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Chilled to the bones — The Wildwood 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(For anyone willing to point Dani back towards home, or *Gent himself. I'm not sure how to see to wheather on mobil...so assmuing snow. :) )

Emptiness sunk into the beast's mighty beating heart. There was no pain now, only the hollow inside of a shelled creature. An exhale of air, followed by an inhale of icy tempatures. The pale she-wolf shivered with a bitter frown. It seemed Danica had failed another pup within her life...first her son and then Gent's beloved daughter.

A simple enough mission, yet here she was huddled  by a barren tree. Perhaps the child was like herself at that age, hurting and seeking a new world. One that'd possibly be better. She sighed questioning if it was best to keep searching or not. Winter was far too cold for a child to be alone during. A savage, harsh, season full of hungry monsters. 

Then again, why had the young woman set out with such a task? Sure she knew the pup by scent and name...but had she truly ever casted eyes upon her? Stupidtiy. The name of the game the princess currently ruled. Dani trembled once more from the freezing cold and drew her stiff legs into her warm belly.  "I should get going before the cold eats me alive..."
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
hope you don't mind Greer popping in! :) @Danica

Day trips were growing more frequent—Greer was getting frustrated with his current situation. He desperately wanted to leave Willow Ridge behind him (even if it was only temporary) and venture further into Relic Lore, but something was holding him back. He wasn’t quite sure what it was, but some invisible force was telling him wait, not yet… not yet. Why? He had been so prepared; aside from breaking the news to his mother, he had everything in order. He had already notified Hecate of his TBA departure—not that it mattered, anyway. She was far too infatuated by his older brother to care about twig-like Greer disappearing into the trees.

He snorted at the thought. This was why the shadow prince avoided attachments. Attachments were a gateway to emotions, and Greer wasn’t comfortable getting in touch with his feelings. Nothankyou!

Whenever he left for these excursions he was thankful that he had been blessed with such long legs and a lean physique. It made it much easier for him to cut through the land and return to Willow Ridge before he was missed. The shadow streaked through the forest, his lips stretched into a wide smile as his cherry tongue lolled playfully from the side of his mouth. This was where he was in his element; this was where he belonged. His stoic, statuesque demeanour would fall as he embraced the different scents and sights that accompanied him.

The prince couldn’t wait for the snow to disappear and spring to arrive—with obsidian fur, it was near impossible for him to hide unless he was under the cover of darkness. The only upside to the blanket of snow was that it muted everything, muffling all of their surroundings, making it much more peaceful when he was out and about. However, this peacefulness was cut short as the scent of another was fast approaching. The previous smile that cut against his maw deepened into a frown, darkening his features as he halted his movements. The girl was only a few tail-lengths away from him, huddled in the snow in a feeble attempt to get warm. Blinking in annoyance, Greer knew he couldn’t leave her—despite being void of emotions, it didn’t mean that he was completely heartless. He woofed a greeting, his mercury-coloured gaze narrowed as he remained where he was, lips tight.

(This post was last modified: Jan 28, 2016, 07:45 AM by Greer.)
[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Thanks for joining! :D )

One slender silver ear slipped to the side, the other pointed forward. A side glance was offered, a tingling sensation running down her spine. Dani lifted her lips ever so slightly in defesne, but woof greeted her. Rising up to her full hiehgt the woman approached with cofidence, yet indifference, lack of emotion on her softer face. There was a good distance between them, just short enough to see and size one another up. He was dark, like her son and Titan, causing her to scow inwardly.

A breeze lifted her fur and she mumbled to break an eerie silence, "Danica...searching for another...female, little over six months." She didn't say much at all and gave a weary look to the younger man. "You?" She spoke as if she was uneducated, but cared not. The cold was hurting her paws by this point and she found that to be much unbearable. "I couldn't find her though...do you know the way back to Round Stone Crest? I'm a member there, sister of Gent Lieris, if you've heard of him."  Her voice was monotone, words carefully leaving her mouth in attempt to withhold anything too important.

