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Played by Trix who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astra Sellix
Backdated to the 28th

It had been quite some time since Astra was willing to mingle with her own kind. The past year and a half had been spent in complete isolation or avoiding other wolves altogether. As a loner, it might not have been the wisest choice, but according to her logic, it was the right one. Too distraught and haunted by the past, she wasn't keen on taking any possible risks. She needed time to heal her mental and emotional wounds, to recover from the past trauma. Of course, she hadn't been entirely alone. Every so often, she had crossed paths with another wolf or two. Their time spent together was short, as the young female remained closed and distant, thus eliminating any real chance of a friendship to form. However, even she knew that she could not live like this forever. Time was against her...winter was fast approaching and she had been miserable enough last season.

Luckily, as the months rolled by, she found that her emotional distress was easing. Slowly, her wounds had healed, leaving only faint scars for memories implanted in her mind. It was at this time, that she turned south, where her travels had led her to the thriving wilderness of Relic Lore. Immediately upon arrival, she knew that this was a land abundant with wolves. Their foreign scents tickled at her nose as the autumn winds tossed crinkling leaves from their branches. With a pensive flick of her ears, she had decided that the time was right to get back to socializing. After all, even she would admit that the lifestyle she lead was lonesome. She missed the security and tightly knit bonds of a pack. The ritualized hunts, the rallying and celebrations. So similar to the traditions she was brought up with in her homeland. With any luck, the packs in the Lore were hospitable. Wolves like those that had left her family in tatters, she had more than enough of for the rest of her days.

Like any reasonable wolf with a good head on their shoulders, the honey coated female steered clear of any closely guarded borders, happy to remain in unclaimed land until she had acclimated to her new surroundings. The timing of her arrival was both good and bad. Good because winter was just months away. Bad because of the less than favorable weather conditions. As she trekked cautiously through the forest, the ground underfoot was slick with rainwater, making for an easy fall should she be careless. High winds howled, lashing the spindly limbs of trees like whips. Torrential, nonstop rain poured from the overcast sky. Soaked to the bone and a little chilly, the normally vibrant coloration of her fur was muted. Decidedly uncomfortable, she moved onwards, in hopes of finding somewhere more sheltered. Today wasn't the first time that she had crossed through this area. Earlier in the week she thought she had picked up the telltale scent of a pack near the borders. Now she had returned to see if she could confirm her suspicions. Retracing her steps, she sniffed along the ground, in the air, hoping to catch a trace of that same smell. Wisely, Astra didn't venture too deeply into the forest, wishing not to incur the wrath of some angry pack wolves. Just as the glistening water of a rapidly flowing river came into sight, the scent hit her. Tensing slightly, she debated with herself. Since there was indeed a pack here, this meant that her days as a lone wolf could come to an end. She wasn't planning on spending another winter alone. Deciding to take the risk and try out her luck, she raised her muzzle to the sky and released a soft yet audible howl. Now all she had to do was wait and see if the fates would be kind and grant her a new home.
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
The rain was growing to be a tedious, tiring affair. It lashed down, relentlessly, and more than once the Darkwater leader was worried about the potential of flooding. Ever hopeful that the rain would die down the next day, he kept a calm composure about it (or at least, the best he could manage). Things had been looking up for the Baranski, anyway. He had Anastasia, Lachesis and, most recently, Hati now in his ranks. It would have been a more joyous occasion had the god damned rain let up. But it hadn’t, had it? It would let up soon enough … wouldn’t it?

A howl dragged the Baranski from his thoughts, ears perking as he listened to the distinct call of a female, originating from the borders. Another potential recruit? Well, it certainly lifted the leader’s personal little storm cloud that had sat above his head. Shaking out his drenched pelt—not that it would help much—, the earth hued male set off to intercept the calling loner. He was careful in his slow lope, though; he didn’t particularly want to trip and smear muck across his chest and chin. He wanted to look at least remotely presentable, given the horrendous weather. He’d adapted to the stormy days, somewhat. Even the wet squelch of mud pressing up between his toes went almost completely unnoticed. Besides, it wasn’t as if the ground wasn’t wet before the rain. He had grown rather accustomed to the squishy earth that came with living by the rapids. Still, the weather had only helped to saturate the ground even more so than it already was.

From between the trees, she appeared. Her fur was spiked from the rain, a sort of muted creamy white with slightly darker, barely visible markings. She was of an average height, not too tall or too short but perhaps a little under nourished but that was easily fixed with time. However, the thing that stood out the most about her were those blue eyes. Inkier than the cerulean of Anastasia’s gaze, they mimicked the very sky that rained down through the canopies upon them both: stormy. He lifted his tail, squaring his shoulders as he approached, sizing her up briefly; was she a bluestocking or an amazon? <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">“Maksim Baranski, leader of Darkwater Rapids.” His words were curt, but in no way were they harsh. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">“How may I be of assistance, miss?”<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">

table by mimi, image by hun

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Trix who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astra Sellix
After releasing her cry, Astra seated herself on the damp, mossy floor. She wondered what kind of wolf would appear before her. Would they be warm and welcoming, or cold and hostile? You never knew what to expect in a new area which you were not familiar with. So she could only hope that her first attempt at joining this pack would go well. If it didn't, then she would simply turn around and try again within a weeks time, perhaps. She did not have to wait long before her call was answered. From out of the rain soaked forest, a figure emerged. The wolf was large and brawny, sporting a coat of greys and browns. His green eyes seemed a fitting color, as if intended to match the forest surroundings. However she could only just barely see him through the slight veil of mist created by the rains.

