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Working around the clock — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
The golden wolf had been exploring their territory once more, familiarizing herself with the flora of the region. Though most were dead or dormant for the season, she would know where to look in the spring...in the spring. She had only asked entrance for the winter. Would she be allowed to stay longer if she wished? Did she want to? An image of Hollow came to mind and she blushed. The black wolf made her feel special and important. No one but Solarra had ever made her feel important. He managed it just in the way that he looked at her.

Lost in thought, her head jerked up at the deep call of her leader. Healers? Why would he make a general call for the pack healers? He didn't sound hurt, so it must be one of the pack members. Suddenly in a panic, she bolted from her spot and ran through the snow and thickets towards the border and the sound of Sloane's call. It seemed only moments before she arrived, yet there were four wolves there when she arrived, panting lightly. Sloane, Hollow, a half-starved stranger and Nina, who was laying judgement on the gaunt wolf. To leave immediately.

Confused at the tone her kind-hearted leader was using towards the scared young wolf, Azariah lowered her head as she moved closer with her brows furrowed. She unconsciously moved nearer to Hollow for reassurance. When she did, the sickly sweet smell reached her nose and she froze, her sea blue eyes wide with terror. The Walking Death... Her mind screamed the words over and over in her mind. When she'd been a pup, a nearby pack had been infested with the plague. They had all died, every single one raving mad. They had been viciously chased far away from her packs borders, no quarter given. One of their Gaurdians had become infected. To spare his pack, he ended his own life.

She'd only smelled it a few times and once seen the sickness in it's later stages. That memory would terrify her until her dying day. Solarra had explained it to her and told her the name that she knew it by. Not even realizing that she had said the words out loud she said, "Y-you have The Walking Death..." Her voice was a bare whisper, yet they were clearly heard.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
(OOC; Talked to Namara, Ashanti will not be showing up as she needs to control her number of threads due to slow posting)

Shortly after Sloane's call Nina arrived upon the two males barring the path of the one sickly female. Hollow could feel the absolute power than began to come off his leading lady in waves, it caused him to take a step back from her. Her jaws opened and from them came a combination of words Hollow understood yet he hadn't heard a tone used like that in a very long time. The cryptic sequence of syllables and letters that spilled from Nina may not be understood by the loner but Hollow heard it, in her words he heard You are already dead, we will be too if we grant you quarter, you have courted death and so sealed your own fate. His alpha had just condemned this wolf to death for her sickness, Hollow was very confused what it all meant.

Then moments after Nina had spoken he felt a presence at his side and caught the sweet scent of Azariah as she moved closer. He felt a flash of white hot rage towards the wolf in front of him, Now that Azariah was next to him his teeth began to show as his lips pulled upwards. At first the growl was faint and subtle he knew not why, first at Nina's words but then at Azariah's presence. His teeth shone full and white and his body moved to stand directly between Azariah and Anne as soon as he heard her utter the words 'walking death' his growl was uncharacteristic. His insides were on fire and his head was screaming outwardly he showed full warning and rage to the sickly she wolf, inside he was feeling tortured.

Something deep down told him that this wolf needed to be gone now the quick sequence of words and actions that had followed Nina's appearance left him standing between Azariah and Anne and even further out than Nina it was soon after a moments silence rang and he realized he could hear his own growl his head was lowered and he looked as if he were ready to attack. Standing in front of his own alphas, be it he was standing to one side he was still closer than Nina was to the poor female. His vision had hazed over red and as it began to clear he realized what he had done, he abruptly silenced his growl and began to step back until he was behind Nina keeping his eyes on Anne. There would either be praise or reprimand for what he had just done, but that didn't matter right now, what mattered was the safety of the pack. In his head instinct told him to drive her off while another part of him was being torn into pieces simply asking why?
Played by TABs who has 51 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Terra Anne

What am I doing wrong? Why do every single one of these bastards reject me!? an uncharacteristic snarl appeared on her maw and the girls eyes flashed in a dangerous glare towards the wolves appearing one after another in front of her.

"Don't growl at me saying I played with fire! I don't even know what exactly is wrong with me! " She snarled hackles rising while her shoulders twitched angrily. "Ever since that stupid wolf showed up and caught my neck... WHY CAN'T ANY OF YOU ACCEPT ME!?" Tears fell from her eyes as she swayed on her paws. Terra was sick and tired of being alone all the time. What else am I supposed to do to get them to accept me?

All at once her body lost its fire and she fell to her knee's whimpering. Her hackles flat against her thin body and her previous anger simmered down to desperation.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Things were happening quickly here on the border and it felt like a storm building into some crazy crescendo. He could easily see that Hollow was having the same inner war as he himself was. They felt for the pitiful girl that was wasting away in some unknown illness, but there was also the dread, the absolute knowledge that she was a danger to the pack. He wanted to chase her off now, but he felt in his bones that they needed to know what she was ill with, so he stayed his reluctant attack as she grovelled on the ground begging for sanctuary.

