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kinda outta luck — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

She ran her pale eyes over the Tainn woman as she integrated the identification with her appearance. Borlla, of Magnolia Glen. And a Leader, no less, even though she hardly seemed any older than Fiora was! "I don't see any magnolias around here," she remarked hoping the gleam in her eye came off as playful and not snarky; for once she actually didn't mean it that way.

Their introductions had eased her a bit, which was undone by Borlla once more mentioning her earlier fault, which was even further undone when she uttered those words: You seemed to be doing a good job... oh, that was just the air her ego needed to inflate once more. The feeling of success warmed her skin as she tried very, very hard not to let the pride seep into her posture. There was nothing quite as dorky as getting overly excited at every compliment - which, even though Fiora certainly did, she was at least apt enough not to show it. The brief exhilaration she got from the stroke was enough to dull any whiplash from her split-second mood-switching and make her at least momentarily more pleasant company.

"I was just being cautious," she explained, which was a white lie if she dared to admit it. Fiora let her ice-blue gaze wander the red ferns once more, as if someone else might appear out of the foliage. "I'm not really familiar with these parts so I had to, you know?" A little quip lay on her tongue about having been out for a stroll, lookin' for some tails, but she figured it was too soon for that. For now she'd keep stepping on egg shells.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla cracked a smile for the girl, withholding an eye roll. <b style="color:#32527a">"Not far off from here they kind of appear out of nowhere." While the break between lands wasn't necessarily gradual, it wasn't as sudden as she made it out to be either. But the magnolias were certainly there. When they'd arrived initially, the buds had been closed. But as the weather warmed up, so did the blooms to the wolves that now made their home around them. They were really lovely trees. Phineas had made an excellent choice.

It was the woman's goal to made an friend, or at least a pleasant acquaintance, of this girl now, though she would not sacrifice herself to please the rather unpredictable blue-eyed yearling. But credit was given where credit was do. Borlla had the feeling that there was someone else about, a lingering scent, but she certainly hadn't seen Fiora, nor had she been able to pinpoint her hiding spot. Borlla may not have been aged, but she was certainly weathered. She'd been an adult since she was four months old. It was sometimes hard to get much out of Borlla, not to mention a compliment, so it seemed the dusty girl was already on a roll.

<b style="color:#32527a">"Makes sense. These lands seem to have been relatively untouched by our kind." Borlla spoke evenly, giving a little shrug as well. <b style="color:#32527a">"I guess, just be aware that we're about here. Might seem a little suspicious." Her warning wasn't a threat, simply a heads up to the girl. Her tail swished nonchalantly, fishing for something to say. It didn't take her too long. <b style="color:#32527a">"So, how is life as a lone wolf treating you?" It was an innocent enough question. Admittedly, the girl seemed to have a spunk that Borlla liked and wouldn't mind having around. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

At Borlla's smile and remark Fiora could not help but become a mirror, an idle smirk adorning her expression as she imagined a wall of trees sudden on the horizon. She could believe it, given that they were currently surrounded by an absurd amount of violent red ferns. A bunch of pink trees around this place wouldn't seem out of place at all. Fiora wondered if she ought to drop mention that she was jealous, because she thought magnolias were oh so pretty, but she was too busy imagining herself frolicking through a flurry of pink petals and the moment flew by. Oops.

Now actually conscious enough of her company not to be rude, she was pleasantly surprised when Borlla agreed with her statement. "I know, weird, right?" she blurted about the untouched nature of these parts, the agreement perpetuated by some sort of natural and semi-annoying response the girl had in her genes. She even had the decency to look somewhat bashful of her suspicious behavior, momentarily glancing away and flicking her rusty ears back. She took the subject change gratefully, then, tilting her head as though she were contemplating the life.

