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All the tea in China — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
The brute knew how Morganna felt about her brother - or at least he thought he had a handle on their relationship - and the risk associated with speaking against the male. He wouldn't have minded the ear or muzzle grab should she have felt inclined to it, but found himself surprised when she acknowledged his words with relative acceptance. Even if she took him speaking poorly of Skoll this time, Wraith didn't take it as an open invitation to continue saying more. He'd said plenty as it was.

When she spoke openly of chasing packmates out of pack territory, Wraith bowed his head regally and smiled. "As you wish, my lady." Trusting in her leadership, Wraith knew she wouldn't chase - or have him chase - undeserving members out. He wondered if her Uncle would be the first order. They would need help. The male knew his strength, but Nicolo was an Alpha and likely had followers of his own among the ranks.

"Perhaps we should rally others in support," he suggested gently. It wasn't his place to offer such advice. He'd proven before his own leadership skills were questionable at best. At least to himself. But it didn't seem wise to believe the pair of them would be enough to bring order back into Willow Ridge. @Craw would help. Wraith didn't have a doubt. And if his friend had any misgivings, the black wolf felt certain he could sway him. As for others...that would be up to Morganna. But regardless, he would have her back. No matter the cost.
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
@Wraith happy to archive here if you want or we can go another round (or few). Either way works for me :)

When he spoke of rallying others in support she smiled sharply. "If @Skoll gets 'is way Nicolo won' be an issue fer anyone ever again." but he had a habit of taking his time and she had no intention of waiting for her brother to move. "@Adele will be his firmest supporter, I'd rather keep @Elettra an' Angier outta it. @Enoki is an unknown..." this time last year she had taken her leave and Morganna couldn't be certain she wouldn't do the same this year. "I think @Renier will back me, but I still have ter talk ter @Craw an' (@Isuni)Capable. @Hecate will throw 'er lot with Skoll the way he was talkin' but if she wants pups she'll have ter challenge me so I won' bank on her." that left @Greer and @Hestia, a wolf that had been all but absent since she first met the girl at the borders. While she liked to think her brother would value their closer familial bond, the boy had been drifting further and further away by the day and she wasn't sure he planned on staying.

She let out a deep sigh. It felt wrong to be going about it this way, but he had forced her paw. All signs pointed to a bloody spring in Willow Ridge.
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]