As he drew closer, Astra lowered herself to the ground in a submissive crouch. Tucking her tail between her legs, pinning her ears back against her head. She was on the edge of his land after all, and it was only polite to show proper respect where it was due. Making a good first impression, was critical, she knew. With her golden fur slicked against her body from the downpour, she was certain that didn't look the most presentable. But the timing couldn't be helped...no one controlled mother nature. Beneath her water logged exterior, was a faithful, well rounded wolf who was ready and willing to contribute her share to the pack.

She paused for a second after he addressed her, sliding her tongue out to moisten her dark lips. So his name was Makism, and this pack was called Darkwater Rapids. It made sense, since they were situated right next to a rushing river. "Greetings, Makism. I am Astra Sellix. I've come here today in hopes of finding a home before winter sets in." She replied softly, her words straightforward and to the point. She wasn't going to beat around the bush, but she first wanted to see if he was even interested in a wolf like her joining his ranks.
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
The loner submitted, tucked herself away and Maksim watched her, ever observant and stoic. Such was always the case when meeting loners at the borders. It was easier to size them up that way. Overly friendly wolves were so odd to the Darkwater Leader. They made him suspicious, so he could only presume that would be the case for other wolves. Regardless of her wet exterior (this rain really wasn’t letting up, was it?), Maksim saw potential. She seemed an average wolf, well-rounded to all sorts of pack duties. She, like Taras, was probably searching for a home to call her own during the winter months. He could only hope that if this were the case that she would remain after the harsh cold and snow.

Astra Sellix was her name and the Baranski’s guess about her arrival at his borders were spot on: a home for winter. She was straight to the point about it, but in a respectful manner. No demands. They definitely needed new members. Winter could be very, very harsh and they’d need to start gathering food for the caches soon. Perhaps he should organise an outing to the forest for a hunt soon …

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">“Well, miss Sellix,” he began, his tail still held high and his shoulders squared as if he were royalty, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">“I must ask you: what can you offer Darkwater Rapids? Winter is a harsh time and we simply cannot accept another mouth to feed that cannot pull its own weight.” He raised his brow quizzically and awaited her answer patiently. They already had a half-blind mute in their ranks and, whilst the Darkwater leader was positive he would be able to shift his own weight, Maksim simply wanted to ensure their survival in his pack. They needed to be tight-knit in the times that were coming.<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">

table by mimi, image by hun

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Trix who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astra Sellix
Remaining in her crouched position below the larger male, Astra awaited a reply to her interest in joining the pack. The cold, unrelenting rain was a bother, yes, but for the time being she ignored it. Now was not the time to be focusing on the deplorable weather conditions. Her very future may well rest on the shoulders of Makism. Winter was on it's way and if the rains continued, then any homeless wolf would find themselves having a very tough time of it. As his voice rumbled forth, formal and inquisitive, the words that which greeted her ears were understood completely. Any logical pack leader simply should not accept a wolf right off the bat. They needed to prove themselves worthy...useful. Astra was accustomed to life within a pack and it's morals, and so could understand his caution.

Lifting her eyes up, she dared not meet his olive green gaze out of respect and submission. Instead she settled for staring at the damp fur lining his broad chest, as a way of conveying her honesty and seriousness. Walking a tightrope, balancing just the right blend of dignity and humility. "I assure you, Makisim, that I am not looking for just a home or a place to hunker down for the winter. I am looking for a family." She stated cooly, withholding any emotions stirring beneath the surface. All that was evident was a sincere gleam in her eye. She would not bore him with her tale of rejection and sorrow...her escape from her homeland. Astra was far too reserved to just open up about such a personal matter. This was business after all.

Shifting on her paws, the muscles in her legs began to burn slightly from maintaining her position for so long, but she blocked out the discomfort. "I can offer Darkwater Rapids my services. I am an experienced hunter, watchful and hardworking. I also am quite adept in tracking and scouting." For now, she left out the part about her little knack of predicting the seasonal and migratory patterns. Should she be accepted, perhaps when she was fit for a task, the time would be right. "But most importantly, I offer my loyalty." She concluded with a short, firm nod. Astra was not trying to impress the male with pretty words, eloquent phrases or false promises. She spoke truthfully, of what she believed in and held close to her heart. It was now up to Makism to decide whether put his faith in those words or not.
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
Her words of reassurance struck a chord with Maksim and already he could tell she’d be a valuable asset in the pack. Astra was not looking for a winter shelter and to the agouti male that spelt she was looking for a less temporary position. Her next words confirmed his very thoughts as the pale, thoroughly wet woman said that she was looking for a family. Perfect. The look on his face did not falter, though it was hard for the Darkwater leader to not crack an approving smile at such a statement. That’s what Kade and Ava had set out to find with the founding of Darkwater Rapids: A family. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">“Darkwater Rapids certainly is a very tight-knit community.” Not only was Astra attempting to sell herself to Maksim, he was attempting to sell his home to her. It was a two way street.

