A curious twitch of one of her ears was all that followed Elettra's almost what? surprised? shocked? response. Whatever the response was it was efficiently hidden behind the woman's dark and exotic tones. Watching the dark woman rise back to her feet and stretch, Enoki allowed herself to rise as well. Sitting was not something she did often, nor for this long either. Listening carefully, she appreciated the small praise within her words for the strength. "I appreciate the offer, Elettra. I will keep your offer in mind as I continue to explore Relic Lore to become more acquainted with the land and its inhabitants." So Relic Lore was the name of this strange place. Indeed the woman would keep the offer in her thoughts, possibly finding that this place could be home. "I shall have an answer for you within a couple days time." And that was how Enoki left her answer. It was not an indefinite yes or no, but a possible maybe. Only time could tell where this loner would end up.
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The Danger In Starting A Fire — Fireweed Rise
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
True, she had been a loner since a young age for a wolf, leaving her home pack at just two months past her first year and most of her travels were not done alone. IFor a small portion of her journey Enoki had company beside her. A mate to be exact. But that was shortly enjoyed. t was alas bad timing on her behalf on the time of year she chose to embark on her grand adventure to find soil to call her own. Winter, the harshest season of them all. The season where food was hard to come by if at all in some parts. The season where the days were filled with endless chilling hours of dreadful snowfall that covered the ground layer after layer with a thick blanket of the purest white. The season where the nightly temperature would easily drop below freezing, the coldness seeping into your very bones and thieving you of every last ounce of heat within your body. It was an idiotic move on her part, but what was life without learning from the mistakes made when young? These were the mistakes that weaned the weak from the strong.
A curious twitch of one of her ears was all that followed Elettra's almost what? surprised? shocked? response. Whatever the response was it was efficiently hidden behind the woman's dark and exotic tones. Watching the dark woman rise back to her feet and stretch, Enoki allowed herself to rise as well. Sitting was not something she did often, nor for this long either. Listening carefully, she appreciated the small praise within her words for the strength. "I appreciate the offer, Elettra. I will keep your offer in mind as I continue to explore Relic Lore to become more acquainted with the land and its inhabitants." So Relic Lore was the name of this strange place. Indeed the woman would keep the offer in her thoughts, possibly finding that this place could be home. "I shall have an answer for you within a couple days time." And that was how Enoki left her answer. It was not an indefinite yes or no, but a possible maybe. Only time could tell where this loner would end up.
A curious twitch of one of her ears was all that followed Elettra's almost what? surprised? shocked? response. Whatever the response was it was efficiently hidden behind the woman's dark and exotic tones. Watching the dark woman rise back to her feet and stretch, Enoki allowed herself to rise as well. Sitting was not something she did often, nor for this long either. Listening carefully, she appreciated the small praise within her words for the strength. "I appreciate the offer, Elettra. I will keep your offer in mind as I continue to explore Relic Lore to become more acquainted with the land and its inhabitants." So Relic Lore was the name of this strange place. Indeed the woman would keep the offer in her thoughts, possibly finding that this place could be home. "I shall have an answer for you within a couple days time." And that was how Enoki left her answer. It was not an indefinite yes or no, but a possible maybe. Only time could tell where this loner would end up.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She nods to this simply, thinking over this woman who could possibly be one of her members in the future - someone who was respectful though not about to fall face first into the ground in bow before someone who had not gained her submission and honor in such a manner. She was a survivalist and strong in this, likely a grand off hunter, which Willow Ridge happened to be in need of. She could only hope the woman would return to her, but the land was teeming with packs new and old and more even still to form, two of which were allied packs (or one of them soon to be, at least). There was much competition, far more then Elettra was comfortable with whilst some of these packs were close to her own home. "Until then, Enoki." She speaks with a dip of her head and a whip of her tail, comfortable at her limbs. She wouldn't wait up for the woman at the border, but would be happy none the less to see her return when the time came. For now, it was farewell and with one late glance of pale silver eyes, Elettra turned and headed back towards home.
Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer
(I'd say this is a wrap?)
A small nod was the woman's response, letting her amber eyes meet the pale ones of Elettra before giving her pelt a quick shake as the other woman began her trek back to boarders of her pack. Until then. She thought to herself while waiting for the wolf to disappear among the feathery leaves of the weeping willows before turning her back to the woman. Following a small travel worn path of compressed grass, Enoki let her mind spin in different directions as a new twist opened up before her. From the small encounter she knew Elettra was a worthy woman to swear ones loyalty too, but there were many other leaders to encounter before a decision could be made on where her loyalties would be sworn to. But for now the lone wolf was left to her thoughts, the chance of more encounters with other strangers and the freedom to explore the land of Relic Lore that will most likely become her new home. One day.
A small nod was the woman's response, letting her amber eyes meet the pale ones of Elettra before giving her pelt a quick shake as the other woman began her trek back to boarders of her pack. Until then. She thought to herself while waiting for the wolf to disappear among the feathery leaves of the weeping willows before turning her back to the woman. Following a small travel worn path of compressed grass, Enoki let her mind spin in different directions as a new twist opened up before her. From the small encounter she knew Elettra was a worthy woman to swear ones loyalty too, but there were many other leaders to encounter before a decision could be made on where her loyalties would be sworn to. But for now the lone wolf was left to her thoughts, the chance of more encounters with other strangers and the freedom to explore the land of Relic Lore that will most likely become her new home. One day.
(This post was last modified: Apr 11, 2013, 01:35 AM by Enoki.)