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take flight, leave my sight — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Maybe one more reply from you and we can wrap this up? <3 @Jessie

Gone Tomorrow

Despite the long time they had been pack mates, Corinna admittedly knew very little about Jessie. She had arrived at a fragile moment in the pack leader's life - the birth of her second litter. They hadn't met until after Cori was able to lead the den, and ever since then, it seemed that the pack had faced tragedy after tragedy. Her own concerns had outweighed her concern for the subordinate, and so now, when it was only the two of them left to bear this new blow together, there was little to go from. But Jessie's confession had opened a new connection between them; Corinna knew very well the twisted turns that love could make as it pursued its course. It seemed Jessie was aware of it as well, and her reassurance was enough to satisfy Corinna. Nodding her head in understanding, she gathered her feet beneath her and hoisted herself up. She would need to track down the others and let them know.

But as she stood, Jessie spoke up again, and Corinna's ears lifted off her skull to listen intently. A scouting mission, hmm? Once again, the leader nodded, this time offering a smile as well. "Yes, I think that's a good idea. Without the three of them, we'll need to be much smarter about our pack hunts. We're not as strong without them, but that doesn't mean we don't have to eat," her words faded off and she chuckled lightly. "Yes, go ahead, Jessie. Perhaps ask, see if Fenru, Arlette, or Kisla would like to accompany you." Waiting for a response, the leader then turned to the side and began to walk back towards the den where she knew Serach and Sceral were waiting. How she was going to break the news to them, she had no idea.

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Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Corinna took her words into consideration and for that she was grateful. She did not wish for the woman to think that she deserted the woman too shortly after just having this conversation with her. She did not know how many days the tracking would take, it would depend on the new lands around her and what they could offer, but Jessie already knew one place she definitely was not going to step foot into: Red Fern Forest. Even the thought of the place made her blood run cold. The voice of her alpha caused her to snap her gaze towards her, dipping her head in a respectful manner for her permission. This was good, and she had clearance to bring along others with her. Standing up from her position on the forest floor, she bowed once again towards the lady and spoke softly, "Thank you, ma’am."

As soon as the woman turned her back on Jessie, she took it as her dismissal and turned on her heels to leave. The multi-colored woman’s small body moved easily through the now familiar foliage. Soon she would gather her pack mates and go find what she could. She did not have anything to know how much time they would have, and that put a damper on her mood. Their time was running short though, and Jessie knew that in no time at all the herds would be moving. This winter was not coming to be kind to them. It was coming, and it was coming fast.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.

Look Out!

A bear has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health