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hollow man — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
The world is beautiful, magical and alluring, all of which he feels as he moves along, stumbling on limbs far too large for his body. His thoughts he cannot express into words just yet, for he does not know them, so insists on keeping silent as he observes and moves slowly along, taking in the view of this portion of the land he had yet to see. Though it was all much more grass, trees, bushes, rock and moss, all of which he had been explained off before, his nose works wildly, taking in the different scents that he had yet to smell and of course, straying his attention beyond the borders of their home, outstretching to more and more forestry beyond. "Is all?" He struggles. "All look this?" He speaks as he turns to face Hollow, now with antlers in mouth which cause his eyes to widen and his body to jump back in weary wonder. "What?" Confusion takes him until Hollow drops the antlers and he shakes his head to the question quickly, offering a wave of his stubby little tail as he approaches the object cautiously for a sniff. "White stick." He then decided, knowing what a stick was and, knowing that this color was white, as it matched his mother well enough.
BANE Aranna
(This post was last modified: Jul 16, 2013, 06:58 AM by Bane.)
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow was very pleased to see Bane sniffing at everything he could find and inspecting the bushes, grass, trees, and even the rocks that were strewn along the path they walked. The young guardian felt a sense of pride at the pups inquisitive nature, it was good to see that he acted as a normal pup would, and his singular birth seemed to have no ill effect. A touch of sadness as Bane inspected the antler that Hollow found, for Hollow never would know if his own father had shown him these things, memories like this could be lost forever for no one had been there to catch the memories.

Hollow smiled as Bane questioned the antler, and the territory, "No Bane, beyond our borders is a whole world full of color, full of beauty. But I just like it best here." He motioned with his nose to the antler, "Has your mother told you what a deer is? It's a big slender brown animal, we hunt them for food, and this is its antler, it goes on the deer's head." Hollow let Bane look closely at the thing for a few moments while he circled the pup scenting for any danger, or food. Hollow was beginning to feel hungry. Do you want to take that back to your mother Bane?" Hollow asked Bane the question just as he came around to stand in front of the boy. He gazed upon a pup whom looked almost kin to Hollow himself with a softness that anyone but the pup could see. Hollow was making good on his own personal promise to himself to protect young Bane.

Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
"H-Hooul...." He grumbles in his frustration at trying to say this. "World." Already he wanted to know it, wanted to see it, if only from afar, if only with the comfort of this place, his den, his mother, easily reachable should things go wrong. Of course, he was a child and while he wanted to know the world, explore and have fun, he was far from the trouble maker many pups his age were. He had no intention of straying beyond the safety of the border despite his interests. Had no intention of doing things he had been taught to be wrong. He was a good boy.

"How off?" Of course, the word was mumbled as he looked over the antler, sniffing, licking, and chewing at it in wonder. The adult wolf said it was from a brown animal, called a deer and this sat on it's head and they ate them. If this was all true then, how was these 'antlers' off the deer's head now? Did they fall off? "Antler stick. Mom. Yes." Bane confirms with a nod, eager to give this prize to his mother as he struggled to try and get a grip on it with his tiny milk teeth and lack of strength. Not to mention the size of the thing made it quite awkward in trying to move about, though boy did Bane desperately try, if only with a certainty that once he did get it home, his mother would be proud.
BANE Aranna
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow grinned broadly at his young friend. He quite liked the inquisitive nature of the pup and hoped he could establish a deep friendship with the pup. If nothing else so that when the time came for him to learn the truth of his heritage he would have someone to confide in. The word father was almost as foreign to Hollow as it was to Bane. The difference being that Hollow had known his father for a short time before he was ripped away from his paws. Which may have been even worse, but the black wolf would never know. Still he looked upon Bane as he inspected the antler with a sense of something akin to pride. This would be part of his mission in life. To help this pup be raised, as Azariah would never bear young he would just have to settle for helping raise the pups in Secret Woodlands. Which in Hollow's opinion would be almost as good, it may not be his young, but still he would be able to attribute some of the pups' skills and some of their personality traits to himself.

But it was time to go, not time to reflect. First he answered the pup's inquiry. "When the deer grows, it's antlers shed just as your fur will thicken and grow through the winter and shed in the summer." Though he was not sure the pup would truly understand what that meant for a few months at least he still felt pride in helping to teach the boy. He bent his broad head to grasp the antler in his own strong jaws, careful not to scar it. "Well my young friend, let us take this to your mother then, maybe sometime she will let me take you across the whole border with me, I can show you all of your home, and then the fields beyond, where you can see the mountains, they are huge stones bigger than all of the trees in the forest." Hollow spoke softly with a smile, it was time for them both to leave, Bane had a good adventure today, Hollow thought, but he knew the boy must be getting tired. So now, it was time to go.

Played by Vami who has 183 posts.
Inactive Deceased
He listens intently to the young man named Hollow as his ears kept perked yet his puppy blue eyes remained on the antler before his overly large paws. He knows little of what the man means. Winter was not something he knew of, though his mother had mentioned this before when speaking of 'Seasons'. Shedding he had not felt for himself yet so kept quite until the time came when he would learn for himself through listening and observation. Eager was he, to explore every crack and crevice of his home, a blanket of trees, grasses ans shrubbery which protected him from the wild, open world beyond. Yet still curiosity touched him, willing to know this field Hollow spoke of and the large rocks which he would be able to see in the distance.

Taking a few steps forth when Hollow dipped his muzzle down to take the antler, carrying it for him, Bane yawns, feeling a weariness in his long limbs he had yet felt before. He had not traveled so far from the den before and the traveling was taking it's toll on the youth. One day, his limbs would grow stronger, faster, and he knew he would get farther when this time came. Until then, he was willing to adhere this wolf's will for him to go back home and return this prize to his mother. Bane nods his muzzle ever silently and begins quick steps into the direction of his den.
BANE Aranna
