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kids — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
There they were. The future of Magnolia Glen was before their eyes, and Zia couldn't be happier. With the puppies officially introduced, the pack felt complete. She had no doubt that they'd be raised right, gently molded into strong adults over time. But for now, they were just carefree kids with a whole new world to explore. It seemed like they were full of personality already, as Zia was greeted with a tiny woof from Hypatia. Her furiously wagging tail only continued it's steady rhythm as she delighted in their presence. She was certainly looking forward to getting close to them, and the young princess had already left a mark. It would be interesting to see how their personalities developed over the coming months. Other members of the Glen had begun to depart, and so she felt she should do the same. For the young ones, being exposed to strange wolves they knew nothing about could be overwhelming, she suspected. Zia would be back later down the road when they were a bit older, eager to see how they had grown. For now, she reluctantly headed in the opposite direction, intent on catching a modest meal for herself.

-Zia Exits-