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The black lad's ears perked at her laugh, eyes sparkling in appreciation of her reaction. She went on to give a slightly somber comment, though still with a smile on her lips. He cocked his head, eyes narrowing a bit as he studied the girl curiously; her coat was as dark as his own, though marked with one, large white stripe between her eyes, which, unlike his own, were almost devoid of color. Her frame was smaller than his own, but not unusually petit, and with lean, well-set muscles; Quite a pretty thing. The only lack was her clearly scant weight, an issue that was easily attributed to the winter and could hardly be held against the young woman. |
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Though other members of her pack seemed to be getting lucky today, Jessie had obtained none as of yet. What she tried to scavenge for food seemed little morsels that would do little good to any of them, as it looked as if her pack mates had already found what they needed and disposed of the tiny bits. The carcasses were everywhere and yet, there was no meat to be found for her, or for anyone else whom she needed to be looking for. Jessie had not been back to the mountains since she had discovered the passageways blocked. It had not been a good day for her or Arlette, having discovered that Kisla could have possibly been trapped underneath all of the snow, and had not survived, or she was(hopefully) on the other side of the mountains. They were not pleasant thoughts and the Oak Tree Bend wolves could only hope that after all the snow melted, that they would be able to find the lost Tainn sister. Fenru had not been happy since her disappearance and Jessie would give anything to see the joy return to his eyes.
Though lost in her own thoughts, the Scout and Huntress didn't miss the enticing call of Triell. Wide emerald eyes turned in the direction of his call and immediately set off. She was still having some problems working as fast through the snow compared to the years in the past. Eventually, she picked onto the scent of Triell, another pack mate, and another scent that she found distinctly familiar to her. She had definitely scented something like it in the past. Snorting softly under her breath, she quickly caught up with Triell, the scent of prey deep in the air and she had to mentally curse herself for being foolish enough to not have checked over here. Her mouth watered at the sight of the carcass, but she turned her jaded eyes towards, her alpha, dipping her head in respect for him before turning her surprised eyes back to the woman she had scented before. Indeed, the woman was familiar to her, and Jessie couldn't help the small smile that twitched on her lips at the sight of the woman, "We meet once again, Nayeli, this is a pleasant surprise, indeed." On instinct her position rose, to one that was slightly beneath Triell's own stature, though it was obvious that he was much bigger than her. Eyeing the other man in front of them and having only spotted him a few times before, she gave an almost unsure look towards Triell, asking him politely if she could take some for herself.
Nayeli's plume swayed in thanks, and she lowered her head to the pronghorn carcass Triell and she had brought with them upon their arrival. Hastily the lean she-wolf grabbed another few bites, before loping along to follow the two dark wolves to whatever it was Drestig had uncovered. So far the welcome had been quite warm, but Triell had alluded that not everyone might be as accepting of a newcomer. Nayeli could understand being wary of strangers, but she could only hope that they'd give her a chance to show them what she was worth. She meant to do her best to thank this pack for their hospitality, through her deeds rather than just words.
Halting when she arrived where Drestig had lead, she looked upon the moose in surprise. Perhaps there really was such a thing as being visited by fortune, although life had left Nayeli inclined to be a skeptic. Before she could think of anything to say, another form melted out of the distance now, one that she was happy to see she recognized. Returning the grey lady's smile, the Stormwright woman let her tail sway in enthusiasm. "It's good to see you too, Jessie," she remarked with a jovial expression, remembering that the Swiftpaw had mentioned being a part of Oak Tree Bend. "I hope you've been well since we last met."
Nayeli kept her stance neutral, her tail swaying low in what she gauged to be a properly subordinate attitude. She sensed the undercurrents of pack dynamics more now that there were four of them, counting herself, gathered together, and she felt a bit like a new piece in the puzzle. Nayeli had to wonder how much more she might be missing, but she felt the best thing to do was learn and get to know them. She didn't exactly feel at ease among them yet - she had been alone too long for that particular instinct to be dismissed at a moment's notice - but she felt hopeful about this place and these wolves.
"There certainly is." Easily the Tainn carried his smirk, for what could ruin this day now? Fresh spoils, and Drestig was always amusing. He was happy to see that their teasing did not bother the Stormwright. She didn't argue about eating now, and so satisfied the dark wolf waited in silence for others to arrive. He hoped to see his nephews, Corinna, but now there was surely enough to take back to the den without worrying who would still be hungry. With that in mind, as Jessie came his dark banner gave a quick wag of greeting, pleased to see her. "Go ahead Jessie, Drestig. Eat what you need then we can take the rest back."
He was going to take a closer look at the elk, and was fine waiting for the opportunity to fill his own stomach. There was a curious rise to his dark crown, as Jessie and Nayeli appeared to know each other. It seemed the meeting had gone alright, and the Tainn felt a bit of his worry the pack would give her a hard time fade. Jessie had been a long standing member, and if she approved of the ink cloaked female there was little reason the others wouldn't. He offered Nayeli a smile, thinking this wasn't a too bad a welcome to a new home. He began to fidget waiting for others, so he loomed over to the elk, and began ripping away pieces of meat to swallow. Once satisfied he began the hard work of ripping off a hind haunch. A sharp bark he called to the others. "Lets not leave anything for coyotes hmm?" No further explanation began dragging the unspoiled meat to the safety of the den.
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At the sound of paws on the snow, Drestig lifted his head, mouth full, and nodded at the second when she came forth from the trees. He didn't know her well, but they had crossed paths a few times within the territory, and though she hadn't given him a warm welcome, she hadn't been unfriendly either. He stayed a silent observer while the woman addressed their new recruit, her smile appreciated by the lad, however small it might be. Turning his flaming eyes to Nayeli, he couldn't help but smile when she answered the other wolfess with the same elegant manner she had used towards the men; A cultured lady... |
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