Soon Nina arrived and her strange behavior and words echoed his own instincts. He had been right to want to send her away. The russet male wondered if she knew exactly what this illness was. Her words were cryptic and strange, but they left little doubt of the girl's fate as far as their pack went. She was forbidden sanctuary. As Nina spoke, he heard movement behind him and saw the small golden form of Azariah appear and nearly cower beside Hollow. His nurturing friend then stepped forward snarling her verdict and his hackles raised even higher, his own deep growl merging with hers.

Despite the blood now pounding in his ears and the rumble emitting from he and Nina he clearly heard the words spoken by their newest member in a voice shaking with fear. "Y-you have The Walking Death..." So... the girl had a name for the illness and was clearly terrified by it. He also noted that Nina did not press her attack, she kept her distance from the sick fae, despite the anger that she was displaying. His untrained mind still didn't understand the sickness, but the message of the two Healers was clear. This waif's presence meant death.

He took anther step forward, his growl intensifying when another vicious snarl merged with his and Nina's. He glanced over as the smaller darker form of Hollow moved in front of both he and Nina, deftly stepping between the sick wolf and the golden fae that had joined him. Sloane knew the instinct that drove him forward, but he was acting rashly. Before Sloane had a chance to warn him back, the boy came to his senses and backed off. He was in training to be a Guardian, but this was a job for he and Nina.

Then the nameless one suddenly came to life, snarling her own woes and anger at their rejection. How he wished that it weren't so, but the pack came first. She was death to them all in some mysterious and unknown way. She fell to the ground, her anger apparently spent and his heart broke for her, but his voice rang out to the puddle of fur."Leave! However you came by your sickness is no matter. You are not wanted here. Keep your distance from us and all wolves!" His deep voice almost snarled the words at her and he bared his long lethal fangs, glistening white in promise of an attack. One he hoped he would not need to fulfill. But she had to leave, of her own volition... or assisted.

Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

In truth, her heart was beating like a drum inside of her chest. She did not want to be like this to the loner, she wanted to offer the poor girl a home but perhaps that would happen in another lifetime, but definitely not now when she had the plaque that could kill them all. The presence of their newest member soon aroused the most protective side of her deep within her core. It was a good thing Azariah was no where near the tainted loner, and soon when the soft whisper of the other healer’s voiced reached her ears, they twitched slightly, causing the fur along her spine to bristle more. It was obvious if such a young girl as her knew what this was, then it would be wisest to keep the tainted girl away from them all. The raging voice of the small, weak young one rang through her, to her soul and heart and it made them weep for her, sad that Nina could not help the girl who had been dancing too close to fate.

With the small words that were yelled, Nina knew why she had become sick and it was an answer that the golden alpha could give to the young girl. A small frown penetrated her face when Sloane’s strong voice broke through her thoughts. With an odd godly given grace, Nina made her way next to her partner, her tail and posture even with his. Her one emerald eye stared at the female, her stance dominant and protective, over her lands and her family. She brushed against up against her best friend’s pelt gently, a signal to back down and to leave the girl be, a fight and force was not something that he would want to use. It would easily transmit the disease to him as well. Her jaws opened, her voice cold and directing, "The wolf that bit you…he transmitted a deadly disease to you, darling. It is not safe for you to be around other wolves, for you have been claimed by Death, along with any other animals that come in close contact with you. Now…leave my family and be on your way." Even though she was ordering the female to leave, and she was being cold, their was still the underlying tones of kindness there. She just wanted this female to leave so that she could ensure the safety of her loved ones.

(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2013, 11:55 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
The wave of terror continued to wash over the girl. This illness had wiped out one pack and had threatened to wipe out any that it encountered. This poor fae was literally a walking death sentence to all of them and it terrified her that her new family was in such peril. Nina seemed to know that something was wrong as much as she did. Azariah wondered if Nina had run into this illness before or if it was merely her Healer's instincts. Either way, the message was clear. The girl would die, alone and unwanted. Azariah's heart wept for her.

Hollow reacted to her presence in a way that she would never have expected, never having been treasured before. Once she was by his side, he stepped forward, snarling dangerously at the girl and her sea blue eyes went wide at his actions. Oddly this both thrilled her and scared the golden fae to her bones. He was protecting her. Not just the pack, but that display had been for her. Yet, she had never seen this angry fierce side of her gentle friend and it caught her completely off guard.

Azariah's mind was in turmoil. The Healer in her wanted to help, the experience from her past told her that she could not. Now all of the wolves that she had come to care about were behaving so differently. Even though there was more than good reason for it, her mind just didn't want to process it all. Apparently, the poor girl had had enough as well and she snapped angrily at them, her words filled with more anger and hurt than her body could contain. Once her tirade was done, she simply collapsed in a heap and the golden fae wanted to go to her, to comfort her and tell her that it would be all right. But it never would again. Not for her.

