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Picking Up The Pieces — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
now, where to begin?
The hardest part of ending
is starting again.
- Linkin Park, Waiting for the End

RE: Aideen - Walking through the woods, you hear some strange noises.
- Early Morning, Light snow — 33° F/1° C

It was early morning, as per usual. Somewhere far beyond The Woodlands, the sun was just beginning its journey across the sky. Not that you could tell; even though the trees and bushes were swiftly losing their foliage, the tight bramble of thicket still provided good cover, and today, they were shrouded in a thick fog, its white fingers clinging to every root and branch, snaking around the legs of the young shewolf who was moving through it.

She didn't seem to care though; in truth, she hardly seemed to even notice as she made her way through the underbrush, stopping once in a while to sniff at a certain plant, stretching for the sparse light. The truth was that it could have been clear, bright sunshine and the land around her a flower-clad meadow, and she wouldn't have paid any more attention; her mind was on her work, its urgency made even more clear by the distinct chill in the misty air.

She was gathering herbs for Secret Woodlands, trying to fill up the stores before the frost killed all plant-life. Already, the first snow had fallen, and today she could smell more coming in the air; I must hurry! And she did. Her paws moved swiftly through the fallen leaves, petite frame easily weaving in and out between the trunks and brambles, her skill making it evident that she was used to this. Very accustomed in fact, she had been making her way around the Thicket of Secrets for just about a year now, and had been spotting and collecting medicinal plants for half of it. This mend that the job was basically habit to her, requiring very little focus, but she liked the routine, it helped her get through the days.

Each one was easier, but only slightly, and she doubted she would ever feel whole again; she was hollow inside, a darkness that no amount of light could drive away. But she wouldn't wallow! She had decided so several months ago, when @Nina assigned her her official title as Healer, she would put all she had into her calling; Everything! ...Since there's nothing else to put it into anyways.

She wasn't unhappy exactly - she had been, for a long time, consumed by the sorrow of her loss - now she was just empty, and she doubted anything would ever fill that void. Part of her, a large part, would always belong to @Coal, but the rest belonged to Secret Woodlands, and she wouldn't let them down.

It had been a turbulent time in the pack, @Miccah had stepped down from his post as leader, recognizing the poison in the tension between him and the matriarch; and leaving the males below him to battle for the post. There had been tension among the females too, Kite attempting to make her way up the ranks, for a little while stirring anxiety in the young healer, that she might have to defend her place; but before any official challenge had been presented, the lead scout had disappeared, and her mate along with her. Others had gone missing too, many a scent growing stale and fading along the border...

She had tried her best to keep out of it, sticking to herself and her tasks as healer. Even visits with the pups had grown few and far between, now that her own dreams of a future family had been crushed, part of her longed to spend even more time with the young, but she found it too painful in the end, the sight of the children reminding her too much of what she would never have. They were growing quite big though, soon they would be experiencing their first winter; Winter... It was beginning to encroach on the land, and the flame pelted girl wondered if it would be as harsh as the last. She didn't fear it, she felt safe among her pack mates, but she hoped they would not experience the same scarcities as last year. Soon she would have to move into the communal den, the cold had already begun encroaching on her at night, way too easily making its way into her small den - that felt way too big now, without Coal beside her - making the air icy without the extra body heat to battle it off. She just hadn't been able to bring herself to leave it; now, the winter would soon force her.

A strange sound broke through her thoughts, making her head shoot up from its place over the floor, ears perked. She flipped and twisted them, trying to locate the noise's origin, but it had disappeared just as quickly as it started. Wrinkling her brow, the rust hued fae lifted her snout, sniffing at the air, but smelling only the approaching snow; How strange..! What had it been, a howl? She was some ways away from the Woodland borders, but maybe..? It hadn't really sounded like a howl though, but then what? Tilting her head, she stood completely still, holding her breath, trying to hear it again in the distance...

Word count: 851

Thoughts ”Speech”
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
warning: one little, tiny swear word

The chill lent an urgency to everyone. It ushered in the coming winter, and no longer could Iopah attempt to ignore the changes. The delicate tracings of frost every morning, light snowfall and diminishing sun all meant one thing: They were at winter's doorstop. She shoved her nose roughly under a clump of leaves wilted by the recent snow, following after the scent of rabbit. The end of her black nose was met with nothing but cold, sharp twigs. She pulled back with a snort and gazed around the fog-filled land. There was a certain anxiety to her awareness. A famine had played heavily in the events that lead to her living in the thickets and the past winter had only served to remind her of the loss it could bring.

