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futile is this fever — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora

Her nips at the base of his skull sent shivers down his spine. Squirming for just a moment he allowed himself to whine softly. The tawny Zamora was making himself so vulnerable and just for his lover. When she moved away he flicked his tail behind him before pushing his nose into her neck scruff. Breathing in her natural aroma he hummed while listening to her speak.

"Maybe we could head east and then travel down south? Get to see everything in one long trip. Besides, it means we can spend more time alone yet together." Camio was always eager to waste time with his young runaway bride. They would travel everywhere together until they found somewhere to stake a claim to. He could care less where it was. Be it mountains, swamp, or plains he would take it as long as Nova was happy. Her happiness caused his happiness. Simple as that.

Giving her a few love nibbles behind on her neck scruff he pulled away for now. While he was always open for embraceable passion with Nova he felt now was more the time for talking. "There is something you should know Nova, I don't think I say it enough.." He paused and took in a long deep breath. "I'm madly deeply in love with you." Looking at her, the reflection of the moon's light would glimmer off the corner of his eyes. This was the perfect night for the two young lovers. A moonlight setting with a nice side conversation of eloping. Just what every young lovers dreamed of.

and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Nova's broad head dipped, a nod in agreement with Camio's plan. Most alluring was the promise of time alone. Even though she had kept her head down since the pack meeting "incident", she couldn't help the feelings of jealousy when anyone got too close to her mate. Not that she would ever say or act on these feelings, but they were vexing none-the-less. "That sounds delightful," she replied. Truly, Nova cared little where she went, as long as it was with Camio at her side. If Camio jumped off a cliff, Nova would follow soon after.

With Camio's declarations of love, his absence of days prior had quickly dissolved into the distant haze of memory, a nightmare quickly forgotten. Now she could see, all her anxieties of how things would turn out had been unfounded. Camio was back, here and real in this moment and he loved her. Nova was so happy she felt like singing, and indeed couldn't help the howl that rippled up her chest and out her throat, leaping into the crisp night sky. Catching herself, she cut the note short, realizing they might not want to draw attention to their quiet corner of the Thicket. She giggled quietly, black tail swishing as she nudged the crown of her head into Camio's jawbone. "I love you too," She whispered.

"When will we leave, love?" The young woman was brash enough, and love-struck enough that she would easily abandon the Woodlands that very night, but it was important for her to hear Camio's thoughts first. It had been his idea, after all. As excited as she was to take on the world together, she didn't want to push him farther or sooner than he was willing to go.

Played by Becca who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camio Zamora
(Feel free to archive after you read it c:)

Everything was falling in place. Piece by piece. Nova was willing to do this with him. The spring would bring great fortunes and gifts to the young lovers. Camio knew it, he could feel it course through his veins like his very own blood was doing right now.

"And I'm so happy you love me, my Nova dearest." His tail flicked as his nose found a spot behind her ear. Resting so casually like it belonged there his whole life. The Zamora male had felt so happy and joyed that he had found his match. In his mind this was the end of searching for a true loyal woman. Of course he would still let his eyes wander every now and then, that's just how he was, but he would always stay loyal to his Miss Zamora.

Her cooing soft voice broke out in a question. While he hated questions he also loved Nova's voice enough to make him accept her usual many questions. "We'll leave a few weeks before spring sets in. That'll hopefully give us enough time to find somewhere. Perhaps we may even have a little bit of extra time." Wagging his tail behind him he yawned softly. It was getting late, how long had the pair been out here? Although Camio loved wasting time with Nova he also enjoyed a good night's sleep. Nudging Nova softly, Camio stood tall and spun around. "Why don't we go to sleep? We can talk about this later.." With a sly smile he started walking off, assuming Nova would soon follow after.


and all the love lost was the love that i kept
in coffins and boxes, a museum of the dead