If not for Karina, it was very probable the dragon lord would have been lost in all this grief and despair. Even in dealing with his own personal tragedies, he could not meet them with sadness or mourning, but anger, and violence. Søren had never been mourned properly, even almost four years later, the brute preferring to avenge his father’s name in actions, not thoughts. That his new recruit couldn’t reconcile death was not something he could handle – instead, he’d have encouraged the boy to simply get beyond it. After all, if the family loved him, they’d not want him to wither away in his own misery like he was.
Cracking his jaw, he glanced between the pair of yearlings, wondering if Davin would finally accept the priestess’ answer. The Mother, all-knowing as She was, simply could not control every being at every time. Wolves were given free will, after all – unfortunately, this resulted in some animals turning away from Her and Her will. Puffing his cheeks, he hummed, gaze resting thoughtfully on the male. “Wolves have will. Wolves gotta choice,” the dragon emphasized, tail twitching once behind him. That they chose to pillage and pointless murder was wrong. “They’ll be punished fer their crimes, in th’ end. Mother’ll see t’ tha’,” he assured Davin – it was what he would want to hear, were he in the same state. (Probably, he thought after a moment, single eye shifting towards Karina. If something ever happened to her-- No. He’d prevent that possibility before it ever came to fruition.)
That’s the dragon’s job. “We act on Her will. Aye? Obviously, y’were meant t’ find us. We can help you. The Mother wants y’to join us. An’ we can make things right.”
![[Image: honeybadgerace.png]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ZG0kfJ7gwdU/Vd9uyLH9UmI/AAAAAAAAOuw/CWrzaPY_-Zk/s0-Ic42/honeybadgerace.png)