The woman began to bargain her piece, speaking of her skills and what she could offer the group in winter. A hunter would certainly be necessary in the coming cold months, to fill the caches and ensure no stomach went empty. His reptilian gaze remained fixed upon her, silent in his judgement. An adapt hunter and tracker who could also scout seemed almost a little too good to be true. Then the deal was sealed as Maksim Baranski was reminded of the very words he uttered to Ava all those moons ago: an offer of loyalty. Finally, the smile that he had held back pulled the corners of his lips upwards very slightly. He nodded, approvingly, at her words though remained silent this time. Loyalty.

That was truly all he wanted from the wolves under his command. Loyalty, respect and perseverance. Not only did she bring those to the plate, but she brought experience in hunting and tracking and scouting. Surely he would have been a fool to pass up such a wolf. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">“From what you have said, miss, I can only draw one logical conclusion.” That conclusion was a good one, for Maksim, for Astra and for the pack. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">“It would be my pleasure to accept you into this pack.” Hopefully she would accept his offer of a home and, more importantly, of family.<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">

table by mimi, image by hun

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Trix who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astra Sellix
She held her breath, silently wondering if what she had to offer Maksim and his pack was what the brawny male was looking for. Astra didn't know him, nor another soul in Relic Lore. They were strangers. Guessing what it was he and this pack valued and held dear, was a shot in the dark. For all she knew, their pack structure could be rigid and severe, or lax and casual. But at least he confirmed that they were tight knit. A feeling that she knew well back in her younger days. Until it was torn away, destroyed as she was forced into a life of living in the shadows. If she was lucky, just maybe she would regain what she had lost. They may not be blood related, but if a bond could be formed with the wolves of Darkwater Rapids, treating her as one of their own, then Astra would happily take that. Anything to feel that sense of unity again. Of unbreakable trust.

As the rains fell, soaking through the soil and all who walked upon it, Astra awaited his verdict. Letting him take his time in processing the freshly delivered information. After what seemed to be a few moments, his voice drifted towards her ears again. She was not to be disappointed. What he said made her heart jump in exhilaration, her muddied tail beginning to wag back and forth happily. Her body, once tensed, began to relax. Slowly, tentatively, she rose to stand at her natural height, a soothing ache running through her previously straining muscles. <b style="font-family:georgia;font-size:11px;color:#385d79;">"Thank you, Maksim. I would be deeply honored to join your ranks." Was her soft reply, as she dipped her head in a humble gesture of gratefulness. Unlike other wolves seeking a home, Astra would not simply stay for the winter and then leave come spring. She was here to stay, ready to start anew. On this wet, dreary fall day, her future looked bright.

Making no move to head off into his home, she waited until he would escort her, concluding the official acceptance ceremony. Astra now stood with a relaxed posture, dark eyes peering inquisitively into the forest beyond. A thought had sneaked into her head, a curiosity seeking to be answered. So she voiced it, relatively unconcerned, hoping to gain as much information as she could. <b style="font-family:georgia;font-size:11px;color:#385d79;">"If you don't mind, Maksim, what are the wolves of Darkwater like? What are their core values?" Although she wasn't too worried about fitting in, knowing what to expect from the wolves of this pack couldn't hurt either. It would surely put her mind at ease to know if she was indeed, a perfect match.<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#385d79;">

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
If it was unbreakable trust Astra Sellix sought then, truthfully, there was no better match. Though they were a small group now, they were close; a chosen family. Their days were peaceful with little interruption—disregarding the current torrential downpour—and the Baranski wouldn’t have it any other way himself. He was happy here and though he desired a pack of his own, he would wish it to be much like the Rapids.

His invitation seemed to have done the trick and Maksim watched as Astra’s tail slowly began a steady wag, her posture straightening out as she thanked him softly for his offer. She dipped her head, offering her respect and gratitude for his acceptance, and the leader returned the gesture with a bob of his own. She peered off into the forest, as if captivated by something, before she questioned the Baranski: what were the Darkwater wolves’ core values? He pursed his lips for a moment, thinking of a way to word their lifestyle. He allowed his gaze to dart into the rapids, watching the white water churn for a few fleeting moments before his vibrant eyes returned to her drenched figure. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">“We value strong bonds and perseverance. If it is a family you seek in the Lore I can think of no better home.”

Satisfied with his response, he made his move forwards, towards her smaller frame. He brushed up against her, shoulder to shoulder, before stepping back in front of her, offering a gentle smile. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">“Welcome to the Rapids, Astra Sellix. I hope you find your time here enjoyable and put it to good use.” With that said, he gestured down river. It was time to take the newest recruit home. Turning and beginning to walk along the banks, they started their journey towards the den site; towards home.<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#d8ddcf;">

table by mimi, image by hun

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.

Look Out!

There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the snow. Hunt Opportunity