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goliath — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
"That'll do."

Veho had little notion of the doubt, the potential sabotage racing through the other vagrant's mind as she set their little plan into motion. Stealing a prize garnered together was the last thing on his mind – if she truly pressed him, the female might even convince the slightly larger wolf to relinquish his share if she played her cards correctly. However, his only preprandial thought was that of how he would actually catch the meal to begin with. While his partner took off, the male hovered where they'd been plotting, waiting and watching to see where the female landed. It would do them no good if he successfully separated their prey from the waterline, only to drive it further from the trap laid.

Only once given a signal did the gray wolf shifted into motion, nothing lazy about his stride as he loped towards the bumbling beaver. While not a particularly agile animal, the medicine man had little doubt it would turn tail and bobble its way towards the safety of the water as quickly as its little legs could take it. Sure enough, it noticed the male a few strides away and he gave a short bark, bursting into a sprint to cut the animal off. It swerved about, not eager to meet the sharp rows of teeth, and began to flee in the opposite direction. Veho barked again, urging the creature onward as it began its frantic escape – hopefully Miskwaa could get herself in place in time, and the beaver would bound right into her waiting jaws.

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Lat who has 40 posts.

Whatever doubts Miskwaa had for her companion lessened as she watched him in action, his movements quick and purposeful. The bumbling beaver noticed Veho's approach and scrambled towards the lake, but the slate-colored wolf was quick to cut off the beaver in its retreat. With a bark he herded the frantic creature right to her and Miskwaa bolted forward, kicking up pebbles and dust as she flew forward. For a creature that had initially seemed so stout and clumsy, the beaver was rather agile — or at least faster than Miskwaa would have initially estimated based on appearances. Upon seeing her, the aquatic mammal recalculated its path, trying to evade her. Unfortunately for it, Miskwaa held the clear advantage on land and she caught up to it quickly, jaws clamping forcefully upon the creature's neck. For a few moments, it struggled against her grip...

And then there was a solid crack and the creature fell still, Miskwaa slowing to a stop some feet from the water's edge. Breathing heavily, the woman paused for a minute, gold eyes staring intently at the ground before her as she caught her breath and still the exciting beating of her heart. Then finally she dropped the creature at her feet and turned to face the larger man, giving him a dutiful nod: “Nicely done.” She shuffled a little awkwardly, giving the downed animal some space so as not to appear too possessive of the thing — if he thought her a selfish traitor, she may not get any of their kill. As it was, Miskwaa eyed him warily, sparing the kill a longing glance. Greed told her to tear into the catch, to take what she needed before Veho could protest... But instinct told her this would be a foolish move to make and she kept stonily still, jaws clenched as she conceded their kill to him: “After you.” It hurt her pride to do so, but she was too smart to risk a scuffle over something so small.

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
As if on cue, Miskwaa came tearing from her cover without a single word between the pair of wolves. Their prey had only a moment to reconsider the path it had chosen before the huntress was upon the waddling creature, jaws like a vice upon its thick neck. Sliding to a stop, the male almost missed the killing blow entirely – she shook her head once, and the other loner had ended the animal's suffering seamlessly. The sign of a true huntsman, he thought, that she didn't play with the beaver before she ended it, nor did she waste her own time or energy doing such.

Once the moment was over, the medic broke into a lazy trot, approaching the female with a wide smile. "Well done indeed," he chirped, tail swinging behind him as he came to stand on the opposite side of their prize. Waiting a pace away, he shook his head and allowed his expression to linger. It was a king, generous offer, but not one he could accept. How disappointed his father would be in him, taking to the meal before the lady did – even worse, the lady who'd actually made the killing blow!

"No need," he hummed, taking a step back and bowing his head. "It is yours to partake in first. You completed the hunt, after all. It is your right. I am happy with whatever is left – it's a fat beaver, yes? There will be a little for me once all is said and done." Bobbing his head, Veho offered her the kill silently once more, waiting for this new acquaintance to have her fill.

[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]
Played by Lat who has 40 posts.

He resonated her approval, though Veho's disposition was far warmer than her own. Every word spoken and action taken thus far had left a good impression in her mind, and were Miskwaa not so detached she may have considered him something of a friend... As it was, he remained a stranger to her and in spite of his kindness, Miskwaa remained uncomfortable and uncertain, searching the man's pale gray eyes in measured silence. After a moment, her brows pushed together in confusion, though the smaller wolf felt no need to voice her questions to him. If he was content to put himself at a disadvantage in what could be a cruel, unpredictable world, Miskwaa would not argue with him.

Instead, she remarked evenly, “You have my gratitude,” and promptly dug into their kill. She situated herself so that both paws held down the creature while her teeth worked on the tender flesh of its belly, ripping and tearing to expose the meat within. Quickly and precisely she worked at the carcass before her, pulling at the bloody torso and taking a few bites. When the beaver's chest cavity was cleared of delectable organs (heart and lungs, protective muscles along the ribs), Miskwaa pulled back with lips painted dark red and a look of satisfaction. “Your turn.” And she stepped resolutely back, giving him control of the carcass. After all, the woman had eaten her fill and it only seemed fair to give him the half of the carcass that remained, selfish as she was apt to be, only interrupting his feast with a question: “Thank you for your help, by the way. Before I go, can you tell me whereabouts you're headed? If I find myself in your neck of the woods, I'll keep an eye out.” Veho seemed a valuable, worthy ally to have, after all, and though Miskwaa would not go out of her way to seek him out, she did think it a smart idea to knew where she could find a friendly face if she ever needed the help.

Played by Ace who has 462 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Veho Macieo
Veho waited patiently as the other vagrant ate her fill – so vigorously she tore into the warm flesh, she clearly needed it. His own belly was empty, but not so hollow to erase all the manners his parents instilled upon him at a young age, and not so devoid that he would discard everything the Ancestors valued in a virtuous follower. Only once he was certain that his companion had taken her fill (or, at least eaten enough to be comfortable with sharing a portion of the prize) did he move forward, taking his place at the beaver's corpse.

Despite his composure a few moments prior, even the medic couldn't help the wetting of his mouth at the heady scent of blood and organs. Diving in, he made quick work of the tender bits Miskwaa had left for him, silently thanking the female for her generosity. If she left only muscle and gristle for him to pluck of small bones, he'd have done it (and probably crunched through the softer of those structures, too) without complaint, but it was with satisfied grunt that he happily scarfed up the nutritious bits left to him by the huntress.

A moment later, the wanderer glanced up, pink tongue cleansing some of the viscera from his maw as he considered her query. "I go where the wind takes me – where the Ancestors need me the most," he answered truthfully, a wry smile on his mouth. "But I intend to begin to travel northward, and inspect the plant life there. Hopefully, the Ancestors do not plan differently for me – if you are ever in need of healing, do feel free to call upon me, friend. It would be my honor to help."


I think this thread is wrapping up. Feel free to post again or just archive if you like this as an end point. o: I enjoyed this RP! We should definitely write again sometime.
[Image: vehopix_by_euphoriclies-d98a201.png]