"No. Naw really," Kjors replied automatically, his last visit flashing in his mind. It only seemed like hours, or days – in reality, it had been two months, or more, since he'd last visited the sight with @Naia and the elusive @Jynx. They'd come to bury the two sacrificed Baranskis, taken long before their time. The young princess had never gotten the chance to know half of her littermates – if she didn't know of their existence, however, the dragon wasn't about to bring them up. He did not know if @Kisla had given them names, or preferred to leave them without earthly attachments. They might be cherished in the Queen's mind, or shared with her family. Whatever she chose to do, however she chose to remember and honor her lost children, that was her business alone. Unless the swarthy child asked, he would not mention the two trees shaded by the sequoia tree. Sighing, he glanced over his shoulder as he came to a halt among the lavender stalks. "Came here once before. Not a bad place. Peaceful. Good fer thinkin', if y'ever need t' be alone. Safe here, too – means y'can think without worry someone might jump outta nowhere at ya," he continued, trying to encourage Inna to stay within the borders of Hearthwood River until she was a bit older. At any rate, he would not be escorting the child out, not yet, and certainly not without her mother's permission. Once there, he settled in the lush grass, reclining quickly turning into laying so he might supervise the puppy while she explored, and relax at the same time. "We can stay however long y'like. Jes' lemme know when y'wanna go back." Fade. |
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A Day at the Magical Forest — Hearthwood River
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Kjors Sørenson