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Show me the way to the foreign lands — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

As he waited for Hollow's decision, Rayne shuffled his paws nervously in the snow. Hollow had been right with his previous words about having the right to turn him away, if he so wished and the orange eyed male desperately hoped that the dark leader didn't. It was hard to ignore the gnawing hunger in his stomach and the weakness he felt in his limbs because of it.

He was surprised then, when Hollow leaned forward and after grasping his muzzle-Rayne made no movement when he did it, unflinching at the touch-the words that fell from his mouth made Rayne's heat soar in happiness.

"You will make a strong guardian I feel, I am quite proud to take on a wolf such as yourself Rayne." The lighter male couldn't stop a grin forming on his muzzle and his eyes shined with joy. Holding his head a littler higher, though still making sure it was in a lower position then Hollow and Miccah, opened his maw.

"Thank you for accepting me, you won't be disappointed. I will never let you or anyone the pack down. I will do my best to protect its borders and family within in those borders. I make that vow now." His words rang strong and true, his heart feeling light. He was apart of a pack now! There was a strange feeling in him now, after having been on his own for months now. But he knew his life would be good now and it wouldn't take him long to settle back into old routines.

Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

Hope you don't mind the slight PP, I just wanted to wrap this up <3

The proceedings had gone quickly enough, and Miccah had stayed silent through the whole thing. Hollow accepted Rayne without a hitch after going through the usual speal. The words of wisdom that his alpha freely gave them, the large beast took to heart. And it seemed that Rayne did too. The olfer man's voice rang with determination, and Miccah couldn't help but admire his character that had shined through in his words and actions. Miccah was feeling bad for snapping at Rayne, for usually the man was kind, but now was not the time to extend his apologies. An idea rang in his head and he looked at his alpha. Opening his maw, his soft batitone rumbled deep in his chest. Briefly bowing his head in a sign of respect, his blue orbs locked with his alpha's. "My King. If you will excuse us, I would like to take Rayne around the borders and show him around."

Waiting for his alpha's decision, he moved to stare at Rayne. Yes, the man would make a good Gaurdian. But he wouldn't be the only one learning, for maybe Miccah would be able to apologize for his ealier actions and the older man could give him his own tokens of wisdom. Tokens of wisdom that Miccah would gladly accept. For his mission was to be the best Guardian he could be. No harm would ever come to his family if he could help it. And Miccah realized that's what Secret Woodlands had truly become to him - a family. Turning his attention back to Hollow, Miccah patiently waited for his response. His King turned to him then, and nodded his consent before taking his leave. Watching Hollow depart, he turned to the older man in front of him. Rayne interjected, politely declining his offer of the tour of the lands. Miccah didn't get mad, for as he laid his blue orbs on his new pack mate, the beast could sense his weariness. Life as a loner didn't take long to tire you out. "Maybe some other time," Miccah spoke with a slight smile upon his maw. Turning, the man flicked his tail in goodbye and left Rayne to his own devices - his job here was done.

{Fade out}

(This post was last modified: Mar 26, 2014, 11:15 AM by Miccah.)