"You have me there... I'm all by myself here, and you've got allies now, haven't you?" He conceded, sighing and looking at the ground before him in defeat, for effect. Through the corner of his eye he glanced at Albireo to gauge his reaction to this new angle. "But do they trust you so much? And would they still, if I told them what I think happened?" Often all it took to start something were tiny seeds of doubt, Deneb knew. "Even if they didn't outright believe me, don't you think they'd still start to wonder about you, just a little bit?" Deneb was willing to bet Albireo had found himself a cushy little spot in this pack, and had been getting comfortable until his brother had found him. And, knowing Albireo, it was probable that if this pack's leadership had any brains at all, they'd already sprouted a doubt or two about the other Cygni's ...quality of character. He was the sort of creature that had inspired doubt in the rest of their old pack, in Deneb's mate. He remembered her words... "only a fool could trust Albireo...." Perhaps it was true. "I doubt things would remain quite as easy for you as they have been so far." Yes, brother, you may have me in a bad position, but I can still hurt you, in more ways than one. And unlike you, I have so little to lose.... Deneb took a breath, changing gears abruptly.
"I trusted you, Al. I defended you, even when everyone told me that you'd done it. I thought you were just afraid, and that you'd come back and explain everything, set it all straight." He looked up and sought his brother's gaze again, trying to charm the serpent. "...but you never did. And eventually, I came to see that they must be right about your guilt." He paused a beat before going on. "But I couldn't just move on." He let his emotion show on purpose now, there was truth in his words as he spoke, and he hoped it would make everything else he said sound more earnest by proximity. "They were my children. Castor and Pollux... did you know, they always reminded me of the two of us?"
"I didn't come here for revenge. It wouldn't bring them back. I want to know what really happened, brother... don't you think you owe me that at least? Perhaps then I could have some closure. I could live with that." For now. "And perhaps, I could even forgive you," he said it wishfully. "Then we could keep this matter between ourselves and work together again...." he stopped his speech at last, letting that last idea hang in the air.
![[Image: CygniSig.png]](http://u.cubeupload.com/Kydnt/CygniSig.png)