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Skating over thin ice — Darkwater Rapids 
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Played by wolfsi who has 51 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rift Longwood
sorry for shortness


as rift also finally places her paws at the solid ground she relaxed her body siting down. The reply that the female gave her to the question was no surprise. Out over her own opinion her attitude would had made her life hard in a pack. She shock her had silently now sign and need to tell the female that she too did not belong to pack. So instead, she watch the forest wondering if the female could catch anything when shivering like a pup. She watch the female shake her pelt and moved back still sitting down and know happy that she was a little behind the female so she could not see her odd movements.


as the other female questioned about her name she mumbled irritated “usually you tell you own name first” she looked out on to the river before a few seconds later to look back at the female “but its Rift” she said whit a neutral voice. End yet she hoped that the Stanger to would tell her name as well. She looked back in to the forest opening her mouth to allow her sense of smell to act even better maybe she could find another deer carcass. It might lighten up the mood that the female currently had. But she was unsure if the female was going to allow herself to eat anything that a pup brought back. Therefore was rather unsure if she should just leave, the female she was out of the water after all and it did not seem like she was appreciated anyway.


-thinking- ”talking”


Don't blame me for talking to my self.
my mind is the only one who do not disapprove of me.
i guise i could blame you after all you where the one who left me.

Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
@Rift No worries and sorry for Hex's bad attitude, she's a chaotic one for sure. 

Another snort was Hex's reply to the pups reference of how introducing ones self was suppose to be done. The Beauvau woman didn't follow the rules and did things her own way. She would be lucky to even get Hex's name or even her alias name Primrose that she used when being asked such a question. There was only two wolves that had knew her true name. Florence, a man she was tempted to drown for his skull that had won a small game of wits which was the only reasoning for him obtaining the valuable piece of information about the woman. The other was Aspen, a handsome and demented wolf that she would like to cross paths with more often. He was a fun wolf to toy with and loved to toy back as much as she did. It was a beautifully chaotic duo, those two. Like the Joker and Harley Quinn. So Rift was her name? Into the vault of collected named it went. "Primrose." the alias name finally came out in a stoic tone, lacking any indication of emotion. A loud rumble soon filled the small area as Hex's stomach gave a loud declaration that it demanded to be fed that very second. The pangs of hunger soon followed and it took a lot for the ivory woman to muster a neutral expression on her muzzle despite the sensation that plagued her stomach. What she wouldn't do to taste flesh on her tongue again.  

Perhaps she could make use of the pup. A pawn moved forward to advance herself. There was no way Hexamora could hunt for food in her current state. "You wouldn't happen to know where any food would be, would you?" Her tone taking on a sense of almost friendliness. 'Play nice until you get what you need then be rid of the baggage.' The voice in her head chimed. Once she had food in her belly there would be no use in sticking around the younger wolf.  

Played by wolfsi who has 51 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rift Longwood

as the female introduced herself as primrose, a name witch did kind of fitting her. In the water se seemed helpless just like the flower head of a rose, and know where the where standing up close she was shows showing her thorns. The portrait rift drew in her mind a rose with a white flower crow and a dark almost black body where long sharp thorns stood ready to piers any paw or jaw witch came to close. - a fitting name indeed- she thought. As she smiled a little

Surprised by the female’s sudden question about her knowing the location of food.”I’m afraid not the only food sent I could find was son the ice and I guess you already know that one” she was talking about the deer carcasses. She wondered for a moment if it would be worth the risk to cross the ice but abounded the tough as soon as it came up, no way was she risking her life by trying to cross the ice.


she opening her mouthed closing her eyes and trying to closeout all sounds of her head consecrating only on her sense of smell. But she soon gave it up, -nothing at all, I seems like the only dead food sores is over there.- she thought. She looked at primrose “if food its food that your target we need to hunt it ourselves for the only carcass is over there.” she made a movement whit her head towards the ice.

-thinking- ”talking”


Don't blame me for talking to my self.
my mind is the only one who do not disapprove of me.
i guise i could blame you after all you where the one who left me.

Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

No. A long stream of words fell from Rift's mouth that Hexamora couldn't care less about. In the end the point the young woman was saying was no. Plain and simple that there was no food to be found except for the carcass across the ice. The very place she was trying to get to to feed herself. 'Well so much for that.' Her thoughts spoke as a disgruntled noise was issued from her muzzle to signal her disappointment. For a split second the dove colored woman contemplated crossing the ice one more time to reach the rotting carcass, but a glance at the hole in the ice where she fell through quickly thwarted that idea as a shiver ran down her spine. Nope, she was staying on land where it was solid and safe. This made a huff of frustration break past her tightly pressed lips. Now what was she suppose to do? Being soaked still from the water and still having bouts of shivers there was no way she was capable of hunting anything bigger than a snowshoe hare if there even were any nearby.  

