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I won't lie to keep you here — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Kisla nodded, passing over the woman’s sporadic talk as nothing more than nerves. 'Stranger danger indeed,' Kisla mused inwardly, her bright eyes studying the she-wolf before her. Thus far, the she-wolf had been harmless enough.. and had she nay ill intentions, she likely would have taken them out on her daughter already. A terrible thought.. but one that struck a chord with reality.

Nightingale mentioned how bright Inna was, and the River Queen gave a gentle nod. “She is,” she agreed, having always been impressed with the vigor Inna seemed to hold for life. Her children were all drastically different – but she would change nothing about any of them.

Her ears cupped forward at the tawny female’s discussion about seeking a home with Hearthwood River. Had she been so serious about it, why would she not have accompanied Inna back to her home and waited at the borders? “Is that something you want?” Just because Inna had hoped for such a thing did not mean the woman in front of her did. Yet winter was soon upon them.. and it was the prime moment for a lone wolf to seek shelter within the safety of a pack land with caches and others they could rely upon.

But how loyal was she?

sparking up my heart

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Nightingale could only guess by the query that Inna had not expressed the entirety of their interaction to her mother, which was fine. Would probably make her look better, too (not thinking in the same line of thought as Kisla herself, obviously). Nightingale could try her hand at being pragmatic and explaining herself logically... but she had never been good with forcing things. She wasn't a born actress, a woman well-practiced in the arts of lying and the like. She was an open book, exposed to some ill herself (though the extent she wasn't sure). Then and there, no. I didn't think I should jump the gun. It might be the smart thing to do, given Winters approach, but I also don't want to take advantage. I feel like I have to find something. I told your daughter, and its best I'm honest with you, too. I've had some dreams... repetitive in that there is one person in them, not counting the cub, but she thought this was the stuff of nightmares since she had failed the trio (so the Caldera pack said) and so discounted it, also since the cub showed up infrequently. It's all very strange, and I probably sound crazy, but... I'm following this feeling. I don't know that it will get me anywhere but dead, honestly, if I follow it through the Winter alone. Not to mention the fact that it might mean nothing, as so many dreams could. But that she did not say; it caused her heart to ache in her chest, the very imagining that coming here and abandoning the Caldera on this whim was both silly and for nothing.

I don't know what to say, really. I'd like to be in a pack; it's my nature, any of their kinds nature, really. And I promise I am a resourceful wolf. Swift. I think I could make a good Scout, if given the opportunity. Her tail waved. Honestly, maybe these dreams lead me nowhere. I just don't want to... promise anything, in case they do. And since... since you're the person I would pledge my loyalty, I wanted you to know all that. I don't think it'd be fair to not tell you... That her loyalty could, potentially, be limited. There were plenty of factors; Kisla could think nothing would come of her dreams and so believe her loyalty was promised, a permanent guarantee. Hell, Nightingale herself couldn't help but think that way herself, but she held her tongue.

(This post was last modified: Dec 03, 2015, 04:23 PM by Kite.)
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Inna had informed the mother her ‘friend’ might be joining them – and while the tawny she-wolf held no doubt that her daughter believed this to be true, Inna might not have taken it in to consideration that her companion had simply told her this because she had not been able to say ‘no’ to such an innocent and adorable face. Kisla surely had a hard time doing so herself. So as she studied the she-wolf before her, one ear flickered as she took in her words, her lingering doubts about the loyalty of the other lessening.

There was something off about her – the Baranski woman could not deny that. The broach of dreams and this strange feeling she had – it wasn’t necessarily something the honeyed woman put more thought towards other than restlessness to figure out her life. But above all, the she-wolf did not refrain from telling her how she felt, and the mother felt her muzzle bow slightly in acknowledgement toward this.

