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Tensions Arising — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
Next round due September 6th. @Bishop @Rook @Rayne Please allow @Narimé to reply first.

The man's mossy green eyes traveled to the familiar form of his partner, watching her closely. He did not wish to push her into anything that she didn't want to do and that meant possibly having this meeting, something that Ash was not sure that she was ready for. None the less, he knew that if she truly was not ready, they would have called the meeting off for a later date. But with the tensions from other packs rising, especially due to Ash's "betrayal", information needed to be passed out into the pack and soon. No one even knew the whole story behind that, except Namara and now Narimé. he didn't have much time to think about that though, because one of their first members finally began to trickle in, the alpha's gaze moving towards Kassander, the man who had been with them for quite some time now. He had been getting better with his vocabulary and Ash had Titan to thank for such a feat. With the greeting that was received, the alpha gave a nod of greeting in return his attention once again stolen away when another member entered.

This was the female, Namid that he had the pleasure of meeting before, even though the man did not know her well, she seemed like a nice enough woman, and Ash gave her a polite nod of welcome. The next to come in was none other than Yuka, one of the prince's of the caverns. The dark brown male gave a low nod of greeting to the boy, knowing that ever since his pupil had scarred half of his face, he had become much more conservative, and so the Hervok said nothing as the russet gray prince made his way to the pack of the meeting area, staying towards the shadows to conceal his scars and most of his presence from the pack. His gaze once again moved towards the next member who entered, who just so happened to be Silver, another woman who he had met. She also seemed to be a pleasant company, but Ash had not yet passed his judgement upon any of them yet. The next two forms to arrive were Nios and Titan, and once he nodded to both of them in greeted, he waited a few moments longer before his patience had begun to run thin. Just before he was about to begin though, the unhealthy form of a child was making its way towards him.

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, taking in the form carefully and noticing the familiar markings on the child. There was something certainly wrong here. Athena had taken Rory with her when she had left...Ash had checked, quite thoroughly, and Ash was no stranger when it came to looking for someone and he was certainly no fool. She had not been there when he had checked, so the fact that she was here now irked him. However, he did not hesitate to bring the unhealthy child to his side, shielding her from the outside world while she was near him. His green orbs instantly went to seek out those of Kassander and Titan, making the message clear to them: right after the meeting they would check on the child (under the watchful eye of Ash, of course), and one thing was for sure: Rory would not be leaving Ash's fathering gaze for quite some time.

Breaking his concentration from the two healers, his threw an apologetic glance towards his silver coated partner for his delay before raising himself tall, towering much higher above the form of the child beneath him. As his gaze wondered through the pack, he finally cleared his throat to speak, "Thank you all for getting here so promptly. Though, if you see any of your other pack mates who didn't come to the meeting, I would appreciate it if you passed on the information that Lady Lagina and I are about to give you...." He looked over towards the woman mentioned, seeking the silent permission for him to continue before he did so, his gaze piercing the crowd without guilt. "I am highly displeased to inform you that Athena and Dziban have abandoned their pack and have left their child behind. They are not welcome here. Should they come to the border, you will not waste our time by calling us, just send them away," he paused then, making sure that everyone understood before he continued on, "Due to their departure Aurora will now be under my care...and because of this, I expect all of you to care for her as well, she is family as much as we are to one another. I truly hope that no one has any objections to this..." His gaze then went towards his partner, allowing her to finish with her own business before they moved onto the more enlightening news for the pack to share and celebrate.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

When she saw the little girl step forward Narime stiffened in shock. Little Rory was visibly ill and that pulled the strings in the silver queens heart. The gray she wolf had kept away from Rory out of respect for Athena and let her previous second in command take care of her child. However with the disappearance of Athena and Dziban, Nari found herself even more attracted to the little one. For she was always too kind and caring, even for pups that were not her own.

Leaning forward a bit and tipping her nose down to Aurora's level, Narime whined softly to the girl expressing her own concern and wishing that Rory would warm up to her a little more. Ash's words and protective stance around the child brought Nari's attention back to the rest of her pack mates. She wouldn't dare let Athena back near the child now. That look of determination on the queens face drowned out her previously gentle features while she stared down anyone who attempted to speak against keeping the pup. Even if the child didn't know it, Rory had two guardians keeping her safe from harm.

