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swept away, I'm stolen
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Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
@Jericho <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#144034;">
Without anyone specifically tying him to Magnolia Glen his presence there seemed… useless. There was no Siku now. She had given him no goodbye. No Eponine. No goodbye from either (even when she knew he had just been left with nothing but her). All there was now was Lucero and Fiora, the first of which he hadn’t seen in a while and certainly believed now that their friendship had long since passed. Then Fiora whom he had only talked to once and that was well before she had come to the Glen… she didn’t need him.
Ataneq felt nothing important anymore besides keeping himself alive but for what purpose? His mother had not left him with any insight into how to run a Tartok pack and with her disappearance he didn’t feel it was his job anymore. She had left him like he was nothing but a scrap of dirt beneath her paws. Maybe that was exactly what he was to everyone—just a miniscule amount of nothing that could do no more than the average pup. Little by little his paws had driven him away from the glen, though not quite as purposefully as one might assume. He simply needed to adventure beyond the land and make use of his insufferable emotions. The monster in him was apparent, driving him crazy day in and day out. Being around another would simply bring him no justice—it would only leave him scarred.
Testing the western limits of spectral woods he couldn’t contain his anger any longer. His muscles tense and his anger boiling, he lashed out at the closest thing he could see in front of him. A tree, hidden in the mists as he slashed at its outer shell and starred angrily at his creation. Claw marks ranging around three quarters of its width, gaping at him. Atuaserk was ultimately alone. If it wasn’t for his Tartok name and the memories of his mother within the Glen, he would have long since purposefully forgotten his mother.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Britannia who has 34 posts.
Jericho Saturnin
Aww poor Ataneq. I just want to give him a hug... while wearing a lot of protective gear. lol

It was the heavy fog that called him in close – the hunger in his belly was prominent, heavy – a sharp and tangible thing and he knew that he needed to eat soon or he would be in danger of weakening and becoming less and less adapt at survival until he wasted away. Late summer was the time for building layers of fat and reserves of buried prey for winter's coming but instead he was burning away the last of his reserves and becoming leaner and rangier than was really good for him. The pressure to join a pack weighed heavily on his mind but he had been slack in making new friends. He had been foolishly dependent on Hush's company.

His thoughts were interrupted by a strange noise that he could not quite place – the grinding sound of shredding – though not similar to the softer sound of torn flesh nor the noise of earth as it is dug up. Intrigued he made his way toward the strangely echoing noises – seeking out the source cautiously. Then there was silence and he was left standing in the gently, lazily drifting mists feeling a little uneasy. Ears quivering with the intensity of his concentration he turned this way and that in hopes of picking out something, anything in the haze to lead him forward.

Then he saw it, the faintest shadow of movement. Immediately, thinking if he did not move quickly he would lose sight of it, he came forward and then found himself standing suddenly in the very near vicinity of a young dark colored wolf with intense amber eyes. His heart flip flopped strangely in his chest at the sight of the barely familiar face. “Ataneq Tartok.” He said simply, addressing the youth in the only way he could think to do. He wondered if the boy, no longer so and more a man than anything, would even remember him after the many months they had both spent apart from Tartok.

Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
he is very loveable... if you find him at the right time. >D<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#144034;">
Ataneq slowly began to huff, growling at himself and what had happened. He simply could not see how foolish he had been to allow himself to grow close to someone who was just going to walk out on him when he needed them most. Was it ongoing? Was it always going to happen? There was nothing perfect about his life anymore as he had once thought. Sure, he had been without a father since he was just a young pup but he had always thought he had been quite blessed. A mother, who trained him, taught him, looked after him and made him the man he was today—brothers who trained beside him, looked to him as he looked to them and if not them than he always had the expanse of Tartok positions along the trails to back him up. But where were they now?
The strange scent of something near, lingered close to his mark caused the hair upon his neck to rise as his fiery amber eyes gazed around in the fog. It took just a few seconds to see a figure approach him from the very mist and even as the stranger spoke his name, his full name, he was encompassed with confusion. Who was this stranger and how did they know his name? <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“Who are you?” Ataneq asked somewhat rashly, staring at the man as if he had just interrupted the most intimate moment between himself and a rather ugly tree. It was when his eyes began to roll around the guys face that certain memories flooded him, remembering things within Tartok that had long since been forgotten thanks to his young age at the time.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“You are… Saturn, or something?” Well, he kind of remembered anyways.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)
Played by Britannia who has 34 posts.
Jericho Saturnin

