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Burn at Both Ends — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Her responses were expected for the most part, Hollow could already tell she had a reluctance to pry into other wolves' business. Something he appreciated highly in his leader, for it was his own opinion to live with those around you without question. If you do not know them, you do not judge, and never pry into ones past pain, unless they themselves invite you to see it. He had told her of his past, the reasons behind his drive, things that made him act as he did. She had in turn told him parts of hers, a brother scarred her face so terribly. Taken away her vision, a terrible thing to do, but of course it shone hope to those who needed it for even in the face of such adversity Nina had still become a great leader.

Hollow saw the message she was conveying to him yet he felt that there was more to it, or he read more to it. Not only was there hope, but Nina had become a symbol to him, that any obstacle could be overcome, and Koda had become symbol as well. The power of love could close distance and make dreams come true. In Secret Woodlands, in his home, anything at all was possible, these two wolves led with nobility, strength, and love. At that very moment he knew his mother and father would be proud. A smile crossed his lips, "Self preservation is a precious thing, but there are things in this world worth dying for. Things do have a way of working themselves out, I remember my mother always saying "follow your own good heart, no wrong can come of it" I believe it to be true to this day." He almost mused his response, finding comfort in that Nina and the pack seemed to be making the absence of Sloane all the more bearable, plus with Simaea in Sloane's pack, Hollow knew he would still be able to see both his sister and his friend.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Even though she hadn’t felt the relief of stress in weeks, she found herself smiling at the soon to be man in front of her. It felt good to be able to sit down with a pack mate and have a nice conversation with them. There was definitely no need for any kind of blather conversation was unneeded. She was perfectly at ease with the man in front of her. Being the new second of the pack was a large responsibility and thus far Hollow had proved himself to be loyal and hard working, a quality that Nina highly appreciated in a member. Lifted her head slightly, peering at the young man in front of her as he spoke. Smiling once again, she drew herself forward, nuzzling him on the side of his cheek before stepping back, "You are wise beyond your years, young Hollow. I hope to see more of you in the future."

Then turning on her heel she took her leave…but before she disappeared into the shadows of the thickets, she turned back around, her single eye light, "And try to set up a patrol schedule. I don’t like that you’re the only one doing the border runs around here." Blinking her eye at him, which would have looked like a wink if her other eye would have been open, she turned once again and her golden halo disappeared within the seclusion of the shadows of the thickets. Hollow had proved a loyal member unlike the other males within her ranks. Hopefully, he would prove her wrong, where as the others had not.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow was certainly feeling proud to be a wolf of Secret Woodlands today, from his howl, that still rang somewhere in the depths of the world, to the words Nina spoke now. He had come from a terrible beginning, and found himself as the second of a great pack. Hollow's trust in Nina was undying, for in his mind she was something special, to this day he knew not what had pulled him towards her, but Hollow was certainly happy it had. Her kindness and wisdom were limitless, and her faith in her pack was just the same. Her loyalty to Koda, was undying and pure, all the qualities Hollow's parents had taught, Love, Loyalty, and friendship.

It was now beginning to become apparent friendship was here as well, developing between members over time. From mighty Koda, all the way to the broken, Ashanti, everyone's place was being slowly found. All the branches of the tree of life were intertwining and everything was finding it's place. Slowly, Hollow could see all of the tumblers fall into place. When Nina, praised the black wolf of his wisdom he turned bright red under his thankfully dark fur. She saved him from a long by giving an order, "Thank you Nina, I don't plan on leaving you. I can organize a schedule, hopefully our ranks will swell more as time passes and we may have a thoroughly guarded border that doesn't exhaust anyone at all!" His last words were laced with good humor and spoken only loud enough for Nina to hear. With that she disappeared and Hollow turned on his pads and did the same, back to the borders.