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Head Over Heels — Cedarwood Forest 
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Minka Lagina

Once more guilt clasped her as Minka stared helplessly at the healer's reaction, it had been her words that had caused such fear and distress and now she could do nothing of it. Taking a step forward the huntress opened her jaws but words failed her and she merely closed it again before uttering a sound. Golden eyes traced the silver form as it raced chaotically away, tawny paws stepped forward once more, "Wait....Simaea, don't...." The words had been meant to have called out loudly and clearly, but instead had been a whisper that even a wolves hearing couldn't have heard from how far Simaea was.

Moments trickled slowly by as Minka stood like a statue alone in the forest her eyes focused on where the dark form had disappeared. Finally the woman sighed and dropped her muzzle down in sadness, she had meant what she had said; she no longer trusted the healer, but this had never been her intention. Holding this pose the huntress waited in vain for a few more moments, unsure as to whether she hoped that Simaea would return or that she wanted to be alone to wallow in the events that had taken place. Turning she began to make the journey home, and instead of at her usual lively jog her movements spoke of grief, a slow paced walk as she noticed nothing, her feet moving to their own accord. After what had seemed like forever the woman broke free from the forest and returned to the meadow, headed for her favourite willow with the gnarled roots.


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