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The Bottomless Pit — Willow Ridge 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Sorry guys XD You're the next closest neighbours. Excuse Naira's blonde moment... XD

'Wait this isn't my home... Oh Shiiii-'

For greed
all nature is too little

It was difficult to pinpoint exactly what had come over her since she left the Pass to stretch her legs. The further she travelled the bolder she became. Bold and careless - foolish even. The recent disbanding of Poison Path had probably gone to her head, so it wasn’t that surprising when she walked clear over the well marked boarders of Willow Ridge and continued to slip through the trees, stopping to gather the occasional strip of bark. It wasn’t even that she needed it, but more that she wanted it, and if someone else cared enough to fence a section of the Willows off, well obviously that would have to be where the best trees were. So with little regard for the locals, Naira continued to slip effortlessly between the swaying boroughs, her tawny form blending with the surrounds but her scent entirely foreign to those that covered the lands she now wandered.

Instinctively she began to cover the strange scents with her own, only catching herself at the third or fourth marker. Her head was held high and her tail sat over her spine like a banner before she realised how she was presenting herself. Someone was approaching and with a start she danced away from the approacher by several steps before freezing with her flank facing the direction from which the other wolf came (in ana attempt to show off her impressive size while still leaving herself open to the option of flight depending on who it was that approached). Her front legs were braced and head held high to try and catch sight or scent of the other wolf before they had a chance to see her. Her ears sat high to try and catch the next rustle, the next clue.

What on earth was she doing here anyway?

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">
Closing in quickly and quietly, she watched this woman prance over the borders like a fool. However, she did not strike. Narcissa was curious as to what this woman was doing upon her land, one that was clearly not hers. Stealing bark from trees—was she screwed in the head? A few lose hairs lead to brain damage? Lifting her lips she revealed teeth in irritancy but she made no sound yet. She was a silent spy, regarding her enemy with clear distaste. The moment that the woman sniffed at a clearly marked location and began to cover its scent did the hair raise on the subordinates head.
After letting out a howl for @Elettra, Narcissa ran forward with her head lowered to protect her jugular as she glared at this trespasser with an unfiltered rage. How dare this woman take advantage of a home that was not hers? <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">“Leave. You are on private territory,” she commanded with voice that barely seemed feminine at all, border line the sudden hatred that she had for a stranger taking advantage of a pack with a currently injured alpha. How dare this witch behave in such a way to a pack that had done nothing to them! Or, at least, to Narcissa’s knowledge as she was still quite unaware of the relationship and history between each pack. All she knew was that this woman was doing something that was immoral. An act that could not be forgiven and was portrayed as lunacy, Elettra would likely wish to see to this.

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben

Things had been going much better for Guiness ever since Angier had risen up to the challenge as alpha. Guiness was content and happy in the placement of Second and as Guardian within their steady, strong pack and the Thorbens could not ask for anything more. He was quick to make smart decisions that would get his job done quickly and he was extremely happy with the way things were going at the moment. As usual, he was patrolling the borders, his observant eyes and nose looking for any signs of danger. For all he knew Elettra’s ankle was still out of the loop and that did not favor that pack if something made were to happen. A call from an unfamiliar voice called out for the woman and immediately his body jerked towards the noise. Something was wrong and that meant that he had to be there. Immediately he picked up his pace and gracefully moved forward, his large tank-like body flexing with every movement.

When he arrived, the Guard was greeted with a not so pleasant scene. The woman who he assumed had called was facing a trespasser without the scent of Elettra gracing them. The other woman in front of them was a trespasser and immediately Guiness’s tail waved high above his back as his pelt began to bristle, making him look much bigger than he really was. A small intimidating growl escaped his maw as he stared at the woman who dare cross their heavily marked borders. He was pretty sure of himself that he thought that the woman might have been slightly out of her mind to think that she could cross their borders and take their things without asking first. Taking a step forward, he growled, reinforcing the question that the nameless woman beside him had asked.

Pillar of Strength
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She does well to adhere to the call which beckons her, Narcissa's voice ringing out over the lands for her strict attention. The woman was new to the pack, doing well to care for her in every manner possible, mainly when it came to keeping her hunger at bay. Though the woman's duty as a Scout within the lands had been made clear and although she was free to roam as a Runner far and beyond the pack's border for information and to pass notes back and forth between the allies, Narcissa had made an appoint to be the eyes and ears or Elettra whilst she was out of commission. With all the help, Elettra was easily able to keep off her ankle, working on it only to stretch it and rebuild the damaged tissue. By now, it was fully healed outwardly, with only stubble of hair to signal the injury. The shoulder where she had been torn at was completely fine, the flat surface for which Shade torn into skin and flesh giving her no problem and with luck, her forelimb would be fully capable before Winter arrived.
Moving easily on her limb now and yet still with an obvious limp that she could do little in order to hide, Elettra makes way to the scene for which she had been called to. Had she been in full swing of things, she would have blocked in the intruder, certain to give her a lesson not to cross Willow Ridge territory again. Though she was not looking for a fight this day, not one on one at least and not unless it need be. The strength of the pack alone would be enough to get her moving and if not, it would be the strength of the pack which would take the bitch down. Elettra's position moves along side her brethren, her head aligned with her spine, tail high and straight in the air as it waved to the skies. Her pale attention was in slits as they narrowed upon the intruder and her ears back to further her protective display as she readied herself for a fight to break out. If testing the pack's borders were the woman's intentions, consider them secure. "Get out." Her words snapped and leaving with nothing more as her jaws clicked with her words in warning. Someone who was blatantly and arrogantly crossed into her territory was not someone she wished to know in any manner, be it friend, ally, or potential pack member.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Need to drag this out for another round to meet minimum posts but she does plan on running away in shame just as soon as I let her!

