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A place of her own — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier

Nina's patient gaze soothed some of Iopah's anxiety. Of course Nina would hear her out. It was this understanding that had convinced Iopah to accept Nina's proposal months ago. Her own words finished and Iopah sat quietly, the tip of her tail brushed over her white feet. I was not fear that held Iopah attentive. Iopah was willing to change if Nina asked; It was a small price to pay for a home. Curiosity stilled her movements and perked her ears forward slightly. How many ways where there to run a pack? Iopah had always considered her parents to be level-headed and wise. The Barberi wolf could not imagine that her own definition of pack responsibilities could vary so much from Nina's

Nina's first sentence came through clear to Iopah's eager ears. Her expression immediately relaxed. She could already tell that it was fine. Iopah had worried for nothing. But the next sentence held her up. The words were disjointed and jumbled around. They needed to be reshuffled to make sense. Once Iopah had reorganized them in her mind the message was clear. It was with a small start she realized she had been asked a question. She nodded in acceptance. Nina's explanation varied little from what Iopah had been expecting. It was perfectly fine with her. The Barberi pack had not been all that different, especially in the last six months. No matter their age or talents all had become desperate hunters. Depressing as it was it was a fact. It seemed fitting, if slightly ironic, for Iopah to assume her old role again. She hoped wherever her parents were they could be proud if they knew. If only she knew they were watching from above.

"I suppose a hunter then." She said with some pride.

If Nina has no other questions we can have this fade to black.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

It took time, but slowly, Nina could see the tension and worry slowly start to fade from her body and eyes. It was something that brought the alpha a great joy. Soothing others had always been a task she had needed to own to become a Healer. It was not easy to help a patient that was flailing around and would not stay still because they were either stressing out because of what had happened or thought that she would have attacked them. Being a Guardian was something Nina had never been trained to become, and it had made her slightly upset at one time, knowing that if it ever came to it, defending someone would not always be in her favor. Over time, she had become adept in the art, though mastering more in Hunting and Healing, though the first seemed to be a skill slowly starting to fade away from her.

When she had finished speaking, she could tell by the look on the younger girl’s face that she had to think about that Nina had said. It did not surprise the lady, as she had the common way of not making her words clear with the ones she was talking to. Either because she was speaking riddles, was too brief, or they just did not make sense. It had never gotten her in trouble, just made the ones she spoke to longer to reply to her words, as they either had to re-ask their question or think about it for awhile to realize exactly what she was saying…or in this case, asking.

When Iopah did finally answer Nina was pleased. The pack did not have many wolves specializing in that of Hunting, for most were either going for the place of Healing or too young. Having a lead Huntress in the pack would benefit them well. Nodding her head she spoke again, "Good. We need hunters, and I am quite sure you are well with the skill. It was nice speaking with you and I hope you make yourself at home here." She mentioned towards the den that the they had discovered. With a small smile, the alpha turned on her heel and walked towards the borders, her tail swaying through the thickets behind her easily, as if she were invisible and they had no effect on her. Things were going to turn out right for the Woodlands pack, Nina would make sure of that.

{Nina out.}
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.