Now the truth rested between her idly closed jaws, pressed up against her teeth. It sucks. I hate it. I don't like to be alone. I wish I had friends and somewhere safe to sleep at night. But that's not what she was going to say. Her words had to be selected with the utmost of care because while Fiora certainly had an undeserved pride to uphold, she also did not want Borlla to go away now. "It's" great? swell? alright? okay? "fine. Being independent is really, uh, nice. I should find a home maybe soon, you know, realistically I guess." Fiora puffed her chest out a little, trying to look nonchalant or maybe suave about it, rather than just sad.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla was glad that their encounter had taken on a more casual note. For a moment there in the beginning, she feared that a fight could break out, but the girl before her had some sense. Not to mention, Borlla wasn't interested in returning home with injuries of any sort either. Now her mind was focused upon how she could coax the yearling back to the Glen with her. With two newborns, the woman wasn't dead set upon strangers wandering about the Glen, but at the same time, more heads meant more safety for Kyros and Hypatia, and if the Queen could handpick her followers, then she certainly would. But she didn't want to come off as overeager or pushy, knowing that she wouldn't have liked such a thing either. Borlla's way of doing things involved trying to lead her partner's mind to the X.

The woman watched, mildly startled, as Fiora seemed embarrassed by her own behavior. It was weird, the fact that there hadn't seemed to be many wolves in these parts, but it wasn't much more than a passing statement, but the moment was quickly gone and onto another subject. So quickly, in fact, that Borlla's registration of Fiora's startling admission was no more than a quick shift of the eyes before they shifted back to neutrality. But Borlla was very interested in hearing the yearling's response. She was already bracing herself for lies. No matter how free one could be as a lone wolf, there were far more hardships than any good times. The woman didn't let the rusty girl know any better that she was onto her little scheme, and merely nodded in response. <b style="color:#32527a">"Oh, I understand. Have you been weighing your options?" Her ears twitched as she looked down upon the girl. <b style="color:#32527a">"Being on this side of the mountain, I could only assume that you've worn out your options to the west." Another long trek over the mountain could be wearing. She'd traveled with a group and it had been exhausting, even more so as she'd been pregnant. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

"I have been out west," she admitted, recalling the adventure. It hadn't sucked, but it hadn't been much of anything special either. "But there was nothing eye-catching about it." Somehow some way she'd ended up through these parts. The lanky yearling was sure it had more to do with just a random flight path rather than her actual preference, but now that Borlla had mentioned it she felt almost an aversion to the western end of the Lore.

Some part of her brain was still stuck on Magnolia Glen, and having become more worried about her current situation since the discussion began the tawny she-wolf could not help but want to steer the conversation back in that direction. But how? For one thing she was too proud to be desperate, and for another nobody wanted a desperate wolf any way. Deep down she was worried that she was utterly useless, but the hard-headed part of her that had come out of neglect was certain that she was worth something and whatever that something was, maybe it was something Borlla could use.

It didn't seem as though the white lady was going to bring it back up any time soon, so Fiora was left to look for loose threads that might lead them back. "Nothing like magnolia trees," she tried, though Fiora feared her attempt was too thinly veiled. Not that she realized she was grinning like a nervous idiot, or anything. "I bet it's very pretty where you live. I'd like to see that." Nailed it...?

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
<b style="color:#32527a">"The westlands were my home for awhile," Borlla recalled, letting nostalgia grip her mind for a moment. <b style="color:#32527a">"I knew the northwest bits like the back of my paw." The woman chuckled, rolling her eyes at the thought. It was all quite foolish really. Knowing something to such an extent that you could travel through it with your eyes closed. It just meant that your life was boring and average, and Borlla had so longed to live a life that wasn't such. The woman had gotten her wish, running away from home so many times, leading a pack with such indifference as she had in her younger age, and living in Riddle Heights. And now she was in the east, a strange and unknown territory that she hardly had time to investigate. Every moment outside of Magnolia Glen was like an adventure. And instead of looking upon that as average, as it very well could have been, she decided to embrace it. It was only strange to her because she had children to look after, a pack to help lead.

Borlla was glad to hear that the west hadn't been too interesting to Fiora, however. It got her that much closer to coaxing the dilly yearling to Magnolia Glen. The girl could be Borlla's squire, the woman thought with a bit of humor. It seemed as though Borlla had little work left to do, was the ruddy wolf seemed interested enough on her own. <b style="color:#32527a">"Would you now?" The woman answer, tail swaying over her back. <b style="color:#32527a">"I'm afraid there are a few things you'll have to do before I can just let you waltz into my home." With a slight grin, Borlla went on. <b style="color:#32527a">"What do you have to offer Magnolia Glen?" Other than snark. She thought to herself. <b style="color:#32527a">"We can't just have yearlings wandering about doing nothing. And perhaps a bit of proof you can respect those superior to you." Sure, Borlla had taken a liking to the girl's moxy, but under her command, and Phineas, Borlla would not be spoken back to, and Phineas certainly wouldn't take it very well either, if not worse.

