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Ghost Stories — Nomads Pass 
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Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
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Aponi Donata
Aponi Aquila

The princess wasn't convinced that the yeth hound was all that bad, but she kept her opinions to herself for once because she saw how upset the conversation was making her father. Instead she feigned interest in her tiny tail as it wagged to and fro, as if she wasn't plotting ways to drag her sister down the woods in search of the monster. Aponi stuck her tongue out in return, an ever lady like plllrrggghhh sound accompanying the spittle that flew across the room as her tongue waggled. The action was familiar to her, she often times stuck her tongue out at her sister but the noise was new and with a giggle she made it again, ppppllllrrrggghhhhh once more showering the surrounding area with her spit.

The thought of her father in trouble made her giggle once more, after all, Daddies didn't get in trouble did they? Maybe they did, but she had never seen her Daddy in trouble, not like her and Nova did when they did something wrong anyways. About to protest the thought of going to bed a yawn racked the girl's body once more, forcing her jaw open as the air whoosed out of her noisily. Pale blue eyes blinked up at the form of the large greying man and was accompanied with a nod, sleepy limbs making their way back towards the safety of her mother's warmth she walked beside her dad. With a sudden burst of new found energy the girl took off, giggling like a mad wolf, with an ecstatic cry of, "Race Ya!" echoing in the stone halls of their home.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]