The pale she wolf pushed off with her hind legs, forging further along into the thicket. Her nose cast over the ground like a net at sea, searching for a hint of anything edible. At certain points she would stop to scratch eagerly at the ground. Once or twice a tiny form darted from the torn-up earth and Iopah lunged after each mouse. They were gone the moment her jaws closed around them. Gold eyes rolled up knowingly at the sky, watching clouds that were dark with further snow. She moved on, constantly scenting and searching.

There was another sort of anxiety that played with her mind, one that seemed amazing to even entertain. Despite the very recent onset of cold weather things were already different for the lead hunter. The pale wolf veered left, becoming caught up in her thoughts. Something unexpected had happened to her. The friendship she'd developed with Koda had turned into more. It was a situation she was thoroughly agreeable to, and Koda clearly felt the same. Her feet carried her further left, now more tuned into her thoughts than the surroundings. It was all well and good to be friends (did that word even apply to him anymore?) with Koda, but that was not what made her stomach tighten. Winter seemed endless every year, but spring always came. Iopah was acutely aware of what happen to her and Nina (to all the females, really) when the ground began to thaw. The rule was clear, but it was the first one that Iopah might openly defy. It was a recipe for disaster and it was only getting closer. God, what in the hell was she going to do?

Her head was weighed down, distractedly searching through the undergrowth. She was unprepared for the loud shriek. The suddenness made her head snap up, sending a spray of disintegrating plant life into the air. It wasn't a howl, but expressive enough to be a voice. For the moment it lasted she was held motionless, guard hairs bristling with fear. It ended, fading into nothing and Iopah looked around desperately. In her wandering she'd drifted close to Aideen. She was too startled for words yet and her gaze pulled from the healer to squint at the mountains in the horizon. She could swear she recognized the voice, that she'd heard that shriek once before. But it was impossible, she must be wrong. Swallowing, she called out heavily, "What did that sound like to you?"

Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

Miccah had kept mostly to himself since his step down as leader of the Woodlands. Not because he was ashamed of his loss, he knew it had been the right decision, but because he liked the position he was in now. He could keep to himself, but also keep a watchful gaze on his pack mates. The burly male had fought tooth and nail to keep his position, wanting to see how hard Koda would fight to become alpha. In the end, some blood had been shed, but Miccah had gotten what he needed. Stepping down had been wise, not to mention he no longer needed to deal with Nina any longer. Maybe there was hope to mend, but probably not. Since he was second, he held the right to a role. Before he had ascended to alpha of the pack, he had been trying to gain the role of gaurdian. Even when he was alpha and doing his other duties, he was at the borders for copious amounts of time. Now that he was free to do as he wished, he was once again striving for the role.

Even now, Miccah was prowling the borders, keeping a watchful eyes on his surroundings. An eerie scream made his ears snap in attention and he lifted his head, trying to discern where the noise had come from. A frown crossed his maw, worry in his mind. With silent steps, he cruised through the territory ever vigilant in case he heard the scream come again. In the shadows, he saw the familiar form of his two female pack mates. Aideen, a determined healer who was living through the motions, and Iopah, female second and lead huntress. He was worried about Aideen, a female who was his friend. He understood the pain of heartbreak, but he wouldn't let her live in a grey world. First thing he would do, was drag her to the communal den if the need came to arise. She would no longer be sleeping alone. Especially now that winter was approaching. His deep blue gaze ran over the two women as he let his presence be known, his ebony form finally leaving the shadows. He had caught Iopah's question and opened his maw. "I see Im not the only one hearing things," he rumbled as his black tail flicked.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

She had been so fixed on the shriek - and before that on her herbs - that she hadn't noticed the other wolf's approach; between the fog and the huntress' light step it would have been hard to even if she'd tried. So when the gruff voice suddenly rang out, Aideen jumped in surprise, head spinning around swiftly. The shock quickly faded though, and her copper eyes lit up in recognition, a soft smile brought to her lips as she looked upon the other. Iopah was a rock in this turbulent life, always keeping to her post, sticking to The Woodlands while so many others deserted it; and Aideen regarded her as a friend.

Slowly, the pale wolfess' words sank in, her question was simple, but the answer made the young healer wrinkle her brow; What did it sound like..? She parted her lips to try and answer, but before she could speak, a new voice sounded among the trees. Aideen turned to face the new approacher, and her smile grew as a familiar, black form emerged out of the fog; Miccah! Rust-colored tail lifted to wave behind her in greeting, Miccah was another steady thing in this ever changing world - though he had stepped down from his alpha post, he remained vigilant and true - and he was another friend; a close one!

