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I Couldn't Get too Far
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Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
@Corinna or @Triell
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">

Thanos had tried to cross the mountain to find the girl Aponi but his attempts had failed. With no where to go and not wanting to return back to Magnolia Glen the male had weaved his way around the lands looking for another pack. It had been days until he gotten lucky to pick up the scent of borders. Putting him right in this spot right now. Standing tall he was only about five feet away from the borders. A respectable distance to him. Without wasting time Thanos tilted his head back and called for the Alphas.

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">"I hope someone comes soon, I don't want to die out here." He didn't look in the best shape either. Thanos' fur was a bit ruffled and dirt. His figure that was once bold and robust had slimmed down. A shame to say the least. Sitting down slowly his tired paws sat on the cold ground. Closing his eyes slowly he listened for any signs of someone coming close. As much as sleep was pulling at him by a chain he forced himself to stay awake. Thanos had to, it wasn't right to call for someone then fall asleep before they could even show themselves. Opening his eyes it was quiet obvious that the Argyris male was out of it mentally. But all he needed was a good wake up call and he should be back to normal.

Standing up his tail slowly sunk down near his legs and his gaze was already shifted towards the ground. Now all that was left was staying awake and waiting for someone to greet him.

(This post was last modified: Dec 09, 2013, 05:27 AM by Datura.)
[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The reality had set in with the cold and it was just as harsh. The snows had continued to piled up, making travel hard. Corinna's howls to @Kisla had gone unanswered, and everyday the mother waited in worry for her daughter to come home. @Ice and @Merlin had also not returned after their search for Cali. Their numbers had been worn down before the winter had well and truly arrived; never a good thing. Food had grown increasingly scarce, and more than once Corinna had needed to stop her youngest from pillaging the entire stores to ensure that the others were also able to eat and be nourished.

So when the stranger howled, calling for the pack's leaders, Corinna was not as immediately irritated as she normally would have been. The older she had grown, the less tolerant she had grown of strangers, but with winter blowing past their doorstep uninvited, she had little choice but to see what this stranger wanted.

The going was not easy, even though the leader was not particular heavy. The depth of the snow made it tough, and more than once she fell through the surface and had to forcefully shove her way forward. Snow clung to her chest, back, and shoulders, the coating growing deeper every time she fell through. But Corinna forced herself on, even though she grew weary with the effort. The result being that when she finally reached the borders and spied the tawny brute who had called for her, her irritability had risen. Pausing to shake herself, she stood still and shook her body, sending the ice that clung to her fur flying. With that finished, she approached the borders, her head and tail instinctively rising, hopefully leaving no doubt as to who she was.

[dohtml]bold signature[/dohtml]
Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">

It wasn't very long until a female had shown herself. With the way her postiure was it was easy to tell that she was the Alpha. As respectful as he could Thanos sunk down to the ground. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">"Hello Miss, my name is Thanos Argyris. I have came here seeking a place in your pack." His voice was firm and formal. He wasn't scared or nervous, because that would be showing he was weak. To survive winter one could not be weak.

Keeping his gaze down towards the snow Thanos kept his tailed tucked. He had to show the female he was no threat to her or her family. He had to form some type of trust with her so he could even have a sliver of a chance for him to seem worthy. Biting his tongue from saying anything else the male gave the Alpha a chance to speak. It was the right thing to do in a situation like this. Besides, who said he would even be let in? He could be chased away easier then he could be accepted. Thanos didn't even know what these wolves were like! For all he knew they could be crazy, evil, murdering wolves. That was the last type of wolves he needed a home with.

Perhaps he had let his mind roam to wide in his thoughts but anything was possible. Or so he believed. He believed in a lot of things but he never spoke them. Just to make sure no one got their feelings hurt.

[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,816 posts.

Look Out!

A bear has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

He made his intentions clear, easily enough. Not that there was really any surprise in why he had shown up. Very rarely did lone wolves approach her borders with anything other than a request for food, a place to sleep, and land to call home. There had been few, though, who had taken that chance recently. The winter snows were worse than they had been in Corinna's five years of life, and if they were harsh on a pack wolf, they would be lethal for a lone wolf. As macabre as the thought was, she couldn't help but picture the scene come spring: decayed carcasses of lone wolves who had been unable to find companionship during the long nights. It remained to be seen if this Thanos would be among them or not.

