you do not know who is your friend or who is your enemy until the ICE breaks. It was a curious blend of being heavy and light at the same time. Ice's rather slow steps brought him back into the safety of their pack's lands, kept guarded by others while he, Cali and Corinna had attended what was probably the biggest meeting in the history of Relic Lore. The wild wolves seldom found reason to convene like that, but the crisis, the threat, of Aniwaya had brought them together. The time to act was upon them, and.. mostly through Ice's bullheaded notion that the only way to deal with it was to kill the strangers, they had, more or less, decided to go to war. It would be dangerous, and that was the knowledge that weighted him down; that, and responsibility. He knew the path across the mountain, one he'd scouted out a few weeks back. He was to lead them, wolves of many different packs, safely across, so they could deal with the monsters. It felt strange, and Ice paused within the Grove, lifting his head towards the familiar sky, looking at the familiar trees. If he was bitten, these two days would be his last here. But his life would be a small sacrifice for the greater good. He was ready, he thought, even if he dreaded the possibility. He did not wish other young children to suffer Rissa's fate, nor any siblings that of Aiyana. He squared his shoulders, and opened his maw to the sky; he sang out to his pack, hoping Corinna and Cali would join their voices to his, to let them know that those of able body and mind would have to gather at the Bramble Falls in a day and a half or so, to risk their lives for war. All would not go - all could not go. Someone had to guard the territory, and Aiyana. But those who wanted, they were to come. And he let them know, in no uncertain terms, that if they went, they might not come back. He hoped they would come, anyway. .ice aesir |
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The 12 Days of RoWmas
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
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Ice Aesir
This is a read-only thread, to try and get things to move along with the BWP thing. :'3 Dated March 1st or somewhere around then.
let the stars above shine in your soul
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