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transpose — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok
His plump body quivered with anticipation as he awaited her response, his baby blue gaze focused on her licorice lips as he waited for her pretty words to fall of her tongue. Having her tell him about the world outside was not the same as her actually showing him, but he knew the time would come soon. As frustrating as it was to not be able to fully explore the pack’s territory, listening to Io would have to do. For now.

Pressing his stomach against the soft soil, the small boy huddled his body together as the pale female began to speak, his gaze fixated on her while his lips remained shut. As soon as she described that it was ‘quiet’ Unitas was immediately disappointed – wasn’t the outside world supposed to be exciting?! – but as soon as she continued his excitement peaked once more. His baby blues widened in awe as she went on to describe the how close the foliage grew together – there even spiny (whatever that meant!) things growing on the ground! They sounded scary, as Io mentioned stepping on a thorn – which sounded terrifying! – but he was still excited to see them. Nothing scared Unitas! Except his mother, of course.

The plump Hervok prince sniffed in the direction he believed was right as Io mentioned the meat cache. His paws twitched as his desire to spring from his spot on the forest floor increased, but he remained where he was. He liked Iopah, and didn’t want her to get in trouble for ‘kidnapping’ the Woodlands prince. Soon he would be able to explore along the pale female – as well as his siblings, if they would allow him to. At her promise his body wriggled once more, his tail wagging frantically behind him as a sloppy grin fell across his maw. “F’real pomise?” He asked in a hopeful tone, his eyes widening even more (if that was even possible).

Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
hope this's okay, i was thinking of wrapping this up then using 'tas open thread to make good on her promise.
Words could not do the thicket justice. There was the sound of rain hitting the full canopy and streaming down the tree limbs. The sweet smell of fallen leaves, the richness as they broke down. So much that could not be expressed. And yet, as she spoke the pup by her side went quiet then still. Wondering if he had fallen asleep, Iopah glanced down to check. His gaze was fixed readily on her face. Only when her words fell away did the excited energy restart.

For real promise?

There was no hesitation. She could have promised the little pup curled up by her side anything. Of course she would keep this promise. "I will never say anything I don't mean to you." That was not to say she wouldn't refuse to answer, but she would never lie. Children always found out the secrets their elders kept.

A light breeze swept through the clearing and Iopah curled protectively around Unitas, but the breeze brought a fine rain with it. The forest came alive with the sound of the tiny drops driving against the leaves and then dropping into the forest floor. It ran neatly off her adult coat, but Unitas' soft fluff was more sponge than raincoat. Try as she might, she couldn't shelter him from the pervasive dampness. She pulled back from him, rain beginning to darken the ends of her ears. "Perhaps you should go inside." She gave him a pointed nudge in the direction of the den.
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok
@Iopah sounds good to me! <3
The sky began to cry. His baby blue orbs blinked in confusion as a few drops fell on his stubby maw; why was the sky so sad? Confused, he looked to the pale female for an answer but he was immediately distracted by her response. Excitement quickly replaced the confusion – a for real promise! He couldn’t wait until he was bigger so he could see more of the world away from his family’s den. Unitas was lucky – he had found a nice lady to show him around! He wondered if he should tell his brothers about his future plans… no. Tas would keep this to himself; he wanted it to just be him and Io. That way they wouldn’t distract him from all his exploring.

As the sky’s tears increased Unitas huddled closer into the older female’s warm body. The longer he stayed outside the den the colder, and sleepier, he got. Suddenly she spoke once more, voicing the prince’s thoughts as a yawn stretched his jaws apart. He nodded softly as his body shivered against the cold; as much as he wanted to continue talking to the pale female, returning back to the den was a good idea. He didn’t like the wet feeling that the tears left on his fur; it made him feel uncomfortable and he wanted to be back in the safety of the den. If he remembered he would ask his mother if she knew why the sky was so upset… or perhaps Io next time he saw her. His tail wagged softly at the thought – he couldn’t wait until their adventure! But first, sleep. Sleep was his first priority.

“Inside,” he echoed as he reluctantly left Io’s side. Pressing a quick, sloppy puppy kiss t her cheek, Unitas shuffled over to the entrance of the den. “See Io s’oooon,” he blurted suddenly with a lopsided grin perched across his maw as he turned back to look at her, his eyelids heavy as he focused his denim blue gaze on her. “Buh bye!” With that, the boy flopped into the den to join the warmth of his family – when he awoke new adventures would await him and he would be closer to his future adventure with the pale female.