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street parade, with highlight charades — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Although Inkheart had once been a man of his own wants and desires, taking what he felt was necessary in order to achieve the best out of life, he had grown and matured to find that he simply wanted to do right by others. Perhaps it had been his sister that had softened him, realizing that leaving her behind had been to him (at the time) necessary and selfless, it had also been somewhat selfish and uncaring to leave her with a dysfunctional family. Whenever the moment arose that he met the woman he would indeed have a family with, he hoped that dysfunction would never be a word to describe them. Perhaps Phineas' pack was the path he would take to achieve these long-reaching goals.

<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">If you make it, he answered almost blindly but knowing, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">I will come. Inkheart would still continue to look around the area and scout the packs, but something in his gut told him that Phineas was his guide to the path he would take. Although it was not the initial plan years ago when he wanted to create his own pack, he was in between both sides. Being a part of a pack as well as being there when it was brought to life. <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">Thank you Phineas, deciding that he had much to think about on his way back to Fireweed Rise, <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">I hope to hear from you soon. With an instructive, respectful bow he turned to the wind to make the journey back to his empty den but with a promising idea that soon it wouldn't feel empty at all.

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The male spoke with a certainty that surprised Phineas – his fiery eyes regarded the other’s own bright gaze briefly before flickering to the wolf’s side. The regal would do everything in his power to see his efforts to fruition, and while the other seemed to offer allegiance, the ivory male knew better than to place faith in the swarthy stranger fully.

Skeptical as he was, the pale wolf gave a light flick of his tail, his own muzzle dippling slightly in acknowledgement to the other’s departure and words. “I will howl our leave,” he promised, hoping the wolf did decide to join them – the large figure he bore and the seemingly good intentions were not missed on the Argyris male, and he knew this was a male he would want within his ranks. Time would tell though, and his eyes regarded the other as he made his leave, quiet with his thoughts.

His pink tongue slithered out to wet his lips, his jaws opening in a quick yawn. Blinking, the ivory creature gave a quick shake of his pelt, his own eyes drifting to the way he would call home, even if temporarily. Without hesitation, Phineas began the trek back towards Bramble Falls and Borlla, finding himself missing her quips. He had news to give her – while he was unsure if Inkheart would follow them in the end, it was of some comfort to know that the idea of establishing a pack rather than joining one already formed was not undesirable to some.