At this point, all she wanted to do was run away from the awful encounter. For a brief moment she wished that she had ignored the call, pretended that she hadn't heard it. But that wouldn't have been in her nature and so here she was watching as this girl was sentence to endure her last days walking with Death all alone and terrified.

Nina had calmed enough to at least give the unknowing girl an explanation of why she was being turned away and Azariah was proud of her leader for her compassion. There was no quarter given. She still had to go, but at least now she knew why. It wasn't much, but at least it was an explanation of why she was being treated as she was. Had things been different, Azariah liked to think that she would have been allowed into the pack and perhaps she and the other girl might have even become friends... With tears filling her sea blue eyes, she attempted to meet the sick one's gaze and with a soft voice, cracking with emotion she said, "I-I'm so sorry! and buried her head in Hollow's thick coat.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow stood silently listening to the words of the sickly she-wolf, her anger giving way to utter heartbreak. The dark male wanted nothing more than to wail her sorrows to the sky in his own voice full of sadness for what she was to lose. However he knew inside that would not be her fate, her bonds had been locked upon her and she would walk the earth in chaos and turmoil until the disease claimed her in it's cruel cold grasp. The rage he felt was unbearable, every instinct still screamed at him to chase her away, away from Sloane, away from Nina, and Azariah, she need be gone.

Sloane first his warning, to keep away. Hollow would surely back up his warning as his fangs remained bared and his hackles raised, a low growl still emanated from the black yearling even from his position behind his leaders. It was with grace that the next words came from his leading lady's jaws, It was explanation, substance to the lightning bolts of anger going through his heart. But his mind still plagued the question, Cannot a disease be cured? The sickly be healed what makes this girl any different? His deeper instinct of course won over and Hollow remained rooted to his spot behind Nina and Sloane, they had lain judgement upon the fae and she would either fight or leave.

Almost with the very thought Hollow felt Azariah's head in his flank. As if a spell had been cast the growls stopped and his teeth were covered the only thing which belied his warning to Anne were his eyes which remained fierce yet full of sadness. Because Hollow knew deep inside that if she decided to fight, he would meet her, not Sloane, not Nina, but he would. Because the pack needed Nina, just as it needed Sloane, and even after He left, his mate would need him. The pack even needed Azariah, for she was a healer. But he, he was the expendable asset in this equation in his mind, and he would lay down his very last breath to ensure life for the rest of his pack.

Faced with death as he was the yearling felt a peace come over him. So it was decided, if she attacked he would die for the two wolves to one side, and the beautiful fae buried in his coat. He inhaled, the thoughts of everything and everyone falling away as he lowered his head. No more was he Hollow Blackfur, yearling. Now he was Hollow Blackfur, guardian if he was to die that was how he would do it. Exhale. His eyes opened and were filled with a sadness unparalleled to what most had seen he was in attack stance and prepared. Oh how she hoped this sick girl would leave, he did not want to leave Azariah.

He loved Nina, as a leader, and hoped to blossom a friendship with her, He loved Sloane, with his boundless wisdom and the help he had given the yearling from the very first day. But the feelings that stirred within him for Azariah were the ones that brought the sadness to his eyes for the love that had been kindled within him for her was a different kind of love, It was a softer love, the kind that would keep him up nights in the freezing cold just so he knew she was warm. Please Leave. He thought.
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2013, 05:49 PM by Hollow.)
Played by TABs who has 51 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Terra Anne

Her body still lay crumpled as she listened to the voices of the other wolves. Anne could hear them. Most seemed angry, others sounded like there was an edge of pity to their tones. She began to hate everyone around her, but mostly she hated the earth and this thing called life. Why was life being so stupid? Why was it so hard to be happy?

Her emotions ran high but her body felt tired. Still lying motionless spare for that annoying tick in her tail and shoulder, Anne looked up with tearful eyes as Nina gave her the information she sought. The walking death? So the other wolf...he.. and I... I..I'mm....I'm going to die? a whimper escaped her throat and her eyes widened in terror.

"So ..so that's why... you won't let me join..be..because I'm sick.. Not because I'm DOING something wrong." She picked herself up from the ground. In a surprisingly smooth movement despite her tear filled face. Like a wraith Anne slipped sideways towards the shadowed undergrowth staring at the ground avoiding the other wolves sad but angry stares.

"I'm not doing anything wrong.. Its just because I'm sick..Nothing wrong.. nothing wrong. nothing nothing nothing nothing wrong with me..me..me.." Anne's voice echoed as she spoke to herself assuring her breaking mind that she had indeed learned from her last experience in the high mountains. She HAD done the right things to join.

