He had been deeply surprised and more than disappointed when Sköll approached him, informing him of the trip that he must embark on to find Isolde. Nicolò had practically handed the role over to him and then he took his leave to find someone who was more than likely never returning. If that was how the man was going to treat the sacred position of alpha within an Archer pack, then the dark storyteller would have no problem keeping it away from him. With such the sudden change, he had not acquired the time to talk with his partner, Morganna. He figured they might as well be of further acquaintance now that they were to lead together, until who knew when. The black and grey tinted man took his time in telling his sister, Adele, what he was doing before setting a comfortable distance between them so that he would be able to call for his niece. He cleared his throat promptly and moved his head back slightly to call out a summon for Morganna. His call was not demanding but it was clear that Nico did want an appearance and response in the very least. It was time that the pair cleared up any misunderstanding so that would be able to go into leading the pack without any tensions or hard feelings towards each other. And to also see where they both stood in concerns to Sköll’s decisions. |
WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief |
@Skoll's absence was felt most keenly by his youngest sibling, convinced that just like Asriel, he would find something more appealing out there to keep him from her. Despite his promise that he would do everything in his power to come back to her if they ever found themselves separated, it didn't prevent the sharp stab of anxiety in her throat or the nagging twist in her stomach. She had barely eaten since his departure, busying herself keeping the borders, checking caches, sparring with @Craw and teaching @Sven whatever she thought might be of use to him. There was some small solace in her nephews company, for as long as she had him she would always have a piece of her brother, but he was young, and restless, and also prone to going off on trips of his own.
She never felt this anxiety while she had been scouting. Was this how Skoll felt when she left him behind?
The warm snowshoe hare clutched between her jaws held little appeal to the young leader (although she knew she needed to eat something). She was headed back to the den to try and force the flesh down her throat when her uncle called. It was with a great feeling of relief that she deposited the meal at the mouth of the den, hoping that @Niles or @Ravenna would take care of it for her so she wouldn't have to waste the rest of the morning staring at it, before she turned to head in her uncles direction. Perhaps she should have thought to seek out @Nicolò or @Adele before this... Although she wasn't certain they had ever spent much (if any great length of time) time apart.
A chuff was offered in greeting to her uncle as he came into view, a strained smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Her youngest sisters absence was putting strain on her clearly, was it her fault for allowing Peirus to escape? But all of that paled in comparison to the turmoil her brothers absence left in his wake.
![[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-MV3rXT_BnKc/VDmczFFkL2I/AAAAAAAALwU/FP850kzx-V4/s0/hashtags-skollmorganna02.png)
![[Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/--jY03Xu7SCw/U9NsVjentkI/AAAAAAAAKkE/q3h8xsfvm-k/s0/hashtags-morgannarenier.png)
He had been intending on informing her of how they needed to step up on their plans for the winter and get the pack together. With the multiple shifts in leadership, things were bound to be strained and Willow Ridge could not afford that. His pale yellow eyes sought out his niece, his shocked not easily concealed by them. He was stunned, the Archer's throat drying as he took in her appearance. Obviously, Sköll's absence had shaken her more deeply then he would have thought and then, when he thought about it more, wouldn't he be in the same way, if not worse, if he were in similar circumstances. He thought about being separated from his sister, just the thought sent an unwelcome shiver down his spine. Silently, he curved himself for not checking up on Morganna earlier. He approached her now, his pale eyes taking her in more fully. Nico's voice was a deep rumble, "Morganna...I see now that it should have been in my interests to seek you out sooner." She was in need of nourishment and that was something the pack could easily offer her. Rather or not she would regurgitate was unknown but Nicolò was sure she was unwilling to risk doing so in his presence so he remained silent on the matter for the time being. He continued, "But, I think it's time the pack has some reassurance that the throne of Willow Ridge is in the paws of Archers and that they needn't worry. There have been quite a few....shifts as of late." His eyes traced her facial expression to see how she would react to his words. While he had seen power shifts throughout his time in Torbine never had it been this extreme and it was truly something he did not know how to address. |
WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief |
She heard out his concerns, eyes narrowing slightly at the implications his words could carry. The male ranks had been fluid before Angier had claimed the lead position and she was sure they would be fluid again. For a historian she had to wonder how familiar he was with the history of the Ridge before his own arrival. Power had always sat with the female seat and that was where she had every intention of keeping it, just like @Elettra before her.
"Have I not proven m'self capable Uncle?" she questioned, closing the small distance between them. Her tail arched imposingly over her back as teeth peeked from beneath ebony lips. Willow Ridge is safe with me alone. "Don' get too comfortable. Spring is jus' around the corner an' there will be cubs." Not his, not @Skoll's. It was her turn, and whoever was willing to rise to the challenge.
