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One of a kind — Secret Falls 
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Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
No need to apologize, I'm just as bad! Life is crazy! This thread is getting kind dated though, so what do you say we wrap it up? I can write a fade after your next post.

Though she was still gazing at the waterfall, Karina could sense her companion’s distress with the conversation in his voice and in his energy. Was it the topic that bothered Darrah, or something else?  The princess turned over her own shoulder to meet the prince’s eyes, which were brimming with concern. The girl blinked, realizing that it wasn’t the conversation that was bothering Darrah; it was the depths of her own misery that she had accidentally allowed him to see. ”What makes you think that?” the other yearling questioned, and she almost answered, ”I’m just not special anymore.”  Now that the empathetic girl had seen how much her sadness and self-pity distressed Darrah, she knew she couldn’t say something like that. Instead she took a deep breath in and plunged her head below the surface of the chilly water. When she resurfaced, she flung the water from her head and neck with a shake, tossing away her heavy feelings along with it.

Darrah had several suggestions for her once she was above water again, and she met them with a sad sort of smile. Those were all very good options for a wolf like Darrah who was groomed to lead, someone who had that capability and desire.. but not for her. She certainly desired a place of her own where she could fit in.. but the idea of carving that place from the flesh of others repulsed the delicate princess. She had no desire to shed the blood of good, loyal wolves just so she could assume responsibility that she didn’t want to begin with.  All she wanted was peace; a place she could be herself without judgement and perhaps receive some quiet recognition for her talents.

“Both of those are really good plans.. but they’re good for you, Darrah.” Those options had been on the forefront of her companion’s mind for a reason, likely because they were the courses of action he was considering for himself. He asked if she would rather be a medicine wolf, and Karina’s sad smile became a smile of surprise and genuine pleasure. He followed that with the suggestion that she would have trouble leaving home, and she shook her head incredulously. “You’re pretty perceptive, Darrah. You’re going to make a good leader.” Karina emerged from the pool and shook the rest of her body, turning to speak again before Darrah had time to direct the conversation back to her. “Will you walk me home? I don’t want to be on my own if I come across this pack I smell.” How could a shining knight like Darrah say no to that?

 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
Sounds good! In his current state, Darrah's actually pretty depressed again. Remembering how to roleplay him happy is sort of difficult xD! Maybe we could do another post soon? I know Kjors' was interested in doing a thread with us a while ago. :)

It displeased the prince when seemingly he wasn't helping Karina one bit, though his spirits perked back up at the mention of his apparent 'being perspective'. He'd never heard anyone describe him in such a manner before, it genuinely felt rather nice. "Heh, I sure hope so." he paused, realizing rather quickly that the conversation was being turned back toward him. Whether it being an intentional move by the princess, or mere coincidence remained unknown. However, it wasn't in the Tainn's plans to talk about him anymore. If the pretty yearling in front of him was feeling distressed, then he ought to try and help until she's even a smidge better.

"Hey," he glanced at her, admiring once more those beautiful periwinkle eyes. "Today's a rare day.. Don't feel too bad about being so unsure.. and feeling misplaced in the world.." he sighed. Was it really okay to get this deep with the girl? She was still practically a stranger. Averting his eyes back toward the water, Darrah made sure his next words came in lowered tones. "Most days I feel the same.. Alone and lacking confidence. Sometimes I wonder where I get these crazy goals, and if it'd ever be possible to accomplish them.. You just gotta.. Try to be happy, fake it until you can believe it I suppose." blinking a few times, the yearling decided he was satisfied enough to drop the conversation, and nodded in acceptance in regards to her request.

"Of course I'll walk you home! I'd never be able to forgive myself if you ended up hurt!" he grinned.

One king, One crown.

Darrah Tainn

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski

Her companion took the compliment humbly; another quality of a good leader. Darrah caught her attention with a “Hey,” and as Karina turned her soft gaze onto the dark knight, he attempted to comfort her once more. The girl shared a very small smile with him, the expression still a little sad, as if it sourced from shared suffering rather than pleasure. ”Don’t feel too bad,” he coached, as if Karina could shut off her feelings just because he suggested it. People were always saying stuff like that.. telling her what and how to feel. When she was younger, ”Don’t feel bad, nobody gets it the first time.” And now, ”You should be happy about your new sisters!”Always, ”Smile, princess!”  Karina knew by now that these words were more for the speaker and less for her, so that they could feel some sort of comfort themselves for having “comforted” her.  

Darrah revealed his own troubles then, not unlike those that Aleksei would have imparted on her, had he been around. Karina blinked as he suggested she try to “fake it until she could believe it”. And how long would that take, exactly? How long had Darrah been faking it, and was it working for him? “Yeah,” Karina answered slowly, “Each pawstep in the right direction helps, and eventually with enough steps you will reach your goal.” There, now those were some positive words! Karina was proud of herself for finding something to say that could be considered somewhat happy.  

The pair followed the River back up toward Karina’s homeland, and the girl's relief was palpable when the mystery pack’s scent fell away to be replaced by scents from her own family. The yearlings said their goodbyes, and as she watched Darrah disappear back into the trees, Karina was truck with the odd feeling that this was not the last time she would see the dark knight of Oak Tree Bend. 

 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]