"That stupid wolf. Why did he chase me? Attack me? I told him I didn't know any BlackCrow. Why was he so STUPID!" She snarled while her tail and shoulder twitched making her fur move on its own. One second the twitch made her fur rise up in hackles and the next second her fur was forced flat again. While her tail of course stayed crooked as it twitched the the left. She was slowly moving away from the other wolves. Not even taking notice in them anymore. Her attention was on that stupid ass memory of the sick wolf. She wanted to get back at him so badly now. Her teeth gnashed together and a snarl spread across her face.

Soon she was far enough away that if the wolves had wanted they could chase her. However her voice would not reach them as she muttered threateningly to herself.

I can't get into a pack.. What am I supposed to do now? Ugh! I ..god.. Why?!? I wanna hurt something... her fangs snapped at the air and she stiffly stalked away further into the shadowed bushes.

If these stupid savages had given me a chance.. Before.. When I first tried to join.. I WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS! I would be healthy, and maybe learn to like them. Not now... no.. not now.. Like.. stupid word. Shouldn't even go in the same sentence as savages. Or savage.. Savage.. Not now.. No.. no. no. no..nooo... nooooo... not now.. I won't every like them.. I can't live with them.. I can't eat like them.. Can't hunt food.. what should I do...I HATE THEM!! Her thoughts were beginning to mesh together. They were no longer all her own. Twisted by something unseen. Her morals would soon follow her lost mind.

(aNNE oUT)

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane silenced his growl as Nina spoke to the girl following her tirade. The Healer in her apparently heard what he had not in the girl's angry words. The reason that she was sick. She caught it from another wolf biting her, which explained why Nina kept her distance. It also explained to utter terror that young Azariah was displaying. She knew this illness and had seen what it could do. If a single bite could transmit this illness from wolf to wolf, animal to animal even, how quickly could it decimate a land? Days, weeks, months? It was a truly a terrifying thought. And where was the wolf that had bitten her? Was he still roaming free and infecting more poor souls, condemning them to the 'Walking Death'?

Even as all of these thoughts spun through his confused mind, Sloane noted that Hollow's growl had quieted as well and he glanced over to see Azariah's face buried in the boy's side. Though the boy now stood silently, the determined gleam in his eyes left no doubt that he intended to press the attack should it be necessary. From where he stood, he wouldn't be able to stop him if he were to lunge forward. Looking back at the girl that lay crumpled on the snow, he unknowingly was reciting the same mantra in his head. Please, just go. Go and leave my family in peace...please!

It seemed that the poor soul heard his unspoken plea or finally made sense of what Nina said. It was strange and sad the way that she almost seemed to accept the sentence. Rather seeming almost relieved that she'd done nothing wrong in her actions. He wished to confirm that for her, but she'd started backing away and slowly taking her leave, all the while mumbling to herself in what sounded more and more like a hysteria. As sorry as he felt for her, he breathed a sigh of relief with every step that she took away from the Thickets.

Now that the immediate threat was gone, Sloane turned to face Hollow with a hard stare. What he'd done had been brave, but stupid. He should not have acted so with his alphas here. It was his and Nina's job to take care of the pack and he had crossed a line. He didn't say a word, but his fierce look and dominant body language showed his displeasure with Hollow's near fatal mistake.

Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

After she had spoken, everything had happened so fast. Hollow seemed to realize that it was not his place to be in front of them and quickly backed up, her one eye gleaming slightly at the yearling. What he had just done had been highly foolish, and Nina did not wish to cuff or snap at him, but she knew something had to be done. Her eye quickly flashed back towards the loner, pleased to see her retreating form, but her words would echo in her head for the rest of her life. The hysterical voice was already screaming inside her head, nothing nothing nothing nothing wrong with me..me..me.. The more she tried to push the voice away, the harder it pushed back into her mind and screamed at her. It was no use, the same line repeated in her head over and over.

It was not until a few seconds later when a storm started to brew in the depths of her emerald eye. Like a cobra, her body turned and stroke towards Hollow, her stance dominant and her body just centimeters away from his. It was quite obvious that she was angry, though it was not all directed at him. It seemed that now that she had let Koda’s disappearance bother her long enough, it had now come to the point of her sadness turning into anger, something she knew she should not have let happen, given her prior experience with patients, one similar to Shadowstorm. Her voice was like ice, silky smooth, "What you did…it was brave, but if I ever catch you doing that again with one of your alphas around there will be consequences. Am I clear?" Her voice did not hold anger in them, but they did hold an order. With a small sigh she spoke to her family members, her voice now calm and soothing, "Come, I think its best for us to all rest." With those words she started into the forest, her golden form during a darker color once she was out of the sun’s rays. The dark shadow hanging over her shoulder disappearing, as if mist.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.