A warm smile emerged from Darrah's raven-esque muzzle whilst listening to Serach talk. Somehow, the prince couldn't help but feel guilty for taking so long to interact with this specific family member, they could've really used each other during their emotional struggles. Nevertheless, here the two were now, and the Tainn promised he'd try hard in the future to form such a bond with the cream-ish figure. 'No point in sulking over the past..' maintaining his warm glow, the future heir began holding high hopes in regards to a slightly more positive fate for the cousins. 'Maybe it's the location, is the Bend under a curse?'
Listening to Serach talk of the pain that came along with losing a loved one sure brought him back to his own deprivations, and he wondered just how different he'd be now had someone taken the time to console him just a bit more. No harsh feelings were felt toward anyone individually, the prince knew all too well that everyone else suffered alongside of him, but the thought still piqued his curiosity. 'That's the very reason I have to talk to Drestig.. He was the only one who..' shuddering, the boy halted his train of thought. Going on would only make him more emotional; cause more influence to shed tears. He didn't want to cry in front of his cousin, not yet. "Thank you, It means a lot knowing that there's a way to..." bowing, the boy discontinued himself once more.
Serach's sudden movement startled the yearling, though was easily forgotten when he began to speak again. "Of course!" he grinned, grateful for the offer. Having someone along side him to help, that would be just the boost of confidence he needed! Wasting no time, the Tainn launched himself up and began to lead the way. "Thank you.." he smiled, hoping that this act would effortlessly bring the pair closer. "Not just for accompanying me, but for taking the time to talk with me as well.."
Trotting along, the boy could imagine a bright new beginning for himself, and it involved his cousin too.