Then her gaze slid to Ash's green eyes. Holding that look boldly Nari only relented after remembering the other bad news that would likely put the pack in an awful mood. However she had to share this information. To keep her own family safe as well as those attempting to prove themselves worthy to be called family.

"Cut Rock River has decided to chase any of our pack away from what they think is their hunting grounds in Cedarwood forest." Narime lifted her chin defiantly knowing that she had raised her pack and hunted in those lands long before the River wolves claimed the area. "Because of this I must ask you all not to dwell along the edges of the forest north of the marsh. It is too dangerous to go alone and I don't want them attacking any of you." It angered her that they would so openly offend her pack without even knowing the full truth of the situation that concerned their lead male Ash. And some wolves think I'm childish, when THEY provoke us based on some rumor that can't be proved? Her blue eyes narrowed dangerously as the woman thought of the fiery feelings twisting their way through her heart. She would defend her pack mates to the death if it one day arrived to greet her.

"Coincidentally if any of the Cut Rock River wolves threaten or attack you whilst you are not on their territory Ash and I will want to know about it immediately. Help is always a call away." She sighed deeply before going on to the next bit of news. More territory to avoid, though the gray hunter doubted that many of her pack would wander as far as the blackberry fields to hunt game. Though it was a possibility if winter became harsh on their prey like it did last cold season.

"A pack called Black Thorn Downs has also been found by our friends in Secret Woodlands to the north. Both Minka and Tokino's scents have been noted there and I wish for the rest of the pack to stay away from their territory in blackberry fields." Narime looked around the gathering wondering what the reactions on everyone's faces would be. Then, for the newer pack members, she reiterated the law that had been laid down by Ash and herself. "For those who are newer; Black Thorn Downs is located north of Willow Ridge and east of Secret Woodlands. Both leaders Minka and Tokino had been members here in Whisper Caverns until they turned traitor and fled north. Now they are to be attacked upon sight if they venture into our southern eden. However any members of their pack should not be attakced unless they strike first. I will not condemn Minka or Tokino's ignorant followers or pups of their leaders crimes." Though her words might have been harsh Nari truly didn't want to see anyone hurt. For as she looked aorund at the pack wolves faces she saw potential in each to rise up and continue the pack. Narime just hoped that the newer wolves knew about the other two packs she had mentioned. "If you want to know exactly what lands to avoid please speak to Silver or myself afterward. We both have scouting experience and know these lands like the backs of our paws." Shaking her ruff gently the woman relaxed herself into a more comfortable sitting position. Then she waited for any questions to arise before casting a side glance to Ash.

"...and you'll be the bearer of good news now." She gave him a cockeyed grin glad that there was some good news being mentioned during this meeting.

Played by Kristen who has 499 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Namid Vuesain
Thoughts are like burning stars and ideas
Whisper Caverns
They flood and stretch the universe

There were many more wolves that arrived that she didn't know in the slightest. A dark yearling with piercing blue eyes, which she noted was much like Narime's thus she assumed they were kin, a yearling with a more fiery appearance with much the same build as the darker one, a man with a pitch black pelt and piercing golden eyes, and last but certainly not least a very young, sickly looking pup whom automatically wobbled over to Ash. Squinting her heterochromatic gaze she attempted to find any resemblance between the two, though she could find none. However, it was obvious they had a bond and because of that she assumed he was her guardian. The look of pleasure at the young girl's appearance, almost a gentle softening of his gaze, showed compassion and made his look mostly kind. This man was the one that threw a pup into a river? A frown marred her maw at the thought, because it seemed to improbable. Whatever had happened she knew had been sorted out, and she didn't need to know any more. If Narime thought he was noble enough still to lead them, then she trusted the woman's judgement.

Her ears swept forward as the male alpha began to speak, her posture going at attention and her head tilting curiously at an angle as she caught the words. She had been right about him being the guardian of the young girl, but it saddened her to know that her parents had just up and abandoned her. It also set a flame in her belly. How could two individuals be so cold hearted as to leave their child on their own? Though the Star Dancer wasn't a mother herself, the thought of leaving her children or family at all made her ache all over. She would be sure to ask what these 'parents' looked like so that if they dared show their faces in their land again she'd know to give them hell. Already, she was making a plan to be sure to help as much as she could with the child. She wanted her to know that she was loved and that she did have a family no matter what.