"It seems not..." The small female answered his question, turning her gaze back to Iopah with questioning, puzzled eyes. "Was that... a wolf?" She asked uncertainly, not directed at any one of the specifically. Tilting her head, Aideen pursed her lips in a speculative pout, turning her eyes towards the grey sky; "Or... a coyote maybe?" Their cries could be similar to wolf howls; But still... I didn't really sound like that either. Her face a mask of confusion, she looked to Miccah, instinctively regarding him as an authority still. And, with whatever had made the bloodcurdling cry possibly lurking nearby..? Well, it was reassuring to have his strength with them.

Word count: 336

Thoughts ”Speech”
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Aideen @Miccah

It was crazy... to hear that scream and think that it was her sister? Whatever had made that sound was flesh and blood, while her sister was simply a ghost on a far distant mountain range. The longer she stared at the peaks on the horizon she realized how it would sound to the others. Tell them that she had heard the shriek and thought it was her sister? No, she couldn't say that. Her mind had to be playing tricks on her. She blinked against the moisture in the air and in her eyes. It had to be something else, plain and simple.

The conversation went on quietly around her and her ears flicked softly to follow it. She was hoping for a definitive statement from either of them. She wanted a reasonable explanation for the noise, something better than 'it sounded like my dead sister'. They had none and seemed just as perplexed as Iopah was.

Was that... a wolf?

The hesitant suggestion finally pulled her attention from the mountain. Iopah's golden eyes dropped and she stepped back to look through the swirling mist for Aideen. She was reassured by the healers question. Perhaps her mind hadn't been playing as many tricks as she thought. An ear flicked at Aideen's next question and she shrugged quietly in response. It was hard to tell and Iopah was still disturbed by the familiarity to her sister.

They stood in silence for sometime while Iopah imagined a dark, shadowy creature lurking somewhere in the heights, searching for a meal or perhaps a spot to sleep. Maybe it was looking out over the thickets at this very moment with it's belly rumbling. She gave a great shake, as if to dislodge the weight of it's gaze and glanced at her companions in turn. "Should we answer it? Let it know this land is occupied?" It was either friend or foe. If it was the latter, Iopah wasn't sure she liked the idea of it thinking the thickets were free for the taking.

Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

He had a bad feeling about that awful scream. It crawled from the tip of his spine to the bottom of his paws. Miccah forced himself not to roll his shoulders and to keep his facial expression neutral, not wanting to show the ladies his discomfort. As Aideen looked up at him questioningly, he turned his attention to her petite figure. Shaking his head silently, he opened his maw. "No, I don't think it was either of the two," he rumbled in response to her. The scream had been too... strange to be a wolf or a coyote. It didn't sound like anything he had heard before. His deep blue orbs left Aideen's familiar gaze and landed on Iopah's pale figure. He agreed with her suggestion, for he didnt like this situation at all. Whatever it was, threat or friend, they needed to know that the Woodlands were taken.

Not a man of too many words, Miccah just nodded to the huntress and lifted his muzzle to the skies. In his deep timbre, he called out to whatever it was, that the thicket wolves were not to be trifled with. The second was singing no song of joy or celebration. If this was a friend, it would respond accordingly, heeding to their warning. And if it was a foe, then whatever had caused the scream would face a force to be reckoned with: three wolves who were very protective of their lands and who dwelled in it.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila

Under other circumstances, Aideen would have noticed immediately that Iopah was acting strange; the huntress could usually be expected to be blunt and concise, but today she was definitely off. However the russet healer found it hard to take her eyes off Miccah, his dark presence impossible to ignore, even in the thick fog. His strength, obvious in the muscles bulging over his large bones, was a reassurance, against whatever was lurking out there. He stood fast an tall, showing no signs of fear, even as a cold shiver trickled down the rust pelted woman's spine, and his calm stature helped her to stay composed as well.

Only when the light-pelted huntress spoke, did Aideen manage t tear her copper gaze away from the man and turn it to Iopah. Her black tipped ears flicked at the new question, brow furrowing in thought; That might be wise, just to be on the safe side... Then Miccah's rumbling baritone chimed in and the young lass looked back to him, their eyes meeting for a second, before he looked over to Iopah, presumably considering her suggestion. Aideen felt slightly breathless, even as his confident words eased her mind, and the furrow in her brow deepened.