“if food its food that your target we need to hunt it ourselves for the only carcass is over there.” Hexamora knew that part already. That was the whole reason she was trying to cross the ice in the first place. Man this pup was starting to get under her skin with the repeating of information already known. "Well then we better get started." It took a lot to push out the word we as she spoke hating herself for even saying it, but if she wanted food she would have to comply with the little girl who was the more capable one of the duo for a bit longer. Once the two could manage some food into their bellies then they could officially go opposite ways and hopefully never run into each other again. The lore was a big place and the chances of that happening had to be slim to none.

Played by wolfsi who has 51 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rift Longwood

She paid no notes in primroses irritation, she has been the one to ask about food even though she was the one who came across this territory first. Rift wondered if they would even be able to catch anything in the stat primrose was in. She was young, tough she had help hunt before but she was no expert. True she had taken down a deer together whit another lone wolf no too long ago and yet they had been lucky that the kick to Cearas head was not major.

as primrose suddenly decided that they would hunt know the first thing rift tough was no way and she spoke out her mind ”and how would we do that you still shivering like a pup!” she was getting annoyed and a small growl escaped her lips against her will. She had no intention in creating hostility, but could this female not see that her shivering would give her away? And she who was the oldest was the one to rush out there sure she must be longing for food after her little swim. However, hunting in her current state was crazy talking. -if this becomes a fight I’m going to be in trouble- she reminded herself tough she still was not happy about hunting as long as Primrose was socked her shivering would give them away and make hunting hard. why are you so she never ended the sentence as she did not want to start and argument if she had not already done it.

”talking” -thinking-
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2015, 08:19 PM by Rift.)

Don't blame me for talking to my self.
my mind is the only one who do not disapprove of me.
i guise i could blame you after all you where the one who left me.

Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
Just gonna post Hex's exit here. You can either archive it when you're done reading or post an exit for Rift then archive. :)

"I am not!" Hexamora grumbled and lied at the yearling as she forced herself to stop the shivering that she was indeed still doing, capable of only stopping for a minute at most before her mental strength gave out and her body shook like an earthquake again. Okay, so the pup had a point. Until her ears pinned forward at the sound of the growl that soon after escaped Rift's lips. Instantly despite the shakes raking her body her hackles rose and the skin sheathing her canines pulled back to reveal them in annoyance at the pup. This little girl had a lot of nerve daring to growl at her and if she wasn't weak from the water she would have loved to leap at her and force her into submission. Hexamora was not the wolf you wanted to get on the bad side of and could hold a grudge unwavering for some time. A low growl of her own soon pushed past her clenched teeth that threatened to snap at her face if she dared make another unwanted comment. God she was really getting tired of this pup and to think that there were wolves who willingly wanted to create such little wailing balls of fluff. Disgusting.

But sure enough the agouti girl made a remark that went unfinished. "Then leave me be!" she snapped, jowls mimicking the tone of voice as they parting only to snap together with a loud click. If Rift didn't want to bother then why should Hex? The sooner she could go away the better in her opinion and so without another word the ivory woman whirled on her shivering limbs and stormed off, tail flickering in agitation over her spine as she did so. She didn't need Rift and would find food on her own even if it meant digging up a near by pack's cache. Wouldn't be her fault they left it unguarded. A dead piece of meat was less annoying anyways.


Played by wolfsi who has 51 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Rift Longwood
@hexamora, i don’t know how to do that??? Oh and she is calling her hex like if she was calling her a curse but it is standing in the text as well just so you don’t get it messed up :D just wanted to freak you even more out :D

She watch as Primrose stood up to this was not gone end well she wondered should she submit to the female maybe It would make her less….commanding? and yet Rift would not let another wolf dominate her by force she had seen that life once and was no going back any time soon. She let out a new growl this time whit full attention of making Primrose mad. She too was now showing her canines and her fur was rising making her look bigger. Rift was I fact bigger then Primrose but primrose had more experience in fighting if it came to that.

Primrose told her to leave and so she did whit a clamping sound of her teeth as she mimicked prims shaking body. ”fine have it your way, have fun freezing to death Hex!” by calling the other hex she meant to insult her as if she was calling her a curse. With she was in rifts eye she was complaining and un caring. That was the last thing she said to this female who went by the name Primrose as she turn around heading for the mountains witch could be seen in the horizon.


”talking” -thinking-
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2015, 10:17 PM by Rift.)

Don't blame me for talking to my self.
my mind is the only one who do not disapprove of me.
i guise i could blame you after all you where the one who left me.