Dani shifted a little, shivering as she did so, and once more pipped up, "Well, boy? Why'd you come around here? Towards a stranger?" Quite an odd statment to come out of her maw in particular. Many a times she had spoke to new wolves. Hadn't led her astray too much either, but she assumed it had to do with her commonly neautral attitude. However, today, she was a bitter wolf acting older than she was. Danica tucked her sore, aching, scarred up leg to her belly, the wound from her yearling days a reminder of her many mistakes. She looked away from him, in a slightly mysterious way, and glanced off into the distance longingly.

(Gosh, Dani is weird anymore...haha.) 
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall

Once the pale female began speaking Greer wished that he had kept walking. The prince could hardly keep up with the words pouring out of her mouth, tainting the still air between them as the word vomit seemed never-ending. A name—hers?—and something about looking for another… Round Stone Crest… a Gent? The shadow prince had no idea what she was talking about. His lip curled in annoyance as any previous concern was wiped away with each word that fell from her tongue. When she asked about this Gent-guy, who was her brother or something, the boy gave a sharp shake of his head. He had no idea who this wolf was or who the Crest wolves were. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to know.

Before he even had a chance to answer the girl collapsed into another fit of word vomit, her voice tainting the silence he had grown comfortable with. Was she giving him flack for approaching a stranger? He blinked, almost finding the question comical; it seemed the strangers were always the ones approaching him… now he does it once and gets called out for it? Wasn’t that ass-backwards.

He never asked for her life story—even though he had heard it, he still wasn’t interested. The shadow prince had merely offered her a greeting and he was bombarded by her voice. Mulling over what she had said, the boy rolled his shoulders into a shrug as a response, his mercury gaze fixated on the pale female. “No Crest, no Gent,” he answered simply, his voice low as he gave another shrug. “Out. And about.”

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(This is late, my apologies...severely low muse...I honestly did try. I'm sorry.)

Danica sighed and nodded, suddenly finding little use in the young man before her. "Okay," she cooed, turning her head to look around, "Can you tell me where I am?" Her ear flicked, and she sighed in disappointment. She wanted to badly get back home to @Gent 's side where things could be normal. The woman couldn't help but to shiver, lifting a freezing paw from the snow to nibble at the icy bits of fur. She huffed to herself and shifted about before the young man, emeralds blank from emotion, but her face agitated by her situation. She was helpless, lost, and stupid, for the one hundredth or more time.

Danica awaited an answer.
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
No worries <3 I've definitely been feeling the same way

The pale stranger seemed deeply disappointed by his lack of knowledge but it did not bother the slender shadow. He was completely indifferent to the feelings of those he encountered, nor did he care if he was ‘useful’. Disappointment was his middle name; uninterested his second.

However, the next question that came from the talkative loner was one that he actually could answer. As much as he wanted to shrug his shoulders and walk away, he figured he might as well toss her some kind of bone, especially since he had been a colossal waste of time. “Wildwood,” he answered simply with a flick of his tail, his mercury gaze fixated on the pale female as she shivered. “Where Crest near?” He asked even though he didn’t really care. She was lost and cold — if the shadow had feelings, he would most certainly feel pity for the pale loner. Which was why he was being a little more helpful than normal. 

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Thanks :) Sorry if this is uber short, phone post, so to me it looks huge.)

As she waited the woman looked around with watchful eyes. Observing not only the glistening surroundings, but also any sudden movements from the boy. He may still prove of use, information or not, if he was willing to help her find shelter.