![[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-MV3rXT_BnKc/VDmczFFkL2I/AAAAAAAALwU/FP850kzx-V4/s0/hashtags-skollmorganna02.png)
![[Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/--jY03Xu7SCw/U9NsVjentkI/AAAAAAAAKkE/q3h8xsfvm-k/s0/hashtags-morgannarenier.png)
While before Nico had not doubted Morganna’s smooth rise to leadership, it was now clear that her stability had clearly been Sköll. With how unhealthy and haggard looking she was, when rising to her full height she looked intimidating. It had pleased him, in a way, to know that the power had resided with the female side, only due to the fact that Elettra Archer had been the one in power. Perhaps now it was time for a change, Morganna clearly did not have a grip on herself. Nicolò met her full on, his pale yellow eyes blazing furiously at her. It was a deep sign of disrespect towards him, as her elder, for her to speak to him in such a way, and his voice was a smooth timbre when he responded. "I’m glad we agree on something, Morganna. There will be cubs." His canine’s flashed in a sickly sweet smile at the lass. His eyes narrowed slightly, watching her movements calculating, "I would be careful of who you challenge, missy. It’s not always going to end up the way you like." Tension within the pack was never something to be prideful of, especially between two alphas. And it was something both female and male leads were generating equally. |
WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief |
Fiery eyes cracked towards her uncle, hackles rising at the implication laced within his tone, her own toothy smile far from reaching her eyes. She was barely restrained and provocation would not go unanswered much longer. Morganna wasn't above whispering in the ear of @Craw and urging him to help her out. No matter how disinterested he seemed surely the opportunity alone would offer temptation. Even @Renier was working his way up the ranks, and she was almost certain if she summoned a pretty pout he could speed things up for her sake, and of course the good of the pack. Besides, @Skoll wouldn't be gone forever.
The female side had been stable since her own ascension, she saw no threat to her own rule. "Jus' a friendly warnin' Uncle. Things 'ave been shaky on your side fer as long as th' Ridge 'as been around." her confidence in her own status shone through. "An' I'll kill any cubs that aren't m' own... Even @Skoll's." she wouldn't make the same mistake her mother had. She wouldn't stretch resources and risk one of her own.
There would not be another Isolde.
![[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-MV3rXT_BnKc/VDmczFFkL2I/AAAAAAAALwU/FP850kzx-V4/s0/hashtags-skollmorganna02.png)
![[Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/--jY03Xu7SCw/U9NsVjentkI/AAAAAAAAKkE/q3h8xsfvm-k/s0/hashtags-morgannarenier.png)
Things were not going smoothly. He had hoped that they would come to some sort of agreement, but it seemed as though it was not to be. She challenged his words and her implications made him grow hot. The thought of his own being slain under his own rule and made him sick to his stomach and his lips pulled back in a silent snarl towards his niece. He would not hesitate to remind her that she should respect him, no matter how shaky the male lead had been in the past. His voice rose in a challenge, "Then perhaps it is time for a change, dear niece. After all, we wouldn’t want the pack to think that have an unstable alphess at the helm, would we?" His words ended in a promising growl. Elettra might have been his sister, but if Nicolò had the opportunity to expand the pure Archer line, then he would do so. And if Morganna got in his way, he would not hesitate to destroy her. No, he wouldn’t kill her, but he would try his damn hardest to eliminate any social connection she had and made sure she rotted. He had no doubts that Adele would back him, no matter what he chose. After what happened with Elettra’s first litter, he doubted she would support Morganna’s claims either, though Nico knew little of El’s daughter’s knowledge of her past. The point was, Morganna would not get away with what she planned if he succeeded in having his own litter. And he would keep the throne. |
WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief |
Clearly she was getting under his skin. As his voice rose so did a single brow, a confident smirk calling his bluff. If that was how he wanted to play it.. she managed to limit her laugh to a derisive snort. They were done here. She would not be threatened.
Turning about to leave, she offered rather bluntly. "Do yer job an' stay outta my way." once she had taken a few steps into the cover of the trees she smiled and muttered under her breath. "I would hate fer yer ter slip on the ice an break a hip." She turned towards the rise. No doubt there were herds to track and hunting grounds to defend.
What a waste of her time this encounter had been.
![[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png]](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-MV3rXT_BnKc/VDmczFFkL2I/AAAAAAAALwU/FP850kzx-V4/s0/hashtags-skollmorganna02.png)
![[Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/--jY03Xu7SCw/U9NsVjentkI/AAAAAAAAKkE/q3h8xsfvm-k/s0/hashtags-morgannarenier.png)
His lips were in a firm line at her final words. Nico didn’t know what she thought he was going to do with his time other than do his job, but her words, none the less, irked him. The dark Archer did not respond to his niece as she retreated, but he watched her form, his pale yellow eyes narrowing at her figure, his jaw clenched. There was no doubt that this would not be the end of the tension between them. In fact, he was sure that this was only the beginning to a long era within Willow Ridge, one where he was going to be quite unsure of his niece’s intentions. Uncharacteristically, he found the need for his sister’s guidance. Soon, he would be sure to seek her out and ask for it. After all, it was her daughter he was dealing with. With a defeated sigh, Nico turned his back from where Morganna had disappeared and made his way along the borders, leaving his scent along them to make sure that everyone knew that he was there. The dark man knew that he was going to need to step up his game, especially with this new variable of tension between the two alphas. It would be one hell of a ride, but he knew that he had one fan that would be there the whole time. |
WesternStock @ DA, KYghost @ DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief |