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A Noble Uprising — Black Thorn Downs 
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Played by Kydnt who has 55 posts.
Inactive II. Herbalist
Lugh Whelan

Lugh chuckled at the high pitched greeting Kova gave him. He winced as the pup inevitably toppled over on his stout legs, and he reached down to nudge the boy upright with his snout. "Anything to 'elp and I'll do it," Lugh quickly nodded as Minka asked if he would help out carrying the cubs to their new dwellings. Gently, as he would one of his own little cousins, he nipped the loose skin behind Kova's head and gently hoisted the cub into the air. Minka really wasn't kidding about them getting too big to fit! Kova was already getting big enough that little Lugh was having difficulty lifting those flailing little puppy paws clear of the ground.

Lugh shuffled backwards out the den, careful not to bump his head nor drag the cub held precariously in his jaws. He waited for Minka to exit, then followed her along as they walked to the communal den. He was glad they made it there when they did, as Kova seemed to have grown restless with the journey. Ducking inside the larger entrance was much easier than squeezing out of the old cubs' den, and Lugh set Kova down next to his sister on the nest of silver fur.

"Think nothin' of it," Lugh responded to his leader's thanks with a bob of his head. Just as Minka mentioned settling them down into a nap, the pair had already began to doze off. But knowing how rare a moment's rest for a mother could be, Lugh quietly slipped out the earthen burrow to finish up his own tasks.