Wildwood? A blank expression was offered as she pondered the unfamiliar name. Then she looked to the looming trees in question. The she wolf hadn't a clue to where she was or where home rested. Her paws longed for the rocky slopes to be once more beneath her paws. To see the beautiful landscape from her cozy den and dream of sharing it with Titan and Daniel. She sighed and looked back to the boy forcing a smile, "Thank you...have you ever heard of Heartleaf creek? Or the Secret Woodlands pack? Grizzly Hollow? I belong around there." She spoke both softly and gently, her words a slow roll off her tongue. She did not rush and found herself feeling dull. Like a helpless stone weathered away by a stream of water. Able to watch, listen, but not react or escape without aide.

Quite a helpless creature she had become, indeed. Nina was probably severely disappointed in her wondering, lost, daughter. Perhaps worried. If it was Daniel in question Dani would be severely troubled by the careless behavior displayed. A thoughtful glance was then returned to the boy, "May I know your name?"
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
No worries! @Danica <3

The names the girl listed sounded familiar, but Greer was uncertain of how familiar he was with them. Greer was keen on exploring the territories that bordered the Ridge, but he seldom bothered to learn their names (along with those he encountered). However, the pack names the pale stranger gave did ignite a flame in his memory. He knew where both of them were, but the willow wolves had very different feelings about each pack. Fortunately for the loner she was not far from what she was looking for — perhaps another hour or two west and she would stumble upon the packs. “Go west — all west.” He nodded softly to confirm his words, his mercury gaze fixated on the older female. It dumbfounded him how she was unfamiliar with where he was when she had lived so close, but he did not speak on it. Greer knew when to open his mouth and when to keep it shut — some things were not worth mentioning.

“Greer,” he introduced with a flick of his tail, his lips tight over his teeth as he allowed the silence to engulf him once more. Due to his speaking patterns he typically gave away his name without realizing it in most conversations, which was why he was never impartial to giving it out. It was learning the names of others that he wasn’t fond of. Very rarely did the shadow want to pursue the same wolf more than once, which was why he never asked for names. If they gave their name to him that was a different story; but he never sought them out. He was much better with faces.

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Sorry this thread had been awkward, perhaps if they meet again someday it won't be. Lol )

Danica perked up when he spoke, west, home was west. It sounded so easy now and she could feel a new excitement rush through her with a sudden heat. However she staid relatively clam on the outside, sotic almost, if it hadn't been for the slight upturn of her leathery lips. She wagged her tail in thanks to the young boy, at least he knew his way about. Perhaps Danica should travel more, and when she did get lost or decided to wonder, pay more attention to the location.

His name was given and she nodded, "Thank you @Greer , If you're ever around my neck of the woods and need help...Well, I'd consider it fair if I lent a paw." She smiled wagging her tail. Danica looked towards the distance excitedly but staid a moment longer to politely say farewell to the lad and lick his cheek in appreciation. He could find her weird if he wanted, but hope now gave her new reason to move. She missed her boy. She missed her blood family. She missed her other family, and there was one she could and would get back....surely @Gent would be waiting for her...but the child...how disappointed would he be? The innocent girl was still alone in the big wide world for all they knew...perhaps even death had taken her.

Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
@Danica no worries! awkward threads are Greer's thing ;) <3 archived this!

While he wasn’t always fond of helping others, the shadow was glad that things were looking up for the pale loner. She seemed pleased by his answer, although her excitement was muted by her calm exterior; the only thing that gave her away was the glisten in her eyes and the ghost of a smile hovering over her lips. Luckily for Danica the shadow was a seasoned traveller and knew these lands like the back of his paw. He had explored most of the eastern lands in his short life and now he was itching to discover what was on the other side of the mountain — as well as the northern territories.

Everything, he wanted to see everything.

Her voice pulled him away from his thoughts as she thanked him, her smile causing his tail to wag softly behind him. He was a little perplexed by her gesture but did not think anything of it; as she pulled away, he dipped his head in response before taking a few steps back, his mercury gaze soft as he studied her pale figure. “Good luck,” he murmured softly before he turned away, disappearing into the trees as he headed south, hoping to enjoy some solitude before returning home to the willows.


[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]