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The Thief, The Gypsy and the Vagabond — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Semananti, you come across a pumpkin patch

Semananti had just started over the borders, going to make a round of the surrounding territory as a scout was responsible for. She admittedly wanted to go towards the mountains, just for the old times sake, but she had decided against it. She needed to be there for when she was to challenge Muerda again and that time would be extremely soon. Her eyes filled with wonder and awe, she knew that winter was coming, and she had been back at the Ridge but a few weeks, but everything seemed so bright to her. She wasn't normally emotionally sappy like that, but this time she was.... until she tripped. She tripped and to her surprise, there were orange things all around her, balls of orange with stems out the top.

Sema had honest to Artemis, never seen a pumpkin before, a bit sad, but she hadn't. She was bewildered that there were such things near her land. She stood up and tilted her head to the side a bit. She took her paw and hit the pumpkin, it went rolling onto its side. It was most weird, at least to her, that it was there. She had never seen it before, so did that mean she was being a bad scout? She was curious above all else and she left all her worries and plans aside to discover the truth of the strange pumpkins that she had come across. Perhaps someone from the pack knew, but she wouldn't make a fool of herself by asking. She'd look like a naive yearling.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: ALP-stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

[Image: WR3.png]
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben

After making sure that Skana was definitely there watching the pups and his sister, did he set out towards the borders once again. He needed to stretch his legs every once and awhile, as being in the den looking after his sister could become quite cramped being as large as he was. Plus, even though he didn’t speak much, he still missed his social time with the friends he had made since being in Willow Ridge. His returning friend, Semananti and him had not had any time to see one another and he had truly missed her companionship over the months. She had, after all, been his sparring buddy in the long run and when she stood her trip whenever he needed to stretch his muscles he needed to do it on his own and he would need to go for a little run, which still wasn’t so run if you were by yourself all the time. He didn’t wish to be alone today either and it came as a somewhat pleasant surprise when nearby he heard a bump and a crash. Even though it would be nice to have company, it wouldn’t do him any good if his company was injured.

Concern filled him at the thought of one of the pups, or Skana, taking an awful fall and injuring them. Quickly moving towards where he had heard the noise, the Vigilante watched with his golden amber eyes, his body relaxing when he realized that it was Semananti. She didn’t look as if she had received any injuries from her fall. When his eyes took in the reason for her tumble his lips twitched, almost putting a smile on his face. She had tripped over a pumpkin! He was glad to see that she was alright, though he had never doubted that she would be many but. Seman was probably the toughest woman he knew, besides Elettra, of course. He knew that if he needed someone to get a job done without questioning his orders she would be the woman to come to. He also knew that the only reason that she would listen was because he had gained an ounce of her respect and they were what others would call friends. Letting his chest rumbling in greeting to the other woman, he gave her a brief, respectful nod.

Pillar of Strength
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Semananti turned with embarrassment to see who had rumbled a greeting to her, though in her mind she already knew who it was. Guiness stood before her, looking the same as ever and when he gave her a respectful nod, she mimicked the gesture.she had recieved. "Guiness." The tone was kind enough for her, but not too kind. It was rather brash but welcomed. She had not seen the man in a good while, since before she left. Well, at least she hadn't have the opportunity to talk to him since she had returned to the pack lands. They had been sparring buddies, and sparring with him had sharpened her skills, probably the only reason she was still alive was because she learned from every spar they had. When they fought off the foxes in Iridescent Lagoon, everything.

Sema had changed a lot, but not personality wise. Guiness was probably one of the few friends she had. She never really saw a point in growing close to other wolves, just wasn't the way she was raised. So the fact that she had a friend, a friend that was a guy no less, was a miracle. "It's been quite a while, hasn't it?" She asked with a small and awkward smile. She had goals in mind, one was to beat out Narcissa, whom she personally loathed because of the caution she had thrown to the wind in the forest with talking to the stranger named Tesla. But other than that, she was competition. Narcissa was trying to steal her place as the runner and Elettra's main scout. That was what Sema saw. She remembered when she was the only one. She would be the top soon enough.

[Image: WR3.png]
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben

Semananti was one of the few friends Guiness had obtained since coming to the lore, which felt like a lifetime ago. The woman had asked to go on leave for an important mission of her own that had seemed to involve blood relatives and Guiness had grown to respect her even more. One for asking to go on leave and not demanding it and second for caring about her family so much, whether it actually be for honor or those within her family. Ever since her return neither of them had much time to catch up with the other, due to their duties conflicting with one another just as they had before. The only time they had managed to see one another in the past was when they would bump into the other one and this seemed to be what they were doing once again. The thought would have been funny if Guiness had any sense of humor, which he didn’t, but neither did Seman and it was why the two wolves got along so well.

As the Guard looked upon the girl now, he observed her, noticing the many scars she had obtained while she was gone, which lead Guiness to believe that her mission had nothing to do with going to help a family member out. She seemed much wiser than she had since he had last seen her too, which was what experience would hand to you. He also had such a problem, and though his body had many scars his eyes held the most, telling the stories of his past without truly giving the full story. But he knew since the woman’s return what she had been aiming for. It had become crystal clear to him when she had challenged one of their subordinates, which wouldn’t be such a good idea once winter came closer. None the less, Guiness looked up her now, his golden amber eyes gleaming slightly as he spoke, "We practice. Now." He crouched down in a defensive position and watched her closely. He knew enough to know that she had lost her last challenge and it was time that she get back into practice with the Lead Guard in Willow Ridge.

Pillar of Strength
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Semananti Whurshire
Semananti watched, listened and observed, something she was use to doing and comfortable with doing. She heard his words and took no delay to start plotting out her attack. Her amber eyes surveyed his defenses, a small smile crept across her face. She let her back haunches raise and her body tense as her old defensive measures. Guiness wouldn't go as far as to injure her to put her out of work; this she did know. He was crouched down defensively, and so Semananti started out with what she always had. The left shoulder of the front left leg. She lunged at the Guardian and aimed to bite down on his left shoulder, closer to the back than the neck or the side of the front left leg.

If she could get there, she could get his center of gravity to shift into her favor, but it all depended on how he would react to her attack. A sly smile had crossed her muzzle when she attacked, the scars she proudly displayed seemed like nothing in the heat of the moment. She had truthfully missed sparring with the larger man. She had indeed gone on a long voyage home, but she returned. She was back to stay. Guiness probably had heard from the older female {Meurda} or someone else about how Sema had lost her challenge. It was a shame, a deep shame and an embarrassment. I hit a tree. Why did I even hit the tree? She asked herself. Her mind was lost and connected at the same time.

They told me I could be anything, so I became a Huntress of Artemis and a servant of the Ridge...
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