<b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

To be honest she was impressed with Borlla's worldiness and she didn't even know the half of it. This lady knew the entirely of the expanse that lay on the other side of the Mountains and now she was here, too? Fiora pressed her lips together in a thin line and tried to promise herself that one day she would be so accomplished too - but it was hard to imagine herself traipsing around the world when all she really wanted to do was find someplace stable to be.

For a moment she was in disbelief at her changing luck. Her suggestion had been (through her obviously skewed perception) casual, but Borlla had taken it just the way she'd wanted her to. Oblivious that this had been the tangerine-eyed woman's intention as well Fiora imagined herself victorious - but only for a moment. As Borlla went on she held fast on to her every word. Of course, it was no great surprise that she would be expected to hold her weight in a pack, but the idea of failing gave her enough anxiety to humor the idea of flight. Nah, she didn't have to do this - not today.

Ugh, no, the lie was just not believable to her this time. "I can do things," she retorted, though she had the grace to hide most of her indignity. "Not just failed stealth missions neither. I can hunt. I can watch borders. I can keep tabs on everyone and everything. Whatever ya need." Which was not a gross exaggeration. All she needed to do was consider something her's and that jealous eye would not let anything pass. And I can too be respectful. The tip of her tail curled toward her belly as it waved between her heels a steady beat of suppressed excitement, letting her legs fold so that her tawny underbelly approached the ferns beneath her. Her blackened ears twisted to fall against her skull and she let her pale gaze shift off-sides, though she stared at the red leaves with a righteous reverence. See? she insisted of the ferns. I can too do anything.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla hadn't meant any offense in her light accusation of Fiora doing "nothing". But the girl seemed eager, if not indignant, and perhaps a bit of prodding in that manner would get her to find something she was good at. For instance, Borlla hadn't seen her hiding among the ferns. That certainly could be a useful trick, perhaps in garnering information from loners or even more important in hunting. The latter was more important than the former, as she saw no real reason that they'd have to do any spying. And it seemed as though Fiora had the same idea. She was young yet, still, and so could very easily hone her skills. Borlla had found her own niche long ago in hunting and fishing. Perhaps this girl would be an excellent scout.

Now that the girl had seemed eager enough to carve her own niche, Borlla just needed one more thing from her, and it quickly began to happen before her eyes. She put aside her attitude and submitted to those dominant to her. Borlla cracked a smile, and leaned forward to wrap her jaws around Fiora's muzzle, her own act of dominance. Withdrawing then, the woman nodded, pleased, <b style="color:#32527a">"You've proven yourself more than worthy, Fiora. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine in Magnolia Glen." Smiling once more, Borlla retreated a step. <b style="color:#32527a">"Would you like to go home now?" <b style="color:#32527a">

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Ver who has 41 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Fiora Geddes
Fiora Geddes
Primadonna girl, all I ever wanted was the world.

As Borlla's jaws withdrew from her own she tilted her muzzle upward, pink tongue brushing against the underside of her Leader's jaw. Something excellant had happened in lieu of the initial rigidity of their interaction and though Fiora was incredibly proud, she was not too proud to be ungrateful. Her posture picked up, but only slightly. Despite herself she found composure hard to keep, the swing of her tail increasingly intense as it brushed against her tawny hocks.

"I'm not gonna let you down," she insisted. How unbelievable, she found a place that she wanted to be. At Borlla's insistance that her place would be found among the wolves of Magnolia Glen (she still wasn't over how pretty it sounded) it began to set in her bones that her luck had changed. Someone damn well liked her enough to let her in to their home, and there she would make friends that weren't her mother or sister or father, and maybe she'd make something of this once-stagnant life after all.

Eager more than ever to show that her promise wasn't just some smoke and mirrors, Fiora could hardly bear the tease that she was so close to her new pack, but not there yet. So when Borlla tempted the question, Would you like to go home now? she wasted hardly a moment in replying. "Would I ever." Fiora returned, a cheeky grin lighting up her ruddy face. For once she was fine that the spotlight would not touch her - perfectly happy, in fact, to let the pale woman lead the way home.

(This post was last modified: Jun 27, 2013, 11:59 PM by Fiora.)