But before she'd had long to wonder, the dark guardian, in his usual resolute way, gave his answer to Iopah's inquiry by tilting back his head and letting his voice sound. Another shiver ran down Aideen's back, and she felt a strange warmth spread in her chest as she listened to his lonely, strong voice, proclaiming ownership of The Woodlands. Then, after a few heartbeats, she lifted her own muzzle, letting her gentle soprano join in his song.

Word count: 281

Thoughts ”Speech”
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
*twiddles thumbs* now what?

Finally the question was settled. Miccah had spoken in such a confident way that Iopah could only nod silently in agreement. Whatever authority he seemed to have on the matter was accepted without hesitation. Now she could stop imaging a wolf with her sister's brown eyes dragging itself somewhere out there.

Not paying much attention to Miccah and Aideen, the pale woman turned to studying their surroundings with new intention. Mist continued to curl in the far distance, but her gold eyes were looking for something far more ominous. She shifted and tossed a head over her dark agouti shoulders to look in the other direction. There was little uncertainty in her actions now and she continued the inspection resolutely. Now she was looking for an enemy and not a ghost.

Miccah's voice stopped her mid-glance and she reacted instinctively. Ears laid flat, she joined him. Her first chorus rang out loud and strident. This was not a song of beauty, rather intimidation. She wanted to sound as large and abrasive as she could. Aideen's pure notes lifted high and Iopah let her own pitch fall low to allow the healer her vocal space. With the variety of their pitches it would sound as if there were many more than the three of them. Her own husky contralto evened out, punctuated with random yelps of enthusiasm. This was their home and Iopah stepped forward in pride, imagining the flesh and blood adversary shrinking away in fear. It would have to go elsewhere.

Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Permission to pp Aideen. @Iopah, feel free to fade :)


Aideen added her own voice soon after his, her soft soprano melding with his rumbling timbre. Iopah joined them, adding her contralto. Their songs evened into one, a chorus that sounded like a pack instead of three individuals. After a time and feeling like their message had been succesfully sent, Miccah lowered his head howling the last notes of their songs. Silence soon consumed them once again. The man felt confident that the threat had been taken care of, but just in case he wanted to do a patrol anyway. Maybe they would be able to catch its scent and see if it, whatever it was, had in truth left their lands. He looked to Iopah, his deep blue gaze watching her form. Would she wish to join him? Did she have the same desire to see that the threat was no longer a problem? "Iopah," he called, waiting for her attention to latch on him.

I reccomend we do a quick border patrol," he offered in his usual timbre. He looked at Aideen than, wondering if she wanted to join as well. Had she been busy before all of this? He looked at her, silently asking if she wanted to join them. Aideen shook her head, stating she had to get back to gathering herbs. He nodded his goodbye and understanding, and turned back to Iopah. Miccah took a few steps forward and then turned to look at her. His ears idly flicked, waiting for her decision if she would join him or not.

Burtn @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
@Aideen @Miccah

Their song was impressive. No one or nothing listening would have doubted their conviction. It felt like nothing existed but their voices. With her eyes squeezed shut it was difficult to tell if the deep swells came from her own throat or those of her pack mates.

The silence it's absence left was disorienting, a great sucking void of sound. The last note faded away and Iopah looked around even more skeptically than before. Was that rattling of trees branches in the breeze new? Had the fog swirled so thickly earlier? She shifted, legs gliding at-like under her thickening winter coat. She didn't go far, just a few feet, to listen to the soft forest. Oblivious to Miccah's gaze, his voice and her own name, spoken aloud, pulled her attention back with mild confusion. Her gaze sought his form without a word. Gold flickered over his countenance for alarm and her head tilted in a silent question. Was something wrong?

His wording invited the two woman on an unscheduled border check. It was a good idea; her tail steadily beat the air. When Aideen declined the agreeing movement slowed and the huntress scented the chilly air for reassurance. Likely it wouldn't come closer in after that display, but Iopah worried still. Miccah took a few slow steps forward and away. Iopah chuffed lowly at the healer in concern, hoping she was careful, and hurried after the guardian. Her path brought her alongside the ebony man. When he turned to look at her pale ears flicked back, yielding and compliant with the suggestion. Sometimes she wondered how much they understood of her silent communication.

The two stayed within earshot of each other and, despite a earnest attempt, found nothing of concern. Despite the inauspicious morning the day quickly fell into the peaceful routine of preparing for the winter to come.

(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2015, 04:00 AM by Iopah.)