Next was Narime's time to speak. Already, she knew what she was going to say in the beginning. After all, she had been there for the whole fiasco. A cringe befell her expression as she finally stated that they were to go nowhere near the Cedar's and she automatically looked around for Rook. It was noted that he was nowhere in the area, and a frown creased her maw once again. He nor his sibling was there, the latter she was grateful for, and it concerned her. Another mental note was added to be sure the news was relayed to him. She didn't want her companion to make a trip to Grizzly Hollow and be attacked by the brutes in Cut Rock River. The simple thought sent shivers down her spine. The next to be mentioned was of a pack called Black Thorn Downs, and her gaze widened a bit. She had met Minka before, though it had been in bad terms. Her young son, a charming young lad named Kova, had wondered too far from the pack camp and had gotten lost. She had the intentions of bringing him to his family, but much like the Cut Rock River incident she had been swooped upon like a dead carcass by his pack mates. His mother had been quick to arrive, and hadn't been too gentle with her. While she had explained the predicament and no physical harm had been made the biting words had still stung. However, she'd known that the good mother had only been protecting her young and she hadn't judged her for it. To know that the woman had betrayed Whisper Caverns in that way gave her a different lighting on Minka, and she put the orders to memory much like the rest. This meeting was turning out to be quite informative.

Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Sorry for the hold up! This post is not good, I'm having a hard time concentrating on roleplaying...sorry guys!
Her tail wagged feverishly as a whine slipped through her lips, it was a sign of her excitement as she looked toward Ash, having suddenly grown bored and anxious of what was to come. She had no idea of the purpose of a meeting, this being her first, and could not stay still longer then a few moments before her brow fixed in confusion; why were everyone just sitting there?

When she grew tired of licking Ash's chin she turned once more toward the others, her ears fell to her small skull and the vibrant hue of her eyes seemed to die as she wondered why they were sitting there without a word. It was with a small wait longer that the deep baritone of Ash's voice made her jump and she turned toward him again, anxious to lick his chin for the millionth time but his eyes seemed different, they bore a seriousness that she understood, and the creme female stayed at her spot. The words he spoke she did not understand but his gesture she did and without approval she leaned into him with a small smile, happy for the warmth and protection of an adult once more.

For a moment her gaze turned toward Narime who began to speak, her words were calm and her baritone much higher than that of Ash's which kept her attention, only when she stopped did the girl wag her tail as if signifying her acceptance. Both leader's mentioned her parent's, their names she knew well and she wondered then if they were at the meeting in wait for her to find them, it could have very well be, but Rory was much too frail to seek them out and stayed at her seat next to Ash. He was the warmth she'd needed all this time and she had no intention of leaving his side any time soon.
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan stayed comfortably in his sitting position as he watched the wolves chat among themselves or arrive if they were late. His calm gaze turned to view the other wolves, some of which he didn't know, as they waited for Ash and Narime to speak. His blue orbs switched onto a little white figure that had Titan's breath caught.

He hadn't known about Rory. Not until now as Ash, and his mother spoke about Athena and Dziban. At first his tail began wagging, but as he leaned forward to look at the young child more closely, Titan spotted how frail and sickly she looked. Concern wiped across his features while the dark wolf's tail stopped wagging. His blue orbs settled on the girl then flicked to Ash and his mother while Titan nodded accepting the lead males words. Then his attention settled on Nari fully as she began her announcements.

The information stunned him.

"But why would Maksim let his pack attack us? I know him, he's a good wolf who wouldn't want unnecessary fighting." Titan spoke up with more concern rolling over his features. Darn it! he held that comment in now mad that he wouldn't get to visit the pack to see them again. Though he wouldn't have much reason to visit them anyway, Titan had been planning for a long time to eventually visit Maksim to say thanks. Unbeknownst to him, Narime had done just that which led to the discovery that Cut Rock River was no longer friendly toward Whisper Caverns wolves.

The next bit of information was not new to Titan. He had been the one visiting Nina in Secret Woodlands to fetch Kassander some Wild Ginger for their stores of herbs. As such Titan was the one who found out about his great uncles pack east of the thickets living in the blackberry fields.

As Titan absorbed the expressions of the rest of the pack as they were informed of which territories not to travel to, Titan turned to look towards Ash to see what good news the male had to say.

Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nios Tainn

The others came swiftly, and Nios, despite his silent vigilance, kept careful watch on them all – not because if rising suspicions, but because these were the wolves he was to call pack mates.. and he did not know any of them, spare Narime.

Finally, once the leadership seemed reassured they had enough to begin the meeting, his dark ears swiveled to the sound of the lead male’s voice, his bright eyes flickering over the male to study him. He was a large wolf, though he still paled in comparison to his father, Ruiko – most did. Nios himself was not as large as his father.. on the contrary, if anything, he was quite small in build for a Tainn male.. though his stocky build and thick muscle was certainly not something to cast aside so easily.

As Narime concluded a few things, the swarthy male took it in – he had never been part of a pack that held tension with neighboring packs, but that was simply because Ruiko and Aeylen had always maintained to keep to themselves. Quietly, the Tainn male dipped his muzzle down to acknowledge their words, understanding their orders with the intention to follow them without question. He had visited Black Thorn Downs prior – the lead female had chased him away because he had not sworn his loyalty to her forever and ever and he had happily obliged. The silver regal before him was much more understanding in that regard, and for that, he was grateful for the pack that had taken him in for the time being.

He ignored the rustle of activity that stirred with this announcement, his eyes studying a yearling male who spoke of this Cut Rock River pack. Indifference was all that was written on his features, and shifting his weight, he awaited for the supposed good news to be delivered.

'cause its home, but it's gone

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
So sorry for the delay!

The man waited patiently, allowing Aurora to give out her affections to him. The alpha was pleased that she had once again returned to him and was under his protective wing. No harm would come to her again, as long as he could help it, but right now he could not think of that. He had to listen to what Nari was speaking of, something which was of high importance. He listened and watched the reactions of the rest of the pack. His hopes were high that no one would ask specifics, but Titan raised his voice among the crowd. Immediately, Ash's mossy green orbs found the Thorben ones. With a sigh, Ash spoke, his voice calm but fierce, "There was once a dispute between Maksim and I. He does not wish to be associated with him...which means he doesn't wish to be associated with our pack." Mentally, he added quite nastily, such a childish, immature thing for an alpha to do. As Narimé had reminded him, it was time to move onto much lighter news, something he specially enjoyed sharing with the pack.

So after assuring himself that Rory was still tucked comfortably into his chest, he spoke again. "Whisper Caverns has been extremely lucky the past few months. We have been blessed with three capable, skilled subordinates who deserve a title that they have worked for and proved themselves worthy of. Nios, you have shown us that you are fully capable of maintaining the borders and defending your pack without question. I am pleased to announce your roll of Guardian. Silver, you have completed several successful scouting missions since you joined us, and I am happy to be able to final call you Scout. And last, but certainly not least, Rayne. You have also proved to be able to handle the tasks that Lady Lagina and I assign at any given moment. Congratulations on your role as Guardian. Narimé and I thank you for your continued loyalty and trust in us." With his ending to their meeting, he looked towards his partner to see if she had anything to add before promptly dismissing the area.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2014, 02:04 AM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
And a fade

Narime closed her eyes as she listened to what Ash had to say. It had been a long time since they had any true wolves with roles inside of the pack. So at least they were able to end the meeting with a high note.

"Let's finish this year strong. Our caches are full, we are as healthy as can be and some of us maybe even keeping a little extra fluff from eating so well. Me in particular."

She chuckled knowing that all the wolves had needed this warm season to recover from the last winter. Despite her regret of not having pups this year it had helped the pack out greatly instead of having more mouths to feed and guard.

"I have no doubt that we will thrive through winter because all of you have done wonderful jobs. I am proud to have you guys as loyal Whisper Caverns members."

Her finishing statement was said before the gray wolf stood up and looked over the small group.

"Everyone is dismissed, and be safe out there."

Her parting words were given along with a dip of her head to the little crowd in farewell. With the meeting aside, Nari still had plenty to occupy herself with. A border patrol perhaps, or maybe some hunting to calm her nerves brought up by the mention of Maksim. The gray she wolf casually walks to the right towards the bushes giving her pack mates who had not left yet a final wave of her tail in farewell before heading out to the meadow.
faestock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2014, 03:48 PM by Narimé.)