underbrush, Hollow following his lead slunk a few paces back and farther into cover than Sloane. It was always slightly harder to see prey this way but he had no choice in the dead of winter, his black coat would stand out like a beacon to anything in the area, so he had to use his nose. He continued following the large wolf more so by scent then by sight and had to fight waves of energy surging through his young body, he was excited to the point of bursting. Hollow could never remember hunting large game, he had lived his life on as much small game as he could due to his time as a loner.

The young male kept his cool however. The pack must be fed. kept racing through his mind even as his eyes swept over the hill in the distance where he had met his long lost sister and briefly he wondered where she may be. Those were thoughts for another time however, Hollow kept his energy and his mind focused on the task at hand to find food for his pack.
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
She was walking in the early morning mists and saw a form coming towards her. She couldn't make out who or what it was yet, but she felt calm and unafraid. Her own sea blue eyes met the single emerald eye of the wolf in front of her. She felt a sense of kindness and family from the woman. She tried to speak, but in the dream she was unable to give voice to her questions. The golden fae glanced down at the whites snow for a moment in confusion. When she looked back at the she wolf before her, the older woman was smiling kindly at her, two brilliant green eyes glowing in the mist. Then the other woman was swallowed by the mist and Azariah was left standing alone once more.

The young fae woke with a small start from the dream. This was not the first time that she'd had it since entering the region and even though she had no idea who the strange wolf in the mist was, she always felt a sense of peace as well afterwards. Rising to her feet, Azariah stretched and shook her lush golden mane to get her blood flowing. She'd been at the Lagoon for several days and was well rested. The forest provided her with small game and the spring, though quite cold was refreshing and the she wolf felt revitalized. She felt as if her time here was at an end though... at least for now. Perhaps she would be back some day, but today she would head out and see what there was to see.

She traveled more eastward this time, weaving in and out of various trees, her pale golden hues not easily detectable in the snow and well blended with the dried grasses that peeked through it in the more open areas. She soon came to an area that opened up to large blackberry bushes, that she easily recognized, even with out their plump juicy treasures. She saw something in the distance that gave her pause. A small group of elk in the distance. Her mouth watered at the sight of them, but she knew that it was a useless thought. No lone wolf could take down such game, so she would have to be content with scrawny rabbits and voles, but a girl could dream...

A movement out of the side of her eye, drew her attention away from the tantalizing prey. Two splashes of color further to the west. One a very large ruddy wolf and the other smaller and black. They both attempted to conceal themselves and partially succeeded, but the snow was not their friend in such an endeavor. At least her lighter coloring would help keep her concealed from the elk and the two wolves for the moment. The urge to make her way over to the pair was suddenly overwhelming and after a few moments hesitation, she slunk across the ground, well hidden from the elk. When she was about ten yards away from the pair, she gave a soft whine to get their attention without alerting the prey that she didn't think they had yet seen.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane was proud of the younger wolf for quickly catching on, despite no words and he gave a nod of approval when the ebony man burrowed in to some brush to better conceal his pelt from potential prey. He was slowly and meticulously scanning the area, glad for the long line of sight provided by the relatively flat ground. The brush itself interfered, but there were no rolling hills to obstruct his view. In the thicket, he knew that Hollow's vision would be hampered somewhat, but he noted his black ears swiveling intently and he was sure the lad's nose was in overdrive.

He had scanned roughly half of the terrain to his right when a light watery wolf scent wafted to his nose, shortly followed by a soft whine. His head instantly whipped to his left where a smallish golden fae stood, looking intently at them. His hackles raised slightly at the start she gave him, but he withheld a growl, not wanting to startle any potential prey. It was too important to the pack. The girl's posture held no challenge and her gaze appeared merely...curious? They were on neutral territory so there was no need to be aggressive, he'd merely been surprised, which in itself surprised the large wolf. He was not easy to sneak up on.

He beckoned her slightly closer, so that she could hear him at a whisper. When she cautiously crept to within perhaps five yards, she came to a silent stop with her head and tail lowered to acknowledge her submission to his own size and power, he inquired, "Is there something I can help you with?" Although he knew that she was no real threat to either of them, for she was quite young and small, he realized that he'd unconsciously stepped between her and Hollow.

Knight of Honor