“We take loyalty very seriously at Hearthwood River,” she began, her tone gentle. “But above all else, we encourage and respect honesty. You seem to still be trying to figure out your life – but if you give us your loyalty, even if only for the winter months, you will be accepted in to our ranks.” She paused then, her bright eyes studying the other. “I have only one condition.”

sparking up my heart

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

The other seemed to listen to her words, but betrayed none of her thoughts on them. She neither accepted or denied them, and that was alright with Nightingale. She believed that the others lack of saying anything on it meant that this was fine and nothing else. And even that was likely because it could not be controlled or helped. Her flank twitched as snow dropped from the tree overhead (thanks to a magpie) that hit that very spot. When the tawny wolf responded, Nightingale felt some growing admiration for the stranger. That she was welcome despite her words... that warmed her heart a great deal. But could she even promise the Winter months? ...Nightingale doubted she'd get out of the packlands when Winter hit; it sounded reasonable.

I can do that, she spoke in reference to the first set, not anticipating the condition. Nightingale shifted her weight and licked her chops, and now she herself said neither yes or no. While the woman doubted she'd have to go off and, say, kill someone she was not a fan of agreeing to things she couldn't abide by. Her own morals never would allow it. What is it? she asked at last, the pause great between them. There was plenty of reservation in her voice, but also a subtle intonation of willingness if the stipulation was, in her mind, acceptable. She was eager to know it, too; it would tell her more of the other, and in turn, herself.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

The cry of the magpies was distracting, though they had silenced somewhat – her eyes never once left the woman before her as she waited for her response. Kisla had always been protective of her pack and home – but none the more fierce now that she had children to think of and her pack had practically been pushed from their home once before. Yet the woman seemed to be of no threat – perhaps a member that would not remain permanently within their ranks.. but certainly not a threat to them.

“You will tell us when you decide to go. There is now worst feeling than losing one of our pack mates because they simply decided it was time to go.. and didn’t feel it important to tell us.” Countless times they had been abandoned – and before, the River King and Queen had always welcomed them back with open arms after their apologies. This would happen no more. Their home was not one with a rotating door – honesty and loyalty would be placed above all.

Tipping her muzzle slightly, the honeyed woman waited for the she-wolf’s final verdict. If even this small request was too much, then it was best to simply part ways now.

sparking up my heart

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

The request was simple. The songbird nodded her head; there was no need to think that over. It made sense, and she wasn't the type to do such a thing without necessity in any case... but Kisla had given her freedom, and another family in one answer, and so Nightingale would repay her in spades. You will know. Nightingale said these words in earnest. A promise made. She would not leave without a word. If ever her quest was completed, they would know it; she would never deny the ones who had given her sanctuary that.

And so at last Nightingale dipped her head, reverent, submissive. Her tail waved behind her in the same fashion, her eyes averted for a moment. This was all to show that Kisla was the woman she acknowledged as her leader; she respected her judgment, and was prepared to get a move on. It was best, she imagined, that she integrate herself with the pack now. Nightingale would follow the woman, beginning now; she looked back to her (not once in the eye) and seemed to radiate with the readiness to move to the Hearthwood. Home, now.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

With Nightingale’s assurance that Kisla took to heart as a promise, the she-wolf lowered herself and the Leader prowled forward. Her slender form slipped past her new companion, brushing her lengthily on the way to place the scent of Hearthwood River upon her – of redwood and fir.

With a nod, the regal began to trot off back in the direction of their new home, eager to leave behind the cries of the magpies. Conversation would be welcomed, though nothing serious was truly spoken. Instead, Kisla focused solely upon informing their new recruit of the happening with the River – the recent break of their ties to another pack, Round Stone Crest, and the fact the wolves were to be met with neutrality.. but not to trust them. She would inform the songbird of Maksim, and his fall from leadership with an energy – and the ever exuberant and loyal Karpos who had taken his place.

As they drew closer to home, the Baranski matriarch would discuss more upon the individual wolves in their home.. and touch note on her children, and how important it was to ready them should their neutrality with the Crest wolves or any of the other packs fall.

It was good to see their ranks rise in number.. if even only with the promise of a temporary stay.

sparking up my heart