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be seen to be believed — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna didn’t really like the idea that she had to stay out of the action of the hunt but she also didn’t even know what she would do in such a situation. So as much as she didn’t like the idea of it she knew that her mother and Orren were right. So she made her way to the place that she was to watch the hunt from and when she reached it she realized that she would hopefully be able to see the whole thing from there.

As the hunt started it seemed a little slow but as things picked up the young female watched intently as her pack mates moved in to take down their prey. She tried to take not of what they were all doing so that hopefully the next time she could join in. It was part of being in a pack at least that was what she had grown up to believe.

(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2016, 12:03 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
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Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Kjors and Mojave delivered their target on point -- the herd bellowed over the hill, the ground beneath them shaking because of it, stirring a prickle of anticipation course through the tawny woman. The other party leapt forward and Kisla was pleased to see how swift her son ahd become. They weaved through the herd, seeking the weak. The injured one had been found, and veering toward him, the wolves began to sync their forms, moving as one to take down a meal that would feed the pack for days.

Orren snapped at it -- causing the creature to balk. She came upon the beast's other side, her own jaws snapping to gouge at it -- anything to slow it down and injure it further. Snarls and the scent of fresh blood had taken the group over, and it was Karpos' impressive grip upon the nape, close to the shoulder that would bring the creature fully to its knees. Evading a hoof kick, Kisla moved with her pack mates as they each moved forward to initiate a further blow. Her muzzle smeared with blood -- her own savage growls instinctual as she pressed her teeth in to the flesh of their prey.

sparking up my heart

Played by Ace who has 347 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kjors Sørenson

Despite the rather large turnout of River wolves and a vast diversity in skill and experience, the pack fell together upon the animal in unison. It was clear Orren had been learning in leaps and bounds, for he landed an impressive blow upon the limping animal. Karpos was quick to follow suit, followed by their Queen – even as the pair of flushers rushed to join their pack mates, the three adults had the beast felled, bellowing, and as quickly as it had started, it was over. The leader’s bite to the prey’s neck was enough to damage the vertebrae there, and the stumbling there after and lodged just right. Instant brain death. It was possible the animal had died before it hit the ground.

For the best, Kjors thought – no struggle. A clean death, a death the Mother would approve of. The animal would not be wasted, for what the pack did not eat here would be brought back to the pack’s cache to feed them in leaner times.

With a satisfied noise, the one-eyed male joined the others. “Well done,” he congratulated the group. It was followed by a head bob, indicating the pair of alphas should have first choice of the meal they’d won. It was his plan, yes, but the advisor did understand pack etiquette. There was no need to worry, they would all have their fill. It was a victory for Hearthwood River.


@Orren @Mojave @Kisla @Inna -- This has dragged on for some time, so I've faded it out! Make sure to collect all your points for your effort! Thanks everyone! :D
[Image: honeybadgerace.png]