For greed
all nature is too little

As the noises became clearly more than a figment of her imagination, her body tensed and her brain kicked back into gear. The scents that surrounded her were unfamiliar, and she now found herself in a very precarious situation. One. Two. Three. They emerged from the willows and descended on her. Allowing her ears to pin back to her head, she lowered her chin defensively and dropped her head lower so as not to appear like too much of a challenger. She allowed her eyes to slide over each of the wolves before her and back again. She wasn’t yet cornered, but three on one were never good odds...

Turning her attention for the slightest of moments back to the first wolf who had addressed her, she spoke truthfully. “Last I was here this was free land.” She knew it was no excuse to disrespect their markers, all wolves had noses after all. She could appreciate the silent male that stood at his pack mates side, after all this was not exactly a situation that required words. “I must have been distracted.” It was a poor excuse at best and not one she would accept from anyone who dared to cross her borders and so she began to back up slowly. As her obvious counterpart snapped at her to get out, a small smile of relief crossed her face for a fleeting moment before she dipped her head in assent. “Of course... My apologies.”

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
(This post was last modified: Sep 24, 2013, 10:41 PM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Kira who has 80 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Narcissa Thanos

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">
Narcissa held strong and did not falter with the absence of her peers. This was her territory right now with the stranger before her and she would not dare let this other think she was welcome. Eventually another came across her and this one was one of the few males that lived within Willow Ridge, a strong one that held himself high and growled at the stranger in speechless warning. Not too later after that the Queen herself had arrived and besides the fact that her heart quickened all the more with the presence of such a powerful woman, she remained strong and eyes remained on Naira.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#D6C7B6;">“Well it ain’t free now,” she answered squarely as with narrowed eyes waiting for the woman to make her leave without retaliation. My apologies, damn right! This woman need to get the hell out of the territory before Narcissa made a meal of it. She would not be fooled by a stranger simply ‘distracted’ and moving into a stranger’s territory as if it was completely appropriate and acceptable. Last she heard there were no wolf packs that allowed strangers to simply wander nonchalantly over borders without invitation. Idiot, she mused within her mind as she continued to stand there in a defensive position waiting for the other to make their leave. Not until the woman was out of sight would she lower herself and continue on to her duties, there were many things to do but right now all that mattered was the current safety of the pack.

i’ve got lots of inspiration right now for narcissa so
i'm looking for more threads,  message me if you'd like one!
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben

It was not long after that moment that his lady arrived. He made a small movement with his head in a bowlike movement before turning his golden amber gaze back on the trespasser. The click of Elettra’s jaw reminded him very much of the way that he had warned the pups off when he had been training them. When the newcomer spoke again, the Guard’s eyes narrowed at her. There was such thing as getting distracted but she was pushing the limits of being distracted. The borders were heavily marked and quite obvious to anyone who would get a few yards away from it. A snide comment from the subordinate beside him caused a deep, warning growl to resonate in his chest. It was a silent reminder of her place within the pack and how it was definitely not in her best interests to make such remarks in this kind of situation. What the woman was doing was unprofessional and could easily make them look bad. It was obvious to the female already that these were no longer free lands, as the Willow wolves were standing before her now.

Not happy with the fact that the woman’s feet were not moving away from them yet, Guiness stood taller, is lips pulling back to reveal his canines. A nasty growl poured out of his scarred muzzle in effort to get the female to high tail it out of their territory. Of course, like a loyal Guard he would follow and make sure that she saw her way out of their home correctly. He too snapped his jaws at the female again; in reminder that she needed to hurry and that she was to never return to their lands again. The russet male did not bother looking back upon the two ladies behind him as he knew El well enough now a days to know that when it came to his duty, she would never get in his way unless she had direct orders for him. At least today no blood had been shed.

Pillar of Strength
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
The woman was ether ignorant or stupid...or both. She explains that the lands had been free last time she had been here, a comment that made herself sound even more foolish. There was no point in such a comment that held no meaning now, here in the present where the lands, and for quite some time now, had no longer been free to roam. Next time, her detraction would prove fatal for her should she come wondering blatantly within these lands again. Though the injured Leader does not rush upon her, she stands her guard, listening to the small comment Narcissa made, not replying to it nor the reply Guiness held for it. The Archer woman's attention remained upon the intruder and the intruder alone.
She backs up slowly, making sure to keep her attention on the three Willow Ridge wolves. She was smart enough not to turn her back on an enemy, though not smart enough to know when to turn tail and run while the the pack members were giving her an open opportunity to do so. Impatience kicks in and Elettra growls once more in the same manner for which her Guardian does, taking a few rushed steps in the other woman's direction with a snap of her jaws in order to quick start Naira's efforts to leave. From there, she stops, her body tense with ever intention to hind the pain in her forelimb. She waits to leave for as long as her eyes can watch the stranger and Guiness retreat. She knows her Guardian would take her out if he had too and she would not be far in back up was needed.