"Very well, Thanos," she returned, doing her best to keep her irritation out of her voice and her tone level. As irksome as dealing with strangers was, Corinna could not deny her pack another body out of her own spite. With Ice, Merlin, Cali, and now Kisla, missing from the pack's ranks, it would be ridiculously stupid to send away a potential subordinate. One more mouth to feed, but perhaps the difference between a successful and failed hunt, as well. "I am Corinna Donata, and this is Oak Tree Bend, my family and my pack. We don't take in stragglers, so if you're only looking for temporary shelter, then you should leave now." The leader took a step forward, her black lips lifting so he could understand the very real threat she was making beneath her words. "What's brought you here? Surely you didn't decide that winter was the best time to go exploring on your own, did you?"

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Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">"Speech."

A spark of excitement flashed in his eyes. Though it hadn't stayed for long. "I am Corinna Donata, and this is Oak Tree Bend, my family and my pack. We don't take in stragglers, so if you're only looking for temporary shelter, then you should leave now." Thanos took in all the information. She even gave him a fair warning that this was a threat. Lucky day for the Argyris male, he didn't want any temporary shelter. No, he wanted a place to serve a pack as a whole. Not feed off of them for winter.

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">"Thank you Miss Corinna, I promise to serve you and your members as long as my life lets me." His words had truth to the core of them. Listening to Corinnas' next words held him back a bit to speak. Many answers swam through his brain. So many things he could say, but only one he would say. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">"Well, I'll tell you the truth. During the end of fall I was traveling over the mountains. I ran into a beautiful child, wouldn't tell me her name though. Claiming she had a pack to go to I let her go back to them. Though as I sat and thought about the child I couldn't help but want to go and see if she was safe. So merely I was trying to beat the weather, but it looks like it as led me to a new place to serve." It was most likely a boring story to listen to but she had ask. Leading him to tell.

[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Thanos can either run or he can submit and be attacked, it's up to you.

Gone Tomorrow

The she-wolf's ears twitched atop her skull as she listened to Thanos speak. Empty words of promised loyalty meant very little to Corinna. What else, after all, was a lone wolf going to say when faced with the threat of starvation? Loyalty was not something that could be pledged with words. Words were cheap, but actions were worth their weight in gold. Only time would tell if Thanos' words were trustworthy, though it remained to be seen if the leader would give him the chance to do so.

His response to her question caused her to inhale sharply. Instinctively, the hair along her back stood up, and she answered him with a low growl and narrowed eyes. The leader's muscles tensed, and her body fell into a crouch - prepared to lunge at him and drive him off. What kind of wolf let a child wander around on their own during winter? The mother had always been wary of strangers around her children, a fear that had only been intensified with Rissa's death. Thanos said he had gone back to find her, but that was irrelevant - he had allowed a pup to wander off alone.

Still growling, Corinna glared at the loner; there was no mistaking her anger. Muscles tense, she lunged at him, teeth parted and prepared to bite into him for his grave mistake.

[dohtml]bold signature[/dohtml]
Played by Becca who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Thanos Argyris
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#91A2AB;">"Speech."

He heard the warning. Without wanting to be slaughtered Thanos took off and ran like a child. His legs carrying him as far as they could in the thick snow. His new goal was to go as far as possible away from this pack. With the build he had he wasn't made for running. But the winter had shaved off a few pounds and dropped his weight. This helped with the running but it also meant less energy he could use for the running.

It seemed he had gotten lucky though. Surly his running had put distance between them. No way was the Argyris male going to risk turning his head to see if the female followed. He just had to hope that she hadn't and that he was allowed to escape safely. Where could he run to now? No signs of any other packs had crossed him. Maybe he wasn't looking hard enough, but all he did know was that he would not go crawling back to Magnolia Glen and his brother unless death was on his doorstep. Thanos had said he was leaving so he had to leave them. Perhaps Phineas was happy he left. No matter what though he would stray far from this pack, Oak Tree Bend, and his brothers'. Only with a fear that he would be ran off or attacked like he almost had been.

Just maybe he would have luck this winter. Even though the possibility was unlikely he still could try and survive. Besides, an Argyris never gave up without a fight.

{Thanos Exit}
[Image: hashtags-argyris04.png]