The clouds began to swallow up what little sunshine there was to begin with and the balmy wind began to pick up. Rook's ears quivered. He felt terrible now, watching as the gust of wind blew it all away. The masked boy's gaze fell to the ground, but he eventually perked back up at the sound of Titan's question, "May I ask who exactly has a problem with their mind? Maybe our Healer might be able to show you what you need to help them." Rook's heartbeat felt like it was reverberating in his ears and he briefly considered whether or not he should tell him. It wasn't Titan's burden to carry to begin with nor would the emotional weight be lifted if carried upon one more set of shoulders (even Bishop had her share of worry and anguish over such a thing).
"My father," he murmured. "And that would be much appreciated if I could spend some time with your Healer. If that could be arranged, I would be ever grateful."
The birds continued to call overhead and Rook was suddenly made aware of the time and what could have been keeping his sister for so long. Come to think of it, and knowing Bishop as she was, she had probably gone off in search of something other than a hare to present to the pack.
"I'm sorry about your... er-gawt," he said after quickly casting his gaze over his shoulder and turning himself as to start heading back to where he had initially come from. "Maybe when or afer I return to ask your mother to consider, I can help you gather some more." A slight, but genuine, smile appeared on his muzzle at last, "I should probably go now, though, my sister might've lost her way. 'Til next we meet?"