While it wasn't the first reaction he expected it wasn't exactly surprising either. Of course, Anateq had been little more than a cub during most of Jericho's time spent among Tartok and furthermore while they were familiar with each other in a general way Jericho hadn't been directly involved in the boy's life. Truth be told, Jericho's loyalty to Siku had been great but his interest in her offspring had been little – no more than any interest he had toward his other pack mates. Siku's cubs had rarely been present when he and the similarly colored leader had spent time together and when traveling he'd often been scouting and hunting away from the group or spending his time with Isra.

After his hasty question he more hesitantly amended it by querying after Jericho's last name. The halting guess wasn't exactly right, but it was close enough to signify that he had at least lingering memories of his older ex pack mate. “Close enough.” He said with a shrug, not really feeling much like elaborating on the last name but knowing it required further explanation. “Jericho.” He added, first name was more important than surname anymore. Truth be told, both of them were far enough from home that it mattered very little who their parents were. Jazz and Siku were long removed from the lives of them both, perhaps even permanently.

He did not ask after Siku, already his nose told him that she was not present. If she were he could not believe that Anateq would not carry at least some of her scent. He did not have much to say, having initiated this little meet and greet he hadn't put much thought at all toward what direction he would take it in once he got the ball rolling. Briefly his eyes flickered toward the damage on the tree – it's source was pretty clear. An appraising look was directed back toward the boy (hardly a boy at all anymore) but he did not commend on the destruction. “You living around here?” He finally asked, there seemed to be very little else to ask.

(This post was last modified: Aug 08, 2013, 11:51 PM by Jericho.)
Played by Kira who has 110 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Atuaserk “Ataneq” Tartok
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;"><b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#144034;">
Ataneq had been much too young to recall anyone within the pack, though he did remember a select few. Sevendeath, for one. That guy spent a lot of time around Siku, her second-paw man really. After that, there really weren’t many that he knew by first name or anything about them besides that they were loyal to his mother. If only this Saturn guy knew just how lackluster Siku had been. Promising Ataneq that she would make a station here but then leaving him as though he knew the first thing about running a pack.
Quietly he wondered if this wolf, now clearly known as Jericho (though still not ringing any bells), had come here in search of his mother. Even with the two of them being there and somewhat talking, they didn’t have much to say that was remotely interesting. Ataneq had been through enough that anything worth saying would just so cruel, aggressive or hateful. Everything he knew was threatening his very existence (as he played the overdramatic card) but what he did know was that the Glen had become to give him nothing but unhappy thoughts.
When Jericho landed the simple question of whether or not he was living here, he took a few seconds to answer. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure he could anymore. Siku was gone and his best friend, Eponine, had been supposedly stepping up to help him and be there but even she had left. Too many things showed Ataneq that he didn’t deserve permanent relationships. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“Northeast of here in a pack named Magnolia Glen,” he answered though knew there were a few things he wanted to mention, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#004A80;">“Siku was there but she long since abandoned me. Thinking about leaving to find a new pack of my own choosing.” Part of him discreetly considered following Jericho but what about making his own choice? The last thing he wanted was to follow someone who didn’t want him there nor did he want to make permanent relationships anymore. Being emotionally invested in someone obviously hurt him.

i'm currently looking for any kind of short or long-term plots, so message me if you've got an idea!
i.e. (friend/enemy/spar partner/pack recruiter, etc)