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the sound of iron shocks — Hollowheart Keep 
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Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Mapplethorpe consumes 4 of the 10 available health points.

death claims all things. it is law, not punishment, to die
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

He watched Chulyin leave and while he was left on his own, he rested his head on his paws. Occasionally his ears would twitch, listening for the Guardian's return. The dark knight, of course, did not disappoint. The prize that was deposited before him made his head tilt thoughtfully. There was more than enough left on the deer carcass that Chulyin had been able to retrieve but the scent of lynx that had been brought with it did nothing but make the Leader worry. As much as he knew, lynxes were the type of wildling who cared little for other predators. They were solitary creatures, prone to sticking to one place, especially if the area - like the woodlands that he and Naira had claimed - provided more than enough hiding places. For the feline to be capable of taking down a deer only told the Leader that the wolves the of the Keep were not alone.

His yellow eyes went up to the Queen's brother briefly before he nodded in gratitude. "Thank you," He shuffled forward to give himself leverage in separating a modest portion of the creature for himself, allowing Chulyin to do whatever he would like with the rest of the carrion. His stomach gave a rather feeble grumble as he slowly and carefully ate what had been brought for him. In a matter of minutes the bit of deer had been consumed but rather than feeling satisfied or at ease, Mapplethorpe found himself feeling the opposite. His stomach churned, but he managed to gather his feet beneath him; and, with a nudge of his nose, half-rolled the rest of the deer towards his companion.

He gave a small smile as another mark of his appreciation as he took a step to leave, "If... you'll excuse me, I'm going to check on Naira." The jittery wag in his tail conveyed the anxiety that stemmed from the hot flashes that were starting to roll over his neck and shoulders. "Thank you again." Then, in a rare display of concern and gentleness, as he turned to look back, "Be careful... with that lynx around here."


Played by Bryony who has 171 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chulyin Nyanquet

A slight nod was given in response, though he thought nothing of the courtesy. It was his duty, was it not, to keep his leaders alive? To keep everyone alive? Chulyin remained silent, as usual, watching as his leader took some of the kill for himself. His eyes descended as Mapplethorpe set to eating, and Chulyin settled to his own belly to eat the rest. He wanted to watch the man eat every bite as worry chewed at his mind, but he forced himself to mind his business. Perhaps because of this he ate with a bit more vigor than he ought to have, and found himself feeling rather bloated. There was hardly a scrap left of Chulyin's meal when Mapplethorpe rose and nudged the remainder of his meal forward.

The man's ears flipped back, concern clouding his features again as he looked at the rest of the deer at his paws. Rising as well, he bowed his head. "Of course, sir," He spoke finally, and as Mapplethorpe began to walk away, he leaned down to lift the rest of the deer, perhaps take it to the caches. But his attention was diverted as he heard the voice of his leader again. Lifting his head in slight surprise, he gave a few nods, copper eyes wide, "I'll...I'll keep an eye out." Plucking the remainder of the meat from the earth, Chulyin departed as well, taking the long way back